ITI1120 Assignment 3 solution


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1 Part 1: increasing-splits tester – 40 points
To clarify Part 1 specifications, I have provided sample tests in Section 3. The behaviour implied by the sample tests
should be considered as required specifications in addition to what is explained below.
Description: Some positive integers N can be split into smaller pieces, such that the pieces are comprised of consecutive
digits of N and such that each piece contains the same number of digits. Given an integer N and given a number of digits
d, one can then ask if N can be split into pieces such that each pieces has d digits and such that the resulting sequence
of numbers is strictly increasing.
– For N = 154152 and d = 2, the answer is yes, since d = 2 implies the following sequence 15, 41, 52 which is increasing.
– For N = 154152 and d = 3, the answer is no, since d = 2 implies the following sequence 154, 152 which is not increasing.
– For N = 154152 and d = 5, the answer is no, since 154152 cannot be split into five-digit pieces.
– For N = 137 and d = 1, the answer is yes, since since d = 1 implies the following sequence 1, 3, 7 which is increasing.
– For N = 137 and d = 2, the answer is no, since 137 cannot be split into two-digit pieces.
– For N = 113 and d = 1, the answer is no, since since d = 1 implies the following sequence 1, 1, 3 which is not increasing.
– For N = 113 and d = 3, the answer is yes, since d = 3 implies the following sequence 113 which is increasing.
Design, implement and test a Python program which checks to see if a user-supplied positive integer N and a userspecified split d, are such that N can be split into pieces with d digits such that the resulting sequence is strictly increasing.
Here are the steps that your program should have: (Note that since no collection other than strings is allowed you will be
working with N and d as strings)
0. The program greets the user.
1. The program asks the user if they want to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size.
2. The program prompts the user to enter a positive integer. If the user enters an invalid input (anything other than
a positive integer), the program will repeat the questions starting with step 1.
3. The program prompts the user to enter the number of digits in each piece. The program will verify that the input
is valid (a positive integer which is a proper divisor of the number of digits in the first input); If the input is invalid, the
program will repeat the questions starting with step 1.
4. Once the valid input is obtained, the program splits the number into pieces of specified length and displays/prints
those pieces in one line (separated by commas).
5. Finally, the program reports whether or not the obtained sequence of numbers is in strictly increasing order. If
there is only one piece, it is defined to be in strictly increasing order.
For this part, I provided you with starter code in file called Begin by replacing xxxxxx in the file
name with your student number. Then open the file. Your solution (code) for this part must go into that file in the clearly
indicated spaces only. You are not allowed to delete or comment-out or change any parts of the provided code except for
the keyword pass.
For this part you need to submit two files: and a3_part1_xxxxxx.txt needs to contain your program for Part 1 as explained above and a3_part1_xxxxxx.txt needs
to contain the proof that you tested your two core function from this part, namely split_tester.
1.1 The Core Function
Your solution in must have a function called: split_tester. You should design and test function
split_tester before moving onto designing and coding the main part of the program. Here are specifications for that
split_tester This function has two parameters, a string N and a string d. These two strings can be assume to be such
that each looks like a positive integer and such that the number of digits in N is divisible by the integer represented
by d.
Since N and d are assumed to be valid i.e. meet the preconditions, they define a sequence of numbers (as specified
in the examples above). The function should print that sequence of numbers in such a way that the consecutive
numbers are separated by commas as shown in the test cases. Note that there cannot be a comma after the last
number in the sequence.
The function should then return True if the sequences is strictly increasing and False otherwise. (Reporting, i.e.
printing, whether or not the obtained sequence of numbers is strictly increasing has to be done in the main and not
in the body of the split_tester function).
Here are two approaches that may help you design this function:
You may find it easier to process the number N, which is given as a string, when you split it into pieces.
One approach:
start with an empty string to hold the substring, i.e. the split
as you loop through the whole number one digit at a time
append digits to the substring
if the substring reaches the desired length
do something with the substring
reset the substring to empty to collect the next substring
reset the substring length count to zero
Another approach:
figure out how many substrings you want
loop that number of times
use slices to create the substrings
Other suggestions:
-You can use the isdigit() string method to determine if a string contains only digits. Type help(str.isdigit)
in the Python shell for more information.
– You can use the len() function to determine the length of a string i.e. the number of digits in N.
– If you find getting the commas right in the output tricky (because only commas between numbers are allowed),
leave that until everything else is working correctly.
1.2 The User Interaction i.e. the main part of the program
Now that you have the function that performs the core functionality, you want to code the communication with the user
in the main. It is also in the main that you should print the message about whether the sequence is increasing or not.
