In this exercise, you are asked to create a webpage that allows you to search for stock
information using the Stock quote API, and the results will be displayed in both tabular format
and charts format using HighCharts. You will also provide News clips for the selected stock.
2.1. Description of the Search Form
A user first opens a page, called stock.php (or any valid web page name), where he/she can
enter a stock ticker symbol. An example is shown in Figure 1. Providing a value for the “Stock
Ticker Symbol” field is mandatory.
Figure 1: Initial Search Screen
The search form has two buttons:
● Search button: An example of valid input is shown in Figure 2. Once the user has
provided valid data, your client script should send a request to your web server script
stock.php with the form data. You can use either GET or POST to transfer the form data
to the web server script. The PHP script will retrieve the from data, reformat it to the
syntax of the API and send it to the Alpha Vantage restful web service. If the user clicks
on the search button without providing a value in the “Enter Stock Ticker Symbol” field,
there should be an alert window that pops up (an example is shown in Figure 3).
● Clear button: This button must clear the result area (below the search area) and the text
field (stock ticker symbol). The Clear operation must be done using a JavaScript
Figure 2: An Example of Valid Input
Figure 3: An Example of Empty Input
2.2 Displaying Results
In this section, we outline how to use the form data to construct the calls to RESTful web
services of the Alpha Vantage APIs, Seeking Alpha News and display the results in the web page.
There are basically three components to display “vertically” from top to bottom of the web page:
stock information table, stock price/volume/indicator chart and stock news. A sample result is
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: A Sample Search Result for Apple Inc(AAPL)
2.2.1 Displaying Stock Information Table
From the Alpha Vantage APIs, we use two kinds of web services: Daily Time Series Data and
Technical Indicators. The Daily Time Series Data web service returns a JSON file which contains
the historical stock quote of the company.
The PHP script (i.e., stock.php) uses the input information (stock symbol or “name of equity”)
to construct a restful web service URL to retrieve all companies matching the query input:
The Daily Time Series Data web service URL has a parameter called symbol. The value of the
symbol parameter should be the text entered in the “Stock Ticker Symbol” edit box. The above
link is an example of calling lookup service with the input “MSFT”. The response of this URL is
a JSON object. Figure 5 shows an example of the returned response of the lookup service.
Figure 5: A Sample Result of the Daily Time Series Data service
The PHP script (i.e., stock.php) should parse the returned JSON object and extract the necessary
fields. After extracting the data, the PHP script should display the data in a tabular and chart
format below the search form. A sample output is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: An Example of Stock Information Table
The table contains these fields: Stock Ticker Symbol, Close, Open, Previous Close, Change,
Change Percent, Day’s Range, Volume, Timestamp and Indicators. Indicators includes Price (the
default), SMA, EMA, STOCH, RSI, ADX, CCI, BBANDS and MACD (see Hints about details
of each field).
To request the Indicators, use the following URL to invoke the API. Like the Series Data API, the
Technical Indicator service URL also has a “symbol” parameter, whose value is the same as the
one used for retrieving a stock quote. For example, the following RESTful call is invoking the
Technical Indicators service API, to retrieve the Simple Moving Average (SMA) for the symbol
“MSFT” (the stock symbol of Microsoft). The response of this API call is a JSON object. Figure
7 shows an example of the returned response of the SMA API nrequest:
Figure 7: An Example of returned JSON for Indicator Request
Note that you can use JavaScript to request and parse a JSON file for indicators (i.e., SMA,
EMA, STOCH, RSI, ADX, CCI, BBANDS and MACD). But for stock price/volume (JSON file)
and stock news (XML file), you must use PHP to request and parse these JSON and XML
2.2.2 Displaying Stock Price/Volume/Indicator Chart
The PHP script (i.e., stock.php) should extract the content of Time Series Data from the
returned JSON object to construct a chart which is responsible for displaying (close) price/
volume and indicators. The chart is provided by HighCharts (find more information about
HighCharts on Initially, the chart shows the historical stock
price (in red line with filling the area below, two digits after decimal) and volume (in white bar)
for the PAST SIX MONTHs by an interval of ONE DAY. Figure 8 shows an example of the
Stock Price/Volume chart.
