(Bootstrap/JQuery/AJAX/JSON/AngularJS/Cloud Exercise)
1. Objec)ves • Become familiar with the AJAX and JSON technologies
• Use a combina;on of HTML5, Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular, and PHP/Node.js
• Get hands-on experience in Google Cloud App Engine and Amazon Web Services
• Get hands-on experience on how to use Bootstrap to enhance the user experience
• Provide an interface to perform stock search using Alpha Vantage and post details to Facebook
2. Background
2.1 AJAX and JSON
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript + XML) incorporates several technologies:
• Standards-based presenta;on using XHTML and CSS;
• Result display and interac;on using the Document Object Model (DOM);
• Data interchange and manipula;on using XML and JSON;
• Asynchronous data retrieval using XMLH]pRequest;
• JavaScript binding everything together.
See the class slides at h]p://
JSON, short for JavaScript Object Nota;on, is a lightweight data interchange format. Its main applica;on
is in AJAX web applica;on programming, where it serves as an alterna;ve to the use of the XML format
for data exchange between client and server. See the class slides at:
2.2 Bootstrap
Bootstrap is a free collec;on of tools for crea;ng responsive websites and web applica;ons. It contains
HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, bu]ons, naviga;on and other interface
components, as well as op;onal JavaScript extensions. To learn more details about Bootstrap please
refer to the lecture material on Responsive Web Design (RWD). See the class slides at:
2.3 Facebook
Facebook provides developers with an API called the Facebook Plaeorm. Facebook Connect is the next
itera;on of Plaeorm, which provides a set of APIs’ that enable Facebook members to log onto thirdparty
websites, applica;ons and mobile devices with their Facebook iden;ty. While logged in, users can
connect with friends via these media and post informa;on and updates to their Facebook profile.
Below are a few links for Facebook Connect:
2.4 Amazon Web Services (AWS)
AWS is Amazon’s implementa;on of cloud compu;ng. Included in AWS is Amazon Elas;c Compute Cloud
(EC2), which delivers scalable, pay-as-you-go compute capacity in the cloud, and AWS Elas;c Beanstalk,
an even easier way to quickly deploy and manage applica;ons in the AWS cloud. You simply upload your
applica;on, and Elas;c Beanstalk automa;cally handles the deployment details of capacity provisioning,
load balancing, auto-scaling, and applica;on health monitoring. Elas;c Beanstalk is built using familiar
sokware stacks such as the Apache HTTP Server, PHP, and Python, Passenger for Ruby, IIS for .NET, and
Apache Tomcat for Java.
The Amazon Web Services homepage is available at: h]p://
2.5 Google App Engine (GAE)
Google App Engine applica;ons are easy to create, easy to maintain, and easy to scale as your traffic and
data storage needs change. With App Engine, there are no servers to maintain. You simply upload your
applica;on and it’s ready to go. App Engine applica;ons automa;cally scale based on incoming traffic.
Load balancing, micro services, authoriza;on, SQL and noSQL databases, memcache, traffic splimng,
logging, search, versioning, roll out and roll backs, and security scanning are all supported na;vely and
are highly customizable.
To learn more about GAE support for PHP visit this page: h]ps://
To learn more about GAE support for Node.js visit this page:
2.6 Angular
Angular is a toolset for building the framework most suited to your applica;on development. It is fully
extensible and works well with other libraries. Every feature can be modified or replaced to suit your
unique development workflow and feature needs.
For this homework, either AngularJS, Angular 2 or Angular 4 can be used.
To learn more about AngularJS visit this page:
To learn more about Angular 2 and Angular 4 visit this page:
2.7 Node.js
Node.js is a JavaScript run;me built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven,
non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js package ecosystem, npm, is the
largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.
To learn more about Node.js visit:
Also, Express.js is strongly recommended. Express.js is a minimal and flexible Node.js web applica;on
framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applica;ons. It is in fact the
standard server framework for Node.js.
To learn more about Express.js, visit h]p://
In this document when you see “PHP/Node.js” it means that you can either use a PHP script or a Node.js
script; when you see “jQuery/Angular” it means that you can either use a jQuery or Angular func;on;
and when you see GAE/AWS it means that you can either use Google App Engine or Amazon Web
3. High Level Descrip)on
Like HW#6, in this exercise you will create a webpage that allows users to search for stock informa;on
using the Alpha Vantage API and display the results on the same page below the form.
