Homework 2 – Basic Input & Arithmetic solution


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Problem 1. (10 points)
Assume the variables a,b,c and d have the integer values 25,24,28 and 22 respectively. What will be
the value stored in the variable Res after each of these statements:
1) Res = a+b
2) Res = c*2
3) Res = b/a
4) Res = b –c
5) Res = d // c
Problem 2. (10 Points)
Write assignment statements which perform the following operations with variables a and b.
1) Add 2 to a and assign the result to b
2) Multiply b by 5 and assign the result to a
3) Divide a by 3.14 and assign the result to b
4) Subtract 8 from b and assign the result to a
5) Raise a to the power 3 and assign the result to b
Problem 3. (10 Points)
How would you write the following arithmetic expression in Python? Assume a,b,c,d are integer
Problem 4. (10 Points)
Evaluate the following expressions using the order of operators. (Show the steps involved)
1) 9 + 6 * (5 + 7)/3 – 7
2) 19 – 6 / (8 – 3) * 2 – 1
For example evaluating 10 + 3*(8-4) – 5 involve the following steps:
 10 + 3 * 4 – 5
 10 + 12 – 5
 17
Problem 5. (10 Points)
Write a program which displays the following tab separated table
a b a**b
2 3 8
4 5 1024
5 6 15625
Problem 6. (10 Points)
Write a program which asks the user to enter the temperature in Celsius and converts it to
Use the formula F = 5/9C + 32, where F is the temperature in Fahrenheit and C is the temperature in
Sample program output:
Please enter the temperature in Celsius: 9
The temperature in Fahrenheit is: 37
Problem 7. (20 Points)
Write a program which asks the user to enter an integer between 0 and 100 and outputs the sum of
the digits of the number entered.
Hint: You can use the modulo operator to extract digits (93%10 = 3) and the integer division operator to
remove digits (91//10 = 9).
Sample program output:
Please enter a number between 0 and 100: 89
The sum of the digits is: 17
Problem 8. (20 Points)
Write a program which asks the user to enter an 8 digit number and outputs the number reversed.
Hint: You can use the modulo operator to extract digits (93%10 = 3) and the integer division operator to
remove digits (91//10 = 9).
Sample program output:
Please enter a number: 89123231
The reverse is: 13232198
Problem 9. (EXTRA CREDIT/OPTIONAL) (25 Points)
Write a program which asks the user to enter a 6 bit binary number and outputs the number’s decimal
Hint: Converting a number from binary to decimal involves multiplying the bits with increasing powers of
2 and adding the result.
For example for the 2 bit binary number 10 the bits 1 and 0 are multiplied by 2 and 1 respectively
resulting in 2 x 1 + 1 x 0 = 2. Thus the decimal equivalent of 10 is 2.
Similarly for the 4 bit binary number 1011 the bits 1, 0, 1, 1 are multiplied by 8, 4, 2 and 1 respectively
resulting in 8 X 1 + 4 X 0 + 2 X 1 + 1 X 1 = 11. Thus the decimal equivalent of 1011 is 11.
Some other examples are (subscripts indicate the number system used; 2 for binary and 10 for decimal)
(binary) 1112 → 4 X 1 + 2 X 1 + 1 X 1 → 710 (decimal)
(binary)100012 → 16 X 1 + 8 X 0 + 4 X 0 + 2 X 0 + 1 X 1 →1710 (decimal)
(binary) 101002 → 16 X 1 + 8 X 0 + 4 X 1 + 2 X 0 + 1 X 0 → 2010 (decimal)
Sample program output:
Please enter a 6 bit binary number: 101010
The decimal equivalent is: 42