Read the code given to you carefully and make sure you understand every line of it. Pay attention to:
1- How class Car and Plane inherit from Vehicle using “:” symbol
2- Find Keywords “base”, “virtual”, and “override” and make sure you understand them.
This assignment can be done by removing 1 line and adding 6 lines of code!
1- Modify the code for the method “Move” in the classes Vehicle, Car, and Plane to customize the moving as follows:
a. If the vehicle is a Plane, the method should print “Flying Plane <Vehicle ID to <Destination Country”
b. If the vehicle is a car, the method should print “Driving Car <Vehicle ID to <Destination Country” only if the destination continent is the same as the current continent
c. If the vehicle is a car, the method should print “Car <Vehicle ID can’t drive to <Destination Country” only if the destination continent is different than the current continent
Here is the correct output for the sample input given in your Program class