The difference being, in this homework you will create a PHP/Node.js script to return JSON forma]ed
data to the front-end. The client will parse the JSON data and render it in a nicer-looking responsive UI,
using the Bootstrap toolkit.
A user will first open a page as shown below in Figure 1, where he/she can enter the stock ;cker symbol,
and select from a list of matching stock symbols using “autocomplete.” A quote on a matched stock
symbol can be performed. The descrip;on of the form is given in sec;on 4.1. Instruc;ons on how to use
the API are given in sec;on 5.
Figure 1
Once the user has entered some characters in the edit box and selected a matching result from the
autocomplete list, he would click on Get Quote, at which point valida;on must be done to check that the
entered data is valid.
Once the valida;on is successful, the JQuery/Angular func)on ajax() is executed to start an
asynchronous transac;on with a PHP/Node.js script running on your GAE/AWS, and passing the search
form data as parameters of the transac;on.
The PHP script you request is based on your HW#6 PHP script. Note that in this exercise you also have
the op;on of using Node.js to rebuild the backend, instead of using the HW#6 PHP script. We will
provide 2 extra credits for using Node.js.
The difference between HW#6 and HW#8 is that this ;me the PHP script will not return HTML using
“echo”, but instead will return JSON data from the API to your search webpage. The webpage must then
use JavaScript to extract the needed data from the JSON object and display the results on the same
webpage. Descrip;on of how to display the results is given in following sec;on.
4. Implementa)on
4.1 Search Form
4.1.1 Design
You must replicate the form displayed in Figure 1 using a Bootstrap form. The form fields are the same
as in your HW#6.
The top-level interface consists of the following:
o A form which has an input to enter the stock ;cker symbol;
o A result area that displays the results of a quote request or a list of favorite stocks;
o Both sec;ons should be separated graphically as shown in Figure 1;
o The result area should start with an empty favorite list.
The search form has two bu]ons:
1. Get Quote bu]on: On the bu]on being clicked, valida;ons are performed (Refer to 4.1.3). If
valida;ons are successful, then an AJAX request is made to your web server (PHP/Node.js on GAE/
AWS) providing it with form data that was entered. If valida;ons fail, appropriate messages must be
displayed under the appropriate text box, and an AJAX request should NOT be made with invalid
data. Note that the “Get Quote” bu]on should be disabled when the input box is empty or contains
only spaces.
2. Clear bu]on: This bu]on must clear the text field, reset the result area to the favorite list and clear
all valida;on errors if present. The clear opera;on is implemented as a JavaScript func;on.
4.1.2 Autocomplete
• A form allows a user to enter a keyword (stock ;cker symbol) to retrieve informa;on (quote and
indicators informa;on from Alpha Vantage, and news from Alpha News feed). Based on the user
input the text box should display a list of all the matching company’s ;cker symbols (see Figure
2). The autocomplete JSON data is retrieved from the Markit on Demand API. For an example of
calling this API see:
• The autocomplete func;on should be implemented using AngularJS Material or Angular
Material. Refer to Sec;on 7 for more details.
Figure 2
4.1.3 Valida)on
• The valida;ons that are needed to be implemented in the input query string (stock ;cker
symbol) are:
o Empty Entry – the border turns red when the input is empty or contains only spaces
(see Figure 3)
o Input error message: show the error message when the input is empty or contains only
spaces (see the video)
Figure 3
4.1.4 Get Quote Execu)on
• Once the valida;on is successful, you should execute an AJAX transac)on with the PHP/Node.js
script hosted on GAE/AWS.
• The PHP/Node.js script on GAE/AWS is used to retrieve data from Alpha Vantage. You should
pass the symbol as a parameter of the transac;on when calling the PHP/Node.js script.
For example, if your GAE/AWS service is located at and the user enters ‘AAPL’
as the company symbol, then a query of the following type needs to be generated: h]p://
• The PHP/Node.js script running on GAE/AWS would perform an API request to Alpha Vantage,
extract the stock details (including quote/volume and all indicators) of the company symbol,
and returns the data in JSON format to your JavaScript program.
• Aker obtaining the query results from the callback of the AJAX request, the JavaScript program
displays the results in an appropriate table in the “result” area of the web page. Also, the
successive queries will clear the data from the result area and overwrite it with new data.
