Homework2: Memory Performance solution


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1 Introduction
After great success with your first client, OptsRus has a second client: an image processing software firm that also
requires improved performance to stay competitive. After diligently profiling and analyzing their code, you have
decided that the first function to optimize is a matrix rotation function called rotate, which rotates an image
counter-clockwise by 90◦
. You have also discovered that the main opportunity for improving rotate is to improve
its cache/memory performance.
In this code an image is represented as a two-dimensional matrix M, where Mi,j denotes the value of (i, j)th pixel
of M. Pixel values are triples of red, green, and blue (RGB) values. We will only consider square images. Let N
denote the number of rows (or columns) of an image. Rows and columns are numbered, in C-style, from 0 to N −1.
Given this representation, the rotate operation can be implemented quite simply as the combination of the following
two matrix operations:
• Transpose: For each (i, j) pair, Mi,j and Mj,i are interchanged.
• Exchange rows: Row i is exchanged with row N − 1 − i.
This combination is illustrated in Figure 1.
2 Implementation Overview
Data Structures
The core data structure deals with image representation. A pixel is a struct as shown below:
typedef struct {
unsigned short red; /* R value */
unsigned short green; /* G value */
unsigned short blue; /* B value */
} pixel;
As can be seen, RGB values have 16-bit representations (“16-bit color”). An image I is represented as a one-dimensional array
of pixels, where the (i, j)th pixel is I[RIDX(i,j,n)]. Here n is the dimension of the image matrix, and RIDX is a macro
defined as follows:
#define RIDX(i,j,n) ((i)*(n)+(j))
See the file defs.h for this code.
Rotate by 90
Figure 1: Rotation of an image by 90◦
The following C function computes the result of rotating the source image src by 90◦
and stores the result in destination image
dst. dim is the dimension of the image.
void naive_rotate(int dim, pixel *src, pixel *dst) {
int i, j;
for(i=0; i < dim; i++)
for(j=0; j < dim; j++)
dst[RIDX(dim-1-j,i,dim)] = src[RIDX(i,j,dim)];
The above code scans the rows of the source image matrix, copying to the columns of the destination image matrix. Your
task is to rewrite this code to make it run as fast as possible using techniques like tiling, loop unrolling and code motion. The
performance of naive rotate is your baseline. Please see the file kernels.c for this code.
3 Performance measures
Test case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Method N 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 Geom. Mean
Naive rotate (CPE) 5.1 6.3 10.7 15.1 20.5 102.2 114.1
Optimized rotate (CPE) 7.3 7.6 8.0 10.7 14.7 32.6 34.9
Speedup (naive/opt) 0.7 0.8 1.3 1.4 1.4 3.1 3.3 1.5
Table 1: CPEs and Ratios for Optimized vs. Naive Implementations
We will be measuring performance using one performance metric CPE or Cycles per Element, which measures the real world
performance of your function. If it takes C cycles to run for an image of size N × N, the CPE value is C/N2
Table 1 summarizes the performance of the naive implementation shown above and compares it against an optimized implementation,
as measured on a ”ugXXX” machine. Remember that you can get specific information about the construction of the
memory system of the ”ugXXX” machines via lstopo and /sys/devices/… as described in the memory performance
The score of your implementation is the geometric mean of the CPE-speedups of the different dimension arrays.
Perf Tool
To gain insight into the cache behavior of your implementation, you can use the recently-released perf infrastructure to access
the hardware performance counters of the processor. For example, to output the first-level cache misses generated by your
program foo you would execute:
perf stat -e L1-dcache-load-misses ./foo
You can view a listing of all performance counters that you can monitor by running:
perf list
Note that you can monitor multiple counters at once by using multiple -e options in one command line. perf has many other
features that you can learn more about by browsing:
perf –help
For example, you can consider monitoring TLB misses or other more advanced events. A small write-up on perf is available
Unfortunately there is not a lot of documentation on perf yet as it is so new, but the ”help” information is clear.
To make life easier, you can assume that N is a multiple of 32. Your code must run correctly for all such values of N, but we
will measure its performance only for the 5 values shown in Table 1.
4 Setup
Start by copying the hw2.tar.gz file from UG shared directory
into a protected directory within your UG home directory.
Then run the command:
tar xzvf hw2.tar.gz
This will cause a number of files to be unpacked into the directory.
The ONLY file you will be modifying and handing in is kernels.c. You should NOT modify other files.
Looking at the file kernels.c, you’ll notice a C structure team into which you should insert the requested identifying
information about the one or two individuals comprising your programming team. Do this right away so you don’t forget.
team_t team = {
“group1”, /* Team name */
“AAA BBB”, /* First member full name */
“AAA@nowhere.edu”, /* First member email address */
“”, /* Second member full name (leave blank if none) */
“” /* Second member email addr (leave blank if none) */
We have provided support code to help you test the correctness of your implementations and measure their performance. This
section describes how to use this infrastructure. The exact details of the assignment is described in the following section.
Note: The only source file you will be modifying is kernels.c.
4.1 Solution Versions
You will be writing many versions of the rotate routines. To help you compare the performance of all the different versions
you’ve written, we provide a way of “registering” functions.
For example, the file kernels.c that we have provided you contains the following function:
void register_rotate_functions() {
add_rotate_function(&rotate, rotate_descr);
This function contains one or more calls to add rotate function. In the above example,
add rotate function registers the function rotate along with a string rotate descr which is an ASCII description
of what the function does. See the file kernels.c to see how to create the string descriptions. This string can be at most 256
characters long.
