CS561 Homework 1 A delivery drone solution


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A delivery drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) utilized to transport packages, food or
other goods. In this programming assignment, you will need to implement the following search
algorithms to deliver goods from a starting position S to a destination position D in an
undirected weighted graph G:
● Breadth-first search
● Depth-first search
● Uniform-cost search using the amount of fuel needed as cost
The drone has an initial amount of fuel, F, and cannot refill until it reaches the destination. The
nodes in G represent the places where the drone can travel to. If an edge exists between node
A and node B, the drone can travel from A to B. The weight of an edge corresponds to the
amount of fuel needed to traverse that edge. So, the route selection will be restricted by the
amount of fuel that the drone has. For example, when the drone is in node A, and there exists a
path between A and B, the drone can go to B if and only if it has the necessary amount of fuel.
Otherwise, B will be considered unreachable from A.
If a path from S to D exists under the fuel constraint, you should return the path; otherwise y
For BFS: Input and Output
Input File:
S: A-20, B-30
A: S-20, D-60
B: S-30, D-30
D: A-60, B-30
Output File:
S-B-D 10
In the input file, the first line indicates the algorithm to be used, which is either BFS or DFS or
UCS. The second line is the initial fuel amount. In the above example, it is 70. The third and
fourth lines are the start and goal node names, respectively. The rest represents the graph. For
instance, in the above example “S: A-20, B-30” means node S has two neighbors, A and B, the
cost between S and A is 20, and the cost between S and B is 30. You could assume the input file
is always in the correct format.
The returned path in the above example should be “S-B-D”, because with BFS, from S, both A
and B are reachable and get added to the frontier. If we expand the nodes in alphabetical
order, we expand A first and the remaining fuel at A will be 70-20=50. Note that because the
remaining fuel at A is less than the amount of fuel needed to go to D from A, D does not get
added to the frontier at this point. Then we expand B and the remaining fuel at B will be
70-30=40. Now we can add D to the frontier. Lastly, we extract D and the search will be done.
For DFS: Input and output
Input File 1:
S: A-50, B-20
A: S-50, D-200
B: S-20, C-40
C: B-40, D-80
D: A-200, C-80
Output File 1:
S-A-D 20
Input File 2:
S: A-50, B-20
A: S-50, D-200
B: S-20, C-40
C: B-40, D-80
D: A-200, C-80
Output File 2:
No Path
Note that the graph in these two input files is the same as figure 1.
For UCS: Input and output
Input File:
S: A-50, B-20
A: S-50, D-200
B: S-20, C-40
C: B-40, D-80
D: A-200, C-80
Output File:
S-B-C-D 130
Note: Node names can be any strings consisting of only alphanumerical characters [a-zA-Z0-9].
All test cases will follow the same format, including the placement of whitespace and new-line
characters. A node can have one or more connecting edges. All edge costs and the initial fuel
amount will be integers greater than or equal to zero.
Grading Notice:
Please follow the instructions carefully. Any deviations from the instructions will lead your
grade to be zero for the assignment. If you have any doubts, please use the discussion board
on Piazza. Do not assume anything that is not explicitly stated.
● You must use PYTHON (Python 2.7) to implement your code. You must not use any
other Python libraries besides the default libraries provided by the Python 2.7
environment. You have to implement any other functions or methods by yourself.
● You need to create a file named “hw1cs561s17.py”. The command to run your program
will be as follows: (When you submit the homework on labs.vocareum.com, the
following command will be executed automatically by the grading script.)
python hw1cs561s17.py –i <inputFile
where ● The generated output file needs to be named as “output.txt”.
● You will use labs.vocareum.com to submit your code. Please refer to
https://help.vocareum.com/article/30-getting-started-students to get started with the
system. Please only upload your code to the “/work” directory. Don’t create any
subfolders or upload any other files.
● If we are unable to execute your code successfully, you will not receive any credits.
● You will get partial credit based on the percentage of test cases that your program gets
right for each task.
● Your program should handle all test cases within a reasonable time (not more than a
few seconds for each sample test case). The complexity of test cases is similar to, but
not necessarily the same as, the ones provided in the assignment description.
● The deadline for this assignment is June 2, 2017 at 11:59 PM PST. No late homework
will be accepted. Any late submissions will not be graded. Any emails for late
submission will be ignored.