4.2 Result Tabs
The result area will include a sliding mechanism which is implemented with Angular. Refer to Sec;on
• There should be two sec)ons, which can be “toggled” using a sliding mechanism.
o The first sec;on should be the Favorite List.
o The second sec;on should be the Stock Details and charts.
Figure 4
4.2.1 Favorite List Sec)on
The Favorite Sec;on should be designed as per Figure 4.
• The data should be saved and loaded from the local storage of the browser. The local storage
should contain the list of the favorite stocks.
• A table containing the following informa;on:
• Addi;onally, there needs to be a few important features:
o Automa)c Refresh – A bootstrap toggle switch: when it is on it should refresh the price,
change and volume fields every five seconds.
o Refresh bu_on – Should refresh the price, change and volume fields.
o Go to stock informa)on – A bu]on (naviga;on arrow) which should navigate to the
Stock Details sec;on.
o “Go to stock informa;on” bu]on should be enabled only when the stock informa;on is
populated in the stock details sec;on, which means that either a stock ;cker was
searched in the search form or a favorite stock symbol was clicked.
Table Field Descrip)on
Symbol Displays the Symbol of the Company. If symbol is clicked the table should
switch to stock details sec;on in sliding mechanism
Stock Price Displays the current stock price of the data
Change (Change
Displays the change and the change percent of the current stock. The format
should be change (change %) indicator. It should be rounded to 2 decimal
places and an increase or decrease image indicator and green if increasing or
red if decreasing in color. E.g. 1.52 (1.50%)
Volume The Volume of last day session
Trash Can Should delete the corresponding row from the table as well as from local
o “Go to stock informa;on” bu]on should be disabled on clear and if no stock informa;on
is available and the disabled icon should be shown on hover.
o Ini)ally “Go to stock informa;on” bu]on is disabled.
o Sor)ng func)on (Sort by) – “Default” is the order in which companies are manually
added to the list.
o When default “Sort by” is selected, “Order” selec;on is disabled.
o When sor;ng is not default, “Order” selec;on can be either “Descending” or
“Ascending” according to the sor;ng op;on.
4.2.2 Stock Details Sec)on
The Stock Details sec;on should be designed as per Figure 5.
Figure 5
• The stock detail sec;on should have 3 tabs
o Current Stock
o Historical Charts
o News Feeds
• The back bu]on (naviga;on arrow) in the header should navigate back to the favorite list using
the sliding mechanism. Tab – Current Stock
The current stock tab should be divided into two columns:
• A table of stock details informa;on
• An image of the current daily chart of the stock of the company retrieved via Alpha Vantage.
Refer to Sec;on 5.3 for the API details.
8 Table of Stock Details
Figure 7
The entries in the table shown on Figure 7 are as follows:
Table Fields Descrip)on
Stock Ticker Symbol The symbol of the company
Last Price The Last Price in which the company was traded at the market. It should be
rounded to 2 decimals.
Change (Change
The change and the change percent of the current stock. The format should
be change (change %). It should be rounded to 2 decimal places with an
increase or decrease image indicator, green if increasing or red if. E.g. 1.52
The ;me corresponding to the last price. During trading hours, it should be
the current date and ;me. Aker trading hours, it should be 16:00:00 with the
appropriate date. Display east coast ;me: EDT (when observing daylight
saving ;me) or EST (when observing standard ;me). Hint: use Moment
Timezone h]ps://;mezone/
9 Image of the Current Daily Chart
An image of the current daily stock/indicator chart of the stock of the company retrieved via Alpha
Vantage API as per Figure 8-10. Note that price/volume and indicator charts should support zoom (see
Figure 8
Open The Open Price of last day session.
The Close is the “Previous Close”. i.e., the close price of last business day
during trading hours on business days (9:30am – 4:00pm EST). Otherwise it
displays the “Close” aker the close of the stock market session.
Day’s Range The Low and High of last day session.
Volume The Volume of last day session.
Figure 9
Figure 10
IMPORTANT: Unlike with HW#6, you must call the indicator’s APIs from PHP/Node.js scripts. Directly
calling the Alpha Vantage APIs from JavaScript will result in a 5 points penalty. Add to Favorite and Share on Facebook
Add to favorite:
• The favorite bu]on (star) should allow the user to add the stock to the favorite list and store it in
the browsers local storage.
