Following ASG01, continue to do these tasks:
1- Modify your answer to ASG01 to use Arrays of string for students’ answers and arrays of int for their scores:
2- Extend your program to:
a. Compute the score percentage and the letter grade for each student following the grading scheme:
A: [90%, 100%], B: [80%, 90%), C: [70%, 80%), F: <70%. Note that B:[80, 90) means a student gets a B if his score is = 80%, but strictly less than 90%.
b. Compute and display the average score for all students
3. Extend your program to get the answers for student number 5 and student number 6 from the user (read from console). Remember the input format for each student is an 11-charcters long string like 5ABACCDEEAD. The user is expected to enter:
1. An 11-characters long string starting with student number 5 and ending by enter (return in mac) key
2. A second 11-characters long string starting with student number 6 and ending by enter (return in mac) key
Hint: Test your code by entering the key for student number 5: 5DBDCCDAEAD