Question 1
Implement a Java method called talk.
This method takes as first parameter an array of sentences of type string, and as second parameter the
number n of sentences in the array.
The method returns an array of two elements of type int.
– The first element is the length of the longest sentence
– The second element is the number of times sentences of this length are repeated in the array.
In the main program, first prompt the user to enter the number n of sentences, then prompt the user to
enter n sentences separated by commas. Call the method talk and display the result returned by the
method in the way shown in the examples below.
Make sure your program’s output conforms to the examples below.
Examples (several executions):
Please enter the number of sentences : 3
Please enter an array of 3 sentences separated by commas :
Hello,How are you,I am good
The length of the longest sentence is : 11
Sentences of this length are repeated : 1 time(s)
Please enter the number of sentences : 1
Please enter an array of 1 sentences separated by commas :
The length of the longest sentence is : 9
Sentences of this length are repeated : 1 time(s)
Please enter the number of sentences : 7
Please enter an array of 7 sentences separated by commas :
cat a,rat b,flat,ah,key one,down up,cat b
The length of the longest sentence is : 7
Sentences of this length are repeated : 2 time(s)
Question 2
Implement a Java method called myCalc, which takes an array of n elements of type int as first
parameter, and the number n of type int as second parameter. This method returns a value R of type
int. The returned value R is equal to the number of positive elements (> 0) minus the number of
negative elements (< 0) found in the array of n elements. Elements of value zero (= 0) do not affect the
value of R.
In the main program, ask the user to enter the array of elements separated by commas.
For this question and all the following questions, you cannot ask the user the number of elements
that are in the array. You have to find that number n within the program you write.
Then, call the method above and pass the array of int, and the number n, as parameters. Finally, display
the result which is the return value R of the method.
You can assume that the user will respect the input that you asked for. Which means the values
entered will be numbers (int) separated by commas. Assume that no other character will be entered,
and no commas at the beginning or at the end, only between each two numbers.
Your program output has to respect the output shown in these examples exactly.
Examples (several executions):
Please enter an array of values separated by commas :
The number of positive elements minus the number of negative
elements is: -1
Please enter an array of values separated by commas :
The number of positive elements minus the number of negative
elements is: 5
Please enter an array of values separated by commas :
The number of positive elements minus the number of negative
elements is: -3
Question 3
You need to manage a store. You initially have two arrays:
– The first is array1: contains the names of items in the store, it has elements of type string.
– The second is array2: contains the quantities of these items, it has elements of type int.
You want to build an array of elements of type Item, where Item is a class containing both the names
of items and quantities of the items in this store. The instance variables of this class Item are:
1- name: which are the names of items from array1.
2- quantity: which are the respective quantities from array2.
The arrays array1 and array2 are not necessarily of the same length.
If array1 is longer, the item quantity will be zero (= 0) for the rest of item names of array1.
If array2 is longer, the item will contain articles of name “unknown”, and quantities from array2.
In the main program, ask the user to enter the elements of array1 and array2, separated by commas.
Construct an array of type Item, and display the result as in the examples.
– The class Item is provided, do not modify it. Use it as it is to construct your array of Items.
– The method display provided in class Item, should be used and is the only one allowed to use to
print the array of Items.
Make sure the output of your program is as shown in the examples below.
Please enter the items names separated by commas :
shirt, t- shirt, pants, dress, socks, shoes
Please enter the items quantities separated by commas:
the store items are:
shirt : 20 – t- shirt : 15 – pants : 25 – dress : 30 – socks :
10 – shoes : 27 –
Please enter the items names separated by commas :
shirt, t- shirt, pants, dress, socks, shoes
Please enter the items quantities separated by commas:
the store items are:
shirt : 20 – t- shirt : 15 – pants : 25 – dress : 30 – socks :
0 – shoes : 0 –
Please enter the items names separated by commas :
shirt, t-shirt
Please enter the items quantities separated by commas:
the store items are:
shirt : 20 – t-shirt : 15 – unknown : 25 – unknown : 30 – unknown
: 10 –
Question 4
A player qualifies for a bonus program if he has more than 20 goals or more than 25 assists, or gets
less than 25 penalties during the season. Players who qualify for the program according to these rules
are separated into three groups:
– Group 1. Players who have been a member of the team for 5 years or more and who have participated
in more than 55 matches during the regular season.