• If the stock is added to the favorite list, the bu]on should have a yellow star, otherwise a white
star should be displayed (see Figure 11).
• The favorite bu]on is disabled while we are fetching the data for the stock details table and
enabled when the table is ready.
Figure 11
Share on Facebook:
• The bu]on is disabled while we are fetching the data for the chart in the currently ac;ve tab and
enabled when the chart is ready.
• When the bu]on is clicked, the Facebook feed dialog should contain the chart that is in the
currently ac;ve tab (see Figure 12 and demo video).
• The chart shared in the Facebook dialog is generated with HighCharts’ expor;ng func;on.
Figure 12
12 Tab – Historical Charts
This tab should be implemented using HighStock ( as per Figure 13
and 14 and uses the data which you have retrieved from Alpha Vantage.
• It should have these zoom levels: 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, YTD and All.
• When All level is selected, there should be 1000 data shown.
• It should default to showing 1 week worth of stock data.
• The )tle of the chart should be company symbol stock value.
• The sub)tle should hyper link to Alpha Vantage (h]ps://
• The X Axis should be date ;me.
• The Y Axis should be Stock Value.
Figure 13
Figure 14
13 Tab – News Feed Sec)on
Like HW#6, you will be using the Seeking Alpha News feed API. Each row of the stock news will have the
following informa;on (see Figure 15):
o The )tle of the news which is a hyperlink to the URL of the news source which when
clicked should open the link in the new tab.
o The Author of the piece of news.
o The date when the news was published.
Figure 15
4.2.3 Display Results for Error
If for any reason (non-exis;ng stock ;cker symbols, API failure, etc.) an error occurs, an appropriate error
message should be displayed for each of the three sec;ons as per Figures 16-18:
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
4.2.4 Display Progress Bar
Whenever data is being fetched, a dynamic progress bar must be displayed as shown in Figure 19 and
20. Please check the video for this func;onality.
You can use the progress bar component of Bootstrap to implement the feature. You can find hints
about the bootstrap components in the Hints sec;on.
Figure 19
Figure 20
4.3 Responsive Design
The following are snapshots of the major screens taken on Safari of iPhone 6s. See the video for mode
“dynamic” details.
Some requirements in the mobile view are listed here:
• The search form should display each component in a ver;cal way on smaller screens.
• Favorite table content for all favored stock can be scrolled horizontally.
• The stock details table and chart image should be aligned ver;cally on smaller screens.
5. APIs Documenta)on
The same APIs that were used for HW#6 can be used for HW#8 as well. Addi;onally, you should also use
the Market on Demand API to implement the autocomplete func;on in HW#8.
5.1 JSON data from Market on Demand
The following is a sample JSON data that explains the sec;on of the data to be used for autocomple;ng:
Request URL: h]p://
“Symbol”: “AAPL”,
“Name”: “Apple Inc”,
“Exchange”: “NASDAQ”
}, {
“Symbol”: “APLE”,
“Name”: “”,
“Exchange”: “NYSE”
}, {
“Symbol”: “APLE”,
“Name”: “Apple Hospitality REIT Inc”,
“Exchange”: “BATS Trading Inc”
}, {
“Symbol”: “VXAPL”,
“Name”: “CBOE Apple VIX Index”,
“Exchange”: “Market Data Express”
5.2 JSON data from Alpha Vantage
The following is a sample JSON data that explains the sec;on of the data to be used for displaying stock
quote/indicators informa;on:
You can learn more about the API by visi;ng h]ps://;on/
5.2.1 Stock Quote API
The API to retrieve a Stock Quote should be:
The MSFT keyword should be replaced by the symbol from your search. The JSON returned is as follows:
Figure 21
5.2.3 Indicators API
The API to retrieve the indicators data should be: h]ps://
The parameter in the query string is a JSON value as in this example:
Figure 22
5.3 Seeking Alpha News feed
Like HW#6, all the stock news comes from the Seeking Alpha News RSS feed. The URL to request the
news is: h]ps://
The response is a XML-forma]ed object (whose content is maintained by Seeking Alpha News). The PHP/
Node.js script should translate the XML to JSON and send the JSON forma]ed news data to the
JavaScript program.
