CPSC 313 Lab 1: Count words in files solution


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You will create a single python code file named “count_words.py” that takes a list of files as
input, and count all the words in the list of files, printing out the list of words with their
You should have the following constants & functions:
# stop words are words that don’t count – conjunctions, extensions, prepositions, etc. Use
this list to check each word you find, and if it’s in this list you ignore it.
[‘a’, ‘an’, ‘and’, ‘are’, ‘as’, ‘be’, ‘by’, ‘for’, ‘if’, ‘in’, ‘is’, ‘it’, ‘of’, ‘or’, ‘py’, ‘rst’, ‘that’, ‘the’, ‘to’, ‘wit
def count_words(file_name): # take a file and output the word list with the counts for that
file as a tuple (or list). This may look like: [[‘foo’, 22], [‘bar’, 13], …]
def main(): # main function: get the files from input (or *args). Iterate through the files
counting words in each file, then combine results from each
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
• You should have a test file that tests both your count_words function and your main
• I suggest you use pytest as your test framework, though any python test framework
is fine. Look up pytest to see how to use it, though it’s simple.
o Install pytest – in your terminal within vscode or in a powershell window:
▪ >> pip install pytest
o Make sure in your test file each function (or class) you use has “test” in the
name. As a convention, I tend to start each function with “test”. So if I’m
testing my word_count function, I’d have a “test_word_count” function in my
test file.
o To run the tests, just use the command “pytest” in your powershell or
• You must log relevant information from your working code into a log file:
o Use the Python “logging” library. To see how to use that library, search for
• You must compute the total time it takes to count all the words in all the files, and
output that clearly to the log file.
• You must follow the style guide (document is in Teams) with the following
o naming: Single letter variable or function names are NOT allowed.
▪ All names must be meaningful and descriptive. Instead of “for x in
list:” you may use “for loop_control in list” or something more
o You may use tabs instead of spaces, and your indentation is encouraged to be
tab or 4 spaces instead of 2 spaces.
• You can find test files by searching for “random word test file”
• For this assignment you are not required to test large files, but for the next iteration
of this assignment you will. If you want to get a jump on that, you may want to write
code to generate a large text file. Some hints:
o Take the words you find in the smaller test files, and make that the word
corpus by reading them all into a list of source words.
o Take a random word by generating a random index into the list
o Write that word to a new file and continue until you reach the size you want
• Your python file (count_words.py)
• Your test file (test_CW.py)
• A log file that shows the output of your test run and any log statements from the