Figure 8: An Example of Chart showing Stock Price/Volume
The title of the chart for showing price/volume is “Stock Price (MM/DD/YYYY)”, where
“MM/DD/YYY” is today’s date. The subtitle of the chart should be “Source: Alpha Vantage” and
should hyperlink to the Alpha Vantage website: The title of the Yaxis
is “Stock Price” when showing price, and “ACRONYM” for indicators. The X-axis tickers
display the date in the format of MM/DD, and have an interval of ONE WEEK.
When users click on the indicators in the stock information table, the chart should switch to show
the corresponding indicator values. The range and interval for indicators are the same as price/
volume. The title should be updated to “FULL NAME OF INDICATOR (ACRONYM)” and
the title of Y-axis should be “ACRONYM”. Figure 9 shows the chart displaying the indicator of
SMA of Apple Inc.
Figure 9: A Sample indicator chart showing SMA of Apple Inc.
Note some indicators may have multiple fields. The chart needs to handle this case and show all
of them in different color. Figure 10 shows the chart displaying Bollinger Bands which contains
3 values.
Figure 10: An Example of multiple valued indicator-Bollinger Bands
2.2.3 Displaying Stock News Table
The PHP script (i.e., stock.php) uses the input information (Stock Ticker Symbol) to request a
XML file containing stock news about the searched company. All the stock news comes from the
Seeking Alpha News RSS feed. The URL to request the news is: (SYMBOL is the same as the stock ticker “symbol”)
The response is a XML-formatted object (whose content is maintained by Seeking Alpha News).
The PHP script should parse the returned XML-formatted object, extract the necessary fields,
and build a JSON object to be set to the client. The JavaScript client component should display
the data in a tabular format to show the title of the latest five pieces of news, and publication
time shows after title, as shown in Figure 11.
The titles should hyperlkink to the corresponding news:
Figure 11: An Example of stock news about AAPL (Apple Inc)
Note that initially this table is hidden and when the button is clicked, the table
should toggle between expanded or hidden.
2.2.4 Displaying Error Message
If the Alpha Vantage API service returns an Invalid Call error message, the page should display
“No Record has been found”. Figure 12 shows an example when searching for a symbol
“BLABLA” and Figure 13 shows the corresponding returned JSON.
Figure 12: Search Result when there is no matching result
Figure 13 returned JSON when there is no matching result
2.3 Saving Previous Inputs
In addition to displaying the results, the PHP page should maintain the provided values to display
the current result. For example, if a user searches for “Stock Sticker Symbol: GE”, the user
should see what was provided in the search form when displaying the results. Specifically, when
clicking on the “Search” button, the page should display the result retrieved from the Alpha
Vantage API service and keep the value provided in the search form. In addition, when clicking
on any indicators link, the page should display the corresponding values in the chart and keep the
value provided in the search form. It follows that you need to keep the whole search box/input
fields and buttons even while displaying results/errors.
In summary, the search mechanism to be implemented behaves as follows:
● Based on the input data (stock ticker symbol) in the search form, construct a web service
URL to retrieve the output from the Alpha Vantage API service.
● Parse the returned JSON object and extract the necessary values.
● Call the Seeking Alpha News RSS feed service and retrieve the XML-formatted output.
● Parse the returned XML-formatted output and extract the necessary values and convert to
a JSON object.
● Display the stock information in tabular and chart formats.
● Display the indicators in chart formats.
● Display the stock news in tabular format.
Important Note: It is mandatory to retrieve the result from Alpha Vantage API service
using JSON format and the result from Seeking Alpha News RSS feed service using XML
3. Hints
3.1. Alpha Vantage on demand API Documentation
To apply for and API key on Alpha Vantage and read the API documentation, please go to:
Click on “Claim your free API key” in the first paragraph, which will take you here:
Enter your First Name, Last Name, select Student, enter your e-mail address and click
3.2 Stock Table Information
When the returned JSON is valid, the PHP script should retrieve the data from the response to do
calculations for the fields in Table 1 below.
