EE306 Introduction to Computing Lab 2 solution


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Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to write a program in LC-3 assembly language
code to find the larger of two 8-bit unsigned numbers. The two unsigned numbers are specified
in memory locations x3300 and x3301. Each 8-bit unsigned number is stored in bits [7:0], with
zeros in bits [15:8].

Your program should store the larger of these two unsigned numbers in memory location x3302.
Example: If the memory location x3300 contains 0000000001111100 (x007C), and memory
location x3301 contains 0000000000111111 (x003F), then your program should:
Store x007C in memory location x3302.

 The first line of your program must specify the memory address of the first instruction of
your program. The LC-3 simulator will place your program starting at that address. For
this assignment, you should place your program starting at x3000 (i.e. the first line of
your program needs to be .ORIG x3000).

 Use the LC3Edit program to type in your programs. Your program needs to be in LC-3
assembly language. Please ask any TA or Dr. Telang if you have any questions.

 Your file should be named exactly after your EID, for example, xy1234.asm. Your
program will not be graded if you fail to follow the file naming convention.