– Group 2. Players who have been a member of the team for 5 years or more and who have participated
in 55 matches or less during the regular season.
– Group3. Players who have been a member of the team for less than 5 years, regardless of the number
of matches played during the regular season.
According to these groups, players get a bonus in this way:
– Group 1 players: get a full bonus.
– Group 2 players: get a partial bonus.
– Group 3 players: get a conditional bonus.
– Players not belonging to any of the 3 groups: do not get any bonus.
In the financial database, the bonuses have the following codes:
Bonus Bonus Code
Full bonus 3
Partial bonus 2
Conditional bonus 1
No bonus 0
a) Write a Java method that takes a player’s data as parameters. So it takes 5 parameters of type int,
which are the numbers entered by the user. This method returns the bonus code the player gets.
Example: if the player obtains a conditional bonus, the result is 1. This result is of type int.
b) Write the main Java program that asks the user for a player’s statistics and reads them at the
keyboard. The numbers entered must be positive or zero (>=0) so this should be checked, and the user
should be re-prompted to enter the number until this condition is verified. If one number is negative
(<0) then the user should be prompted to re-enter only this number (not all).
The main program uses the method of question (a) and passes the 5 player’s statistics to it.
Then the main program displays the player’s bonus code returned by the method.
Make sure you respect the output as shown in the examples below in your program.
These examples do not include all the scenarios, make sure you test the other bonus codes scenarios.
Enter the number of the player goals during the season: 10
Enter the number of the player assists during the season: 20
Enter the number of penalties during the season: 5
Enter the number of matches played: 20
Enter the number of years of service: 5
The bonus code of this player is: 2
Enter the number of the player goals during the season: 22
Enter the number of the player assists during the season: 30
Enter the number of penalties during the season: -1
Enter the number of penalties during the season: -5
Enter the number of penalties during the season: 0
Enter the number of matches played: 30
Enter the number of years of service: 4
The bonus code of this player is: 1
Question 5
Implement a Java main program that asks the user to enter a few lines (rows) of numbers separated by
commas, and which constructs an array of arrays called arrayOfArrays, out of these entered numbers.
All the elements of arrayOfArrays are of type int. You cannot ask the user how many rows, or how
many elements in each row the user will enter.
– The number of elements in a given row of arrayOfArrays is initially unknown, and can be different
for each row. Elements are separated by commas. Only one row per line.
– The number of rows of arrayOfArrays is initially unknown. The program knows the user has
entered the last row when a line is left empty and “enter” is pressed (see examples below). The
user can enter a maximum of 5 rows (ie: arrayOfArrays can have between 0 and 5 rows).
Implement a method display that takes an array of arrays as parameter and displays all its elements.
The main program calls the method display(arrayOfArrays) to print the elements as shown below.
You can assume that the user will respect the input that you asked for. Which means the values entered
will be numbers (int) separated by commas. Assume that no other character will be entered, and no
commas at the beginning or at the end, only between each two numbers.
Make sure the output of your program follows the examples below.
Examples :
Enter the array of arrays one row per line. Enter an empty line
when you are done.
Elements of each row should be separated by commas:
The array of arrays is:
Row 0 : 1 2 3 4 5
Row 1 : 6 7 8 9
Row 2 : 0 1 10 14 22 63 70
Enter the array of arrays one row per line. Enter an empty line
when you are done.
Elements of each row should be separated by commas:
The array of arrays is:
Row 0 : 10
Row 1 : 33 72 90 2 4 1 8
Row 2 : 4 3 56 7
Row 3 : 2 5 9