4.2 Drivers
The source code you will write will be linked with object code that we supply into the driver binary, i.e. driver cpe. To
create the driver, simply run the following command:
unix make all
You will need to re-make the driver each time you change the code in kernels.c.
CPE Driver
This driver cpe driver uses the rdtsc instruction (as described briefly in lecture) to measure the number of clock cycles it
takes to execute your rotate() functions. To test your implementations, run the command:
unix ./driver_cpe
driver cpe can be run in four different modes:
• Default mode, in which all versions of your implementation are run.
• Autograder mode, in which only the rotate() function is run. This is the mode we will run in when we use this driver
to grade your handin.
• File mode, in which only versions that are mentioned in an input file are run.
• Dump mode, in which a one-line description of each version is dumped to a text file. You can then edit this text file to
keep only those versions that you’d like to test using the file mode. You can specify whether to quit after dumping the
file or if your implementations are to be run.
If run without any arguments, driver cpe will run all of your versions (default mode). Other modes and options can be
specified by command-line arguments to driver cpe, as listed below:
-g : Run only the rotate() function (autograder mode).
-f <funcfile : Execute only those versions specified in <funcfile (file mode).
-d <dumpfile : Dump the names of all versions to a dump file called <dumpfile, one line to a version (dump mode).
-q : Quit after dumping version names to a dump file. To be used in tandem with -d. For example, to quit immediately after
printing the dump file, type ./driver cpe -qd dumpfile.
-h : Print the command line usage.
We recommend you to start with default mode. For example, running CPE driver with the supplied naive rotate version under
default mode generates the output shown below:
unix ./driver_cpe
Teamname: group1
Member 1: AAA BBB
Email 1: AAA@nowhere.edu
Rotate: Version = rotate: Current working version:
Dim 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 Mean
Your CPEs 5.1 6.3 10.7 15.1 20.5 102.2 114.1
Baseline CPEs 5.1 6.4 10.7 15.3 20.4 102.3 114.1
Speedup 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Rotate: Version = naive_rotate: Naive baseline implementation:
Dim 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 Mean
Your CPEs 5.1 6.3 10.7 15.1 20.5 102.2 114.1
Baseline CPEs 5.1 6.4 10.7 15.3 20.4 102.3 114.1
Speedup 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Summary of Your Best Scores:
Rotate: 1.0 (naive_rotate: Naive baseline implementation)
Note: Here, Baseline CPEs is according to the performance of naive rotate() on a test run that we performed; don’t fret
if it is slightly different than what you are seeing.
4.3 Coding Rules
You may write any code you want, as long as it satisfies the following:
• It must be in ANSI C. You should not use any embedded assembly language statements.
• It must not interfere with the time measurement mechanism.
• You will be penalized if your code prints any extraneous information.
• You cannot modify the default compilation flags in the Makefile (they are set to optimize at -O2).
You can only modify code in kernels.c.
4.4 Team Information
Important: Before you start, you should fill in the struct in kernels.c with information about your team (group name, team
member names and email addresses). A maximum number of students in a team is 2.
5 Evaluation
You should optimize rotate() to achieve as low a CPE as possible. You should compile driver cpe and then run them
with the appropriate arguments to test your implementations.
Your solutions for rotate() will count for 100% of your grade. Your grade will be calculated as follows:
• Correctness and Effort: 20 points.
• Performance: 80 points.
• Total: 100 points.
The score for each will be based on the following:
• Effort: Show your work! The homework infrastructure is set up for you to easily save multiple solutions in kernels.c.
Be sure to evaluate and save your intermediate solutions as you optimize. Don’t submit a kernels.c containing only
your single/final solution, it should contain all of your intermediate solutions too.
• Correctness: You will get NO CREDIT for buggy code that causes the driver to complain! This includes code that
correctly operates on the test sizes, but incorrectly on image matrices of other sizes. As mentioned earlier, you may
assume that the image dimension is a multiple of 32.
• Performance: We will evaluate the performance using CPE scores of your rotate() function. The best known solution
(so far) gives a mean CPE of speedup 3.0, which is worth a 80/80 for performance. See if you can beat it! A CPE speedup
of 2.0 will be worth at least 55/80 for performance, higher speedups will be worth more than that.
Hint. Look at the assembly code generated for the rotate, e.g. using
unix objdump -d your-binary-file-name | less
Focus on optimizing the inner loop (the code that gets repeatedly executed in a loop) using the optimization tricks, like
blocking, loop unrolling and loop-invariant code motion, covered in class.
6 Logistics
You should work in a group of up to two people in solving the problems for this assignment. Any clarifications and revisions
to the assignment will be posted on the course Web page.
7 Submission
When you have completed the lab, you will hand in two files, kernels.c, that contains your solution, and a one paragraph
report in plain text. In the report, you should describe your final solution, and why it performs well in relation to what is
happening in the processor architecture. Here is how to hand in your solution:
Submit your assignment by typing
submitece454f 2 kernels.c
submitece454f 2 report
on one of the UG machines.
• Make sure you have included your identifying information in the team struct in kernels.c.
• Make sure that the rotate() function corresponds to your fastest implemnentations, as this is the only function that
will be tested when we use the driver to grade your assignment.
• Remove any extraneous print statements.