Advice: Leave error checking of the input for last. Begin by building your function first, and then the main assuming
perfect input. Make sure though to leave enough time at the end to get the input checking details right.
The specifications on how your program needs to behave when communicating with the user should be inferred from
the test examples. You will notice that the program is required to display greetings surrounded with stars. One of your
functions from Assignment 1, may be helpful for that. You can copy paste that function from your Assignment 1 solution
(or mine) to your solution in
2 Part 2: A Library of Functions
For this part of the assignment, you are required to write and test several functions (as you did in Assignment 1). You
need to save all functions in where you replace xxxxxx by your student number. You need to test
your functions (like you did in Assignment 1) and copy/paste your tests in a3_part2_xxxxxx.txt. Thus, for this part
you need to submit two files: and a3_part2_xxxxxx.txt
2.1 sum_odd_divisors(n) – 5 points
Write a function called sum_odd_divisors that takes a integer n as input. If n is zero, sum_odd_divisors returns None.
Else, sum_odd_divisors returns the sum of all the postive odd divisors of n.
>>> sum_odd_divisors(-9)
>>> sum_odd_divisors(1)
>>> sum_odd_divisors(2)
>>> sum_odd_divisors(3)
>>> sum_odd_divisors(7)
>>> sum_odd_divisors(-2001)
2.2 series_sum() – 5 points
Write a function called series_sum() that prompts the user for an non-negative integer n. If the user enters a negative
integer the function should return None otherwise the function should return the sum of the following series 1000 + 1/1
2 +
2 + 1/3
2 + 1/4
2 + … + 1/n2
for the given integer n. For example, for n = 0, the function should return 1000, for n = 1,
the function should return 1001, for n = 2, the function should return 1001.25, for n = 3, the function should return
1001.3611111111111, etc.
>>> series_sum()
Please enter a non-negative integer: -10
>>> series_sum()
Please enter a non-negative integer: 0
>>> series_sum()
Please enter a non-negative integer: 5
2.3 pell(n) – 5 points
Pell numbers are a mathematical sequence of numbers that help approximate the value of √
2 (check out the Wikipedia
page on Pell Numbers: The sequence is defined recursively as shown in eq. 1.
Pn =

0 if n = 0
1 if n = 1
2Pn−1 + Pn−2 if n > 1
Write a function called pell that takes one integer parameter n, of type int. If n is negative, pell returns None. Else,
pell returns the nth Pell number (i.e. Pn).
>>> pell(0)
>>> pell(1)
>>> pell(2)
>>> pell(3)
>>> pell(-45)
>>> pell(6)
>>> pell(1743)
2.4 countMembers(s) – 5 points
In this question you are not allowed to use any of the Python’s string methods (i.e. those string functions that you call
with dot operator).
Say a character is extraordinary if it is one of the following: the lower case letter between e and j (inclusive), the upper
case letters between F and X (inclusive), numerals between 2 and 6 (inclusive), and the exclamation point (!), comma (,),
and backslash (\)
You are required to count how many times these characters appear in a string.
Write a function called countMembers that takes a single input parameter s, of type str. countMembers then returns
the number of characters in s, that are extraordinary. Therefore, if there are two Xs in s, countMembers must count two
extraordinary characters (one for each occurrence of X in s).
>>> countMembers(“\\”)
>>> countMembers(“2\'”)
>>> countMembers(“1\'”)
>>> countMembers(“2aAb3?eE’_13”)
>>> countMembers(“one, Two”)
2.5 casual_number(s) – 5 points
Imagine a customer in a bank is asked to enter a whole number representing their approximate monetary worth. In that
case, some people use commas to separate thousands, millions etc, and some don’t. In order to perform a some calculations
the bank needs that number as na integer. Write a function, called casual_number(s) that has one parameter, s, as
input where s is a string. Function casual_number(s) should return an integer representing a number in s. If s does not
look like a number the function should return None. Note that if a string in s looks like a number but with commas, you
may assume that commas are in meaningful places i.e. you may assume that s will not be a string like ’1, 1, 345’.
>>> casual_number(“251”)
>>> casual_number(“1,aba,251”)
>>> casual_number(“1,251”)
>>> casual_number(“-97,251”)
>>> casual_number(“-97251”)
>>> casual_number(“-,,,,”)
>>> casual_number(“–97,251”)
>>> casual_number(“-“)
>>> casual_number(“-1,000,001”)
>>> casual_number(“999,999,999,876”)
>>> casual_number(“-2”)
2.6 alienNumbers(s) – 5 points
Strange communication has been intercepted between two alien species at war. NASAs top linguists have determined
that these aliens use a weird numbering system. They have symbols for various numeric values, and they just add all the
values for the symbols in a given numeral to calculate the number. NASA’s linguists have given you the following table of
symbols and their numeric values. Since they have a lot of these numbers to compute, they want you to write a function
that they can use to automate this task.
