ITI 1121. Introduction to Computing II Assignment 4 solution


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A4Q1 Implement the method isComprisedBetween(E v1, E v2) for the elements of a singly linked list myList. The method returns the reference to a new singly linked list. The elements of the new linked list have a value between v1 and v2, inclusively (value>=v1 and value<=v2). The class of the singly linked list implements the interface Comparable. Use the method compareTo (no need to impletement it) to compare the elements. The call a.compareTo(b) returns: – a negative integer if the value of a is less than b. – zero if a and b are equal. – a positive integer if the value of a is greater than b. For this to work, you need to first reorder the list, myList. So the method isComprisedBetween must first call the method orderList() that will return a new list which is the sorted version of myList in ascending order. You cannot use another structure to complete this question (such as arrays or other), you need to use the LinkedList structure only. Implement the method orderList() which returns a new sorted LinkedList. myList will remain unchanged. Example: given the linked list, myList, containing the values 7, 5, 3, 9, 1, 4, 2, 6, 8, a call to: myList.isComprisedBetween(5,7) returns the linked list of values 5,6,7. myList is unchanged at the end of the execution. – The methods names have to be exactly as in the template given, do not change them. – The result list should be in ascending order. You do not sort it, you just add the elements in order. – You are not allowed to use the methods addFirst or addLast or removeFirst or removeLast or any other such methods to modify the lists. You need to add/remove elements directly within either isComprisedBetween(E v1, E v2) or orderList(), by accessing any needed elements using the operator .next. (addLast etc can only be used to develop tests within Develop multiple tests within the java file to test your program. Include different cases, at least include tests for empty list, list of one element, list of multiple elements, testing with elements v1 and v2 that don’t exist in the list, testing with an already ordered list. Test example: testCase1: result for myList.isComprisedBetween(2,3) initial list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] new list: [2, 3] initial list unchanged: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ITI 1121. Introduction to Computing II A4Q2 In this question you will use doubly linked lists. Implement the method void addSpecific(E beforeMe, DoublyLinkedList someList). When this method is called for a list myList: – it adds the last element of someList before the last occurrence of beforeMe in myList. – and that element that was added to myList is removed from someList. You cannot use another structure to complete this question (such as arrays or other), you need to use the DoublyLinkedList structure only. If beforeMe element is not found in myList, print a message “specific element not found”, myList and someList remain unchanged. – The methods names have to be exactly as in the template given, do not change them. – You cannot add any instance variables. The only instance variables are head and size. – You are not allowed to use the methods addFirst or addLast or removeFirst or removeLast or any other such methods to modify the lists. You need to add/remove elements directly within the addSpecific method. (addLast etc. can only be used to develop tests within Develop multiple tests within the java file to test your program. Include different cases. At least include tests for empty list, testing when beforeMe doesn’t exist in myList, testing one occurrence of beforeMe in myList, and multiple occurences of beforeMe in myList. Example: Suppose the lists contain the following values: – myList has the values [”ITI1121” ,“Hello”,”ITI1121”,”Summer”], – and the list someList has the values[“Hi”,”AddMe”]. The call: myList.addSpecific (”ITI1121”, someList] will change the lists as follows: ➔ myList has the values [”ITI1121” ,“Hello”, ”AddMe”,”ITI1121”,”Summer”] ➔ and someList has the remaining value(s) [“Hi”].