Note that the “last day session” refers to the first entry of the key “Time Series”. “previous
closed day session” refers to the second entry of the key “Time Series”.
Table 1: Stock Table Fields
Regarding the marker icon rendered beside the values of Change, Change Percent, a red-down
arrow icon is displayed if the value is negative while a green-up arrow icon is displayed if the
value is positive. The icons can be found at:
Table Column Quote Service Response
Symbol The value of Symbol
Close The Close Price of last day session
Open The Open Price of last day session
Previous Close The Close Price of previous closed day
Change The difference between current Close and
previous Close
Change Percent
The value of Change Percent rounded to two
decimal points followed by a percentage “%”
character and a marker representing the price
change trend of the stock
Day’s Range The Low and High of last day session
Volume The Volume of last day session
Timestamp The value of Timestamp displayed in YYYYMM-DD
3.3 HighCharts
Please apply for your license at:
Once you receive the license, you can download HighCharts from the website or include the
CDN version in your script. Use of the CDN version is highly recommended.
3.4 Parsing JSON-formatted data in PHP
In PHP 5, you can parse JSON-formatted data using the “json_decode” function. For more
information, please go to
To read the contents of a JSON-formatted object, you can use the “file_get_contents” function.
3.5 Parsing XML files in PHP
You are free to choose any XML parsing library for PHP, but we recommend the SimpleXML
library. The SimpleXML library provides a simple way of getting an XML element’s name,
attributes, and text. As of PHP 5, the SimpleXML library functions are part of the PHP core. No
installation is required to use these functions. The following two tables show a set of functions
which you may use. For more detailed information, please go to:
Function Description
__construct() Creates a new SimpleXMLElement object
addAttribute() Adds an attribute to the SimpleXML element
addChild() Adds a child element the SimpleXML element
asXML() Formats the SimpleXML object’s data in XML (version 1.0)
attributes() Returns attributes and values within an XML tag
Table 2: PHP 5 SimpleXML Functions
Table 3: PHP 5 SimpleXML Iteration Functions
3.6 Encoding data into JSON-formatted objects in PHP
In PHP 5, you can encode data into JSON-formatted objects using the “json_encode” function.
For more information, please go to
children() Finds the children of a specified node
count() Counts the children of a specified node
getDocNamespaces() Returns the namespaces DECLARED in document
getName() Returns the name of the XML tag referenced by the
SimpleXML element
getNamespaces() Returns the namespaces USED in document
registerXPathNamespace() Creates a namespace context for the next XPath query
saveXML() Alias of asXML()
simplexml_import_dom() Returns a SimpleXMLElement object from a DOM node
simplexml_load_file() Converts an XML file into a SimpleXMLElement object
simplexml_load_string() Converts an XML string into a SimpleXMLElement object
xpath() Runs an XPath query on XML data
Function Description
current() Returns the current element
getChildren() Returns the child elements of the current element
hasChildren() Checks whether the current element has children
key() Return the current key
next() Moves to the next element
rewind() Rewind to the first element
valid() Check whether the current element is valid
4. Files to Submit
In your course homework page, you should update the HW6 link to refer to your new initial web
page for this exercise. Also, submit your files (only a single .PHP file) electronically to the
csci571 account so that they can be graded and compared to all other students’ code via the
MOSS code comparison tool.
• All discussions and explanations in Piazza related to this homework are part of the
homework description and grading guidelines. So please review all Piazza threads, before
finishing the assignment. If there is a conflict between Piazza and this description and/or
the grading guidelines, Piazza always rules.
• You should not use JQuery for Homework 6.
• You should not call the Alpha Vantage APIs directly from JavaScript, bypassing the
Apache proxy, except for the Indicators. Similarly, you should also not call the Seeking
Alpha XML RSS feed directly from Javascript. Doing either this will result in an 8-