Symbol Value
T 1024
y 598
! 121
a 42
N 6
U 1
Thus a!ya!U!NaU represents a value of 1095 (see table below for an explanation).
Numeral Value Occurrences Total Value Running Total
T 1024 0 0 × 1024 = 0 0
y 598 1 1 × 598 = 598 598
! 121 3 3 × 121 = 363 961
a 42 3 3 × 42 = 126 1087
N 6 1 1 × 6 = 6 1093
U 1 2 2 × 1 = 2 1095
Write a function called alienNumbers that takes one string parameter s, and returns the integer value represented by
s. Since aliens only know these characters you may assume that no character in s outside of this set: {T,y, !,a, N, U}.
Callenge: try to make the whole body of this function only one line long.
>>> alienNumbers(“a!ya!U!NaU”)
>>> alienNumbers(“aaaUUU”)
>>> alienNumbers(“”)
2.7 alienNumbersAgain(s) – 5 points
NASA is very pleased with your proof-of-concept solution in the previous question. Now, they’ve designed a small chip
that runs a very restricted version of python – it doesn’t have any of the string methods that you are used to. They
want you to now rewrite your alienNumbers function to run without using any of those string methods you may have
otherwise used. Basically, you can use a loop of some sort and any branching you’d like, but none of the string methods.
Use accumulator variable as we have seen in class.’
Write a function called alienNumbersAgain, that takes a single string parameter s, and returns the numeric value of
the number that s represents in the alien numbering system.
>>> alienNumbersAgain(“a!ya!U!NaU”)
>>> alienNumbersAgain(“aaaUUU”)
>>> alienNumbersAgain(“”)
The last three questions may be a more challenging to solve especially the last one.
2.8 encrypt(s) – 5 points
Hint: Think of how slicing and reversing of strings can help with this problem. (We saw how to do slicing and reversing
in several lectures including Lecture 8)
You want to send a note to your friend in class, and because you want to be respectful in class, you don’t want to
whip out your phone and send a text or an email (or any other digital communication). Instead, you choose to go old
school and write it out on a piece of paper and pass it along to your friend. The problem is, you don’t want anyone
else to read the note as they pass it along. Luckily, your friend and you have come up with an encryption system so
that nobody else can understand your message. Here’s how it works: you write out your message backwards (so, Hello,
world becomes dlrow ,olleH). But you don’t stop there, because that’s too easy to crack – anyone can figure that out!
Now that you’ve written in backwards, Then you start on either side of the string and bring the characters together. So
the first and the last characters become the first and the second character in the encrypted string, and the second and
the second last characters become the third and the fourth characters in the string, and so on. Thus, Hello, world
ultimately becomes dHlerlolwo , (notice how all punctuation, special characters, spaces, etc are all treated the same)
and 0123456789 becomes 9081726354.
Write a function called encrypt, that has one parameter s where s is a string and encrypt returns a string which is
the encrypted version of s.
Fun fact in cryptography, s is called “clear text” and the encrypted version you return is called “cipher text”
>>> encrypt(“Hello, world”)
‘dHlerlolwo ,’
>>>> encrypt(“1234”)
>>> encrypt(“12345”)
>>> encrypt(“1”)
>>> encrypt(“123”)
>>> encrypt(“12”)
>>> encrypt(“Secret Message”)
‘eSgeacsrseetM ‘
>>> encrypt(“,’4’r”)
2.9 oPify(s) – 5 points
Hint: Depending on how you plan to solve this problem, accumulator variable initialized as an empty string may help in
this question.
Write a function called oPify, that takes a single string parameter (s) and returns a string. This function considers
every pair of consecutive characters in s. It returns a string with the letters o and p inserted between every pair of
consecutive characters of s, as follows. If the first character in the pair is uppercase, it inserts an uppercase O. If however,
it is lowercase, it inserts the lowercase o. If the second character is uppercase, it inserts an uppercase P. If however, it
is lowercase, it inserts the lowercase p. If at least one of the character is not a letter in the alphabet, it does not insert
anything between that pair. Finally, if s has one or less characters, the function returns the same string as s.