5.4 Facebook API
When the “share on Facebook” bu]on is pressed, the web applica;on should display a popup to
authorize the user to Facebook (i.e. logs him/her in) using the applica;on and user creden;als if the user
is not already logged in to Facebook. More details about Facebook feed dialog can be found here:
A func;on to call Facebook feed looks like this:
app_id: YOUR_APP_ID,
method: ‘feed’,
}, (response) = {
if (response && !response.error_message) {
} else {
6. External Libraries
This a comprehensive list of JavaScript libraries that you will use:
• JQuery – h]ps://
• Bootstrap – h]p://
• Bootstrap Toggle – h]p://
• HighCharts/HighStocks – h]p://
• Moment.js – h]p:// for ;me conversion
• Moment Timezone – h]ps://;mezone/ for ;me conversion
• Facebook – h]ps://
• AngularJS Material (for AngularJS) – h]ps://
• Angular Material (for Angular 2 and Angular 4) – h]ps://
7. Implementa)on Hints
7.1 Images
The images needed for this homework are available here:
7.2 Get started with the Bootstrap Library
To get started with the Bootstrap toolkit, please refer to the link – h]p://
You need to import the necessary CSS file and JS file provided by Bootstrap.
7.3 Bootstrap UI Components
Bootstrap provides a complete mechanism to make Web pages responsive to different mobile devices. In
this exercise, you will get hands-on experience with responsive design using the Bootstrap Grid System.
At a minimum, you will need to use Bootstrap Form, Tab, Wells, and Glyphicons to implement the
required func;onality.
Bootstrap Form h]p://
Bootstrap Tabs h]p://
Bootstrap Wells h]p://
Bootstrap Glyphicons h]p://
Bootstrap Progressbar h]ps://
Bootstrap Alerts h]ps://
7.4 Google App Engine/Amazon Web Services
You should use the domain name of the GAE/AWS service you created in HW#7 to make the request. For
example, if your GAE/AWS server domain is called /example.elas;,
the JavaScript program will performs a GET request with parameter name=”AAPL”, and a query of the
following type will be generated:
(GAE) – h]p://
(AWS) – h]p://example.elas;
7.5 Deploy Node.js on GAE/AWS
If your backend is implemented with Node.js, when you deploy HW#8 to AWS or GAE, you should select
Nginx as your proxy server, which should be the default op;on. If you select any proxy server other than
Nginx, you will NOT get the 2 (two) extra credits.
7.6 AJAX call
You should send the request to the PHP script by passing the URL to the Ajax func;on (jQuery or
You must use a GET method to request the resource since you are required to provide this link to your
homework list to let graders check whether the PHP script code is running in the “cloud” on Google GAE/
AWS. Please refer to the grading guideline for details.
Figure 23 shows an example AJAX call:
Figure 23
7.7 Angular Autocomplete
The library used to implement autocomplete is AngularJS Material (for AngularJS):
or Angular Material (for Angular 2 and Angular 4):
Use of Angular is must. The reasons we want you to learn Angular are:
• Angular extends HTML with new a]ributes.
• Angular is perfect for Single Page Applica;ons (SPAs).
• Angular is easy to learn.
To get started with AngularJS, the W3SCHOOL website has easy tutorials:
Or, you can follow the tutorials at the official website:
To get started with Angular 2 or Angular 4, visit:
7.8 Use Node.js to parse XML
You can use any node.js module to parse xml.
Xml2js is recommended: h]ps://
7.9 HTML5 Local Storage
Local storage is more secure, and large amounts of data can be stored locally, without affec;ng website
performance. Unlike cookies, the storage limit is far larger (at least 5MB) and informa;on is never
transferred to the server. There are two method getItem() and setItem() that you can use. The local
storage can only store strings. So, you need to convert the data to string format before storing it in the
local storage. For more informa;on see:
8. Files to Submit
In your course homework page, you should update the HW#8 link to refer to your new ini;al web page
for this exercise. Addi;onally, you need to provide an addi;onal link to the URL of the GAE/AWS service
where the AJAX call is made with a sample parameter value (i.e. a valid stock symbol). Also, submit all
your files (HTML, JS, CSS, PHP or Node.js) electronically to the csci571 account so that they can be
graded and compared to all other students’ code. Donot included any images that we provided or that
are included in any library.
All videos are part of the homework descrip;on. All discussions and explana;ons in Piazza related to this
homework are part of the homework descrip;on and will be accounted into grading. So please review all
Piazza threads before finishing the assignment.