Part 1: Yelp Business Categories
You are given the actual Yelp database from Lab 5 in JSON form in a file called businesses.json.
Each line of the file is a json formatted string corresponding to a business. For example, the
following program will read any print the business information from the first line of the file:
import json
f = open(‘businesses.json’)
line = f.readline()
business = json.loads(line)
print business[‘name’]
print business[‘categories’]
will result in the following output:
Mustang BBQ
[u’Food’, u’Specialty Food’, u’Meat Shops’, u’Barbeque’, u’Restaurants’]
Associated with each business is a list of categories given by the Yelp users. Recall that JSON will
return Unicode strings (e.g. u’Food’ above) which you can treat like regular strings.
Write a program that reads a category name (correctly spelled) and a cutoff value (a valid integer).
Your program must count all categories that co-occur with the given category and print those
categories with counts greater than the given cutoff in sorted order. Right align the category names
to 30 characters. For example, after processing the above business, we will find that categories
‘Food’,’Specialty Food’,’Meat Shops’,’Barbeque’ each occur at least once. You will up
Enter a category == Restaurants
Cutoff for displaying categories = 4
Categories co-occurring with Restaurants:
American (Traditional): 4
Breakfast & Brunch: 4
Chinese: 6
Delis: 4
Food: 8
Pizza: 17
Sandwiches: 4
Seafood: 4
Note: Interestingly, not all Restaurants are considered Food and more restaurants are considered
Pizza than Food! Here is one more example.
Enter a category == Shopping
Cutoff for displaying categories = 2
Categories co-occurring with Shopping:
Books, Mags, Music and Video: 3
Comic Books: 2
Home & Garden: 2
Jewelry: 2
If the searched category is not found, your program must print Searched category is not found.
If there are no categories to print (none co-occurring or are above cutoff), your program must print
None above the cutoff. See example runs below.
Enter a category == restaurants
Cutoff for displaying categories = 4
Searched category is not found
Enter a category == Shopping
Cutoff for displaying categories = 5
Categories co-occurring with Shopping:
None above the cutoff
Part 2: Yelp Business Reviews (optional/bonus part)
In this part, we will use two files. The first one is the file called businesses.json described
in part 1. Note that each business is associated with a ‘business_id’ that uniquely identifies
that business. Two businesses may have the same name, corresponding to the different stores in
different locations. These will have different ‘business_id’ values. For example, in the file given
to you, you have two different stores for “Hannaford Supermarkets” with ‘business_id’ values:
‘UZFBK4pU-VcEt1N4IoYCRA’ and ‘LO0TfAyhOYR8fVuido_9aA’.
In addition to this, you are given a second file called reviews.json. This file contains one review
for a business in each line. You are only interested in the review text and the ‘business_id’ for
each review. For example, the following program will read any print the review for the first line of
the file:
import json
f = open(‘reviews.json’)
line = f.readline()
review = json.loads(line)
print review[‘business_id’]
print review[‘text’]
will result in the following output (formatting added by me):
Great fish fry. The fish is fresh and comes in a great portion size.
Service is good. Having left the area, I really miss this place.
Write a program that reads the name of a business using raw_input and finds the reviews for all
the stores of the given business. Your program must print the reviews in order they are found in
the file, formatted with four spaces on the left and broken into lines using textwrap. Note: If there
are new lines in the review, you must preserve those (textwrap will remove them). If the searched
business is not found, print a message. If no review is found for the given business, print a message.
Example runs are given below.
Enter a business name = Bombers Burrito Bar
Bombers Burrito Bar
This business is not found
Enter a business name = Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
No reviews for this business is found
Enter a business name = Country True Value Hardware
Country True Value Hardware
Review 1:
Best customer service, and they have everything.
Review 2:
This is my one stop shop for most of my basic hardware and home and
garden needs because I’m in and out of here in no time. There’s enough
parking around the building, which is close to the front door. Country
True Value is not the cheapest pricewise, but most items are
convenient for me to find. The employees are easy to track down and
are very helpful in locating items in the store when I need them.
Earlier this month, I ended up buying my grass seed here instead of at
Home Depot because I couldn’t wait around for the Home Depot employee
to use the forklift while it was pouring rain outside. Of course, I
paid a little more here for the convenience.
Sometimes smaller is better!
Finally, note that the business below has multiple stores:
Enter a business name = Ted’s Fish Fry
Ted’s Fish Fry
Review 1:
Great fish fry. The fish is fresh and comes in a great portion size.
Service is good. Having left the area, I really miss this place.
Review 2:
Best fish fries in the Albany area.
Review 3:
Ted’s Fish Fry now has an official website and a Facebook page!
Congrats on almost 60 years in business!
They have some very cool photos on both, hehe :-O
Review 4:
3 stars is just about right. The fish frys are very good, although I
didn’t like their chili sauce…it was more like relish, but there
were a lot of regular customers ordering it so ymmv. Had a fish fry
with cocktail sauce and tartar that was very good. The staff here just
yell the food back to the kitchen help and they are always getting it
screwed up or miscommunicated…comical, maybe that is part of the
charm? I also had a hot dog and the sauce is sort of bland…I prefer
hot dog sauce with a lot more flavor and kick. They also had carrot
cake and cheesecake available…figured they had to be great…the
carrot cake was a little dry. Go eat fish frys, figure out what you
like on them and you will be good to go.
Part 3: Battleship Game (optional/bonus part)
In this part, you will implement a simple game of battleship. The list of all battleships (or ships
as we will call them) and all player moves are given in a single file. Your program must read the
name of the file using raw_input.
The first line of the file tells you how many ships there are, followed by the description of each
ship. Then, all the player moves are given. Read the ships first, then perform all player moves
until either no more moves left or a player wins.
Your program must define and use a class called Battleship that stores relevant information about
each ship. Define the class in the same file as your homework description to simplify submission.
Each ship has the following information:
Each ship is a rectangle with upper left corner at x,y and lower right corner at x+length, y+height.
The health defines how many hits it takes to sink this ship. Best news: ships don’t move. Even
better news: all players take aim at the same set of ships for simplicity.
Each player move is given by:
Player Name|x|y
which means that a player with the given name has fired a torpedo at the coordinates (x,y). You
can assume players are taking turns and the input is valid. Each time a player hits a ship, display
a message. If the player hits completely, display a message as well. Anyime the ship is hit, its
health is decremented by one. Whenever the health reaches zero, the ship has sunk. We display
a message. A player cannot hit a sunken ship. When printing ship names, right justify them 12
Anytime a player sinks a ship and there are no ships left, the game ends immediately and display
that the current player has won. If all the moves are played and there are still some ships left, your
program must print No player won!.
We have provided two sample inputs and outputs in the ZIP file for this homework.
Submission Instructions
Please note that the files we use on the submission server are likely going to be different than the
ones we have given you.
Please follow these instructions carefully.
Part 1. Submit a single file called hw9 that assumes the existence of a file called
businesses.json. Your program must read a single category and an integer cutoff value using
raw_input and return all the matching categories in sorted order.
Part 2. Submit a single file called hw9 that assumes the existence of two files called
businesses.json and reviews.json. Your program must read the name of a restaurant using
raw_input and return all the matching reviews in the order they are found in the file.
Part 3. Submit a single file called hw9 that reads the name of a file using raw_input
containing the number of ships, the information for each ship on a single line and then all the player
moves. Items on a line are separated by |