Do dir(str) and check out methods isalpha (by typing help(str.isalpha) in Python shell), and isupper
>>> oPify(“aa”)
>>> oPify(“aB”)
>>> oPify(“ooo”)
>>> oPify(“ax1”)
>>> oPify(“abcdef22”)
>>> oPify(“abcdef22x”)
>>> oPify(“aBCdef22x”)
>>> oPify(“x”)
>>> oPify(“123456”)
2.10 nonrepetitive(s) – 5 points
This may be quite a challenging question to solve. Slicing and remembering that you can ask if two strings (s1==s2) are
the same are key to a short solution to this problem.
A nonrepetitive word is a word that does not contain any subword twice in a row. Examples:
ana is nonrepetitive.
borborygmus is not nonrepetitive, since it has subword, bor twice in a row.
abracadabra is nonrepetitive.
repetitive is not nonrepetitive since subword ti is repeated twice in a row.
grammar is not nonrepetitive since subword m is repeated twice in a row.
gaga is not s nonrepetitive since subword ga is repeated twice in a row.
rambunctious is nonrepetitive.
abcab is nonrepetitive.
abacaba is nonrepetitive.
zrtzghtghtghtq is not nonrepetitive since subword ght is repeated twice (in fact three times, but it is enough to find two
repetitions to conclude that the word is not nonrepetitive).
aa is not nonrepetitive since subword a is repeated twice.
zatabracabrac is not nonrepetitive since subword abrac is repeated twice in a row.
Write a function, called nonrepetitive, that has one parameter, s, where s is a string. The function returns True if
s is nonrepetitive and False otherwise.
>>> nonrepetitive(“”)
>>> nonrepetitive(“a”)
>>> nonrepetitive(“zrtzghtghtghtq”)
>>> nonrepetitive(“abcab”)
>>> nonrepetitive(“12341341”)
>>> nonrepetitive(“44”)
3 Testing your code in Part 1
Here is how you should test your two functions from Part 1 in Python shell.
>>> split_tester(“12311234″,”2”)
12, 31, 12, 34
>>> split_tester(“12311234″,”4”)
1231, 1234
>>> split_tester(“0012311234″,”2”)
00, 12, 31, 12, 34
>>> split_tester(“0012311234″,”5”)
00123, 11234
>>> split_tester(“1″,”1”)
>>> split_tester(“1″,”1”)
>>> split_tester(“734″,”1”)
7, 3, 4
>>> split_tester(“734″,”3”)
Here is what pressing Run on your program (Part 1) and should give:
* *
* __Welcome to my increasing-splits tester__ *
* *
What is your name? Doctor Avrana Kern
* *
* __Doctor Avrana Kern, welcome to my increasing-splits tester.__ *
* *
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? sure
Please enter yes or no. Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? sure
Please enter yes or no. Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? yEs
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: 123156
Input the split. The split has to divide the length of 123156 i.e. 6
4 does not divide 6. Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? YES
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: 123156
Input the split. The split has to divide the length of 123156 i.e. 6
123, 156
The sequence is increasing
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? yes
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: 3.4
The input can only contain digits. Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? yes
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: -44
The input has to be a positive integer.Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? yes
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: 3331
Input the split. The split has to divide the length of 3331 i.e. 4
33, 31
The sequence is not increasing
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? yes
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: twenty
The input can only contain digits. Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? yeS
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: 4321
Input the split. The split has to divide the length of 4321 i.e. 4
4, 3, 2, 1
The sequence is not increasing
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? yes
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: 4321
Input the split. The split has to divide the length of 4321 i.e. 4
The sequence is increasing
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? yes
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: -2.5
The input can only contain digits. Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? 0
Please enter yes or no. Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? YES
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: 0
The input has to be a positive integer.Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? yes
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: 77
Input the split. The split has to divide the length of 77 i.e. 2
The sequence is increasing
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? 345
Please enter yes or no. Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? yes
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: 345
Input the split. The split has to divide the length of 345 i.e. 3
4 does not divide 3. Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? 345
Please enter yes or no. Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? yes
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: 345
Input the split. The split has to divide the length of 345 i.e. 3
10 does not divide 3. Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? yes
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: 213411800
Input the split. The split has to divide the length of 213411800 i.e. 9
5 does not divide 9. Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? yes
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: 213411800
Input the split. The split has to divide the length of 213411800 i.e. 9
213, 411, 800
The sequence is increasing
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? yes
Good choice!
Enter a positive integer: 001230
Input the split. The split has to divide the length of 001230 i.e. 6
001, 230
The sequence is increasing
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? uf
Please enter yes or no. Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? …NO
Please enter yes or no. Try again.
Doctor Avrana Kern, would you like to test if a number admits an increasing-split of give size? NO
* *
* __Doctor Avrana Kern, welcome to my increasing-splits tester.__ *
* *