ECSE202L   Lab Assignment 3 solution


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Q1. In this assignment, students are required to randomly generated 100 numbers and write it down in a output file “Lab3_input.txt”. Next, students are required to read the input file “Lab3_input.txt” and sort the numbers using: a) Insertion sort (b) Selection sort (c) Bubble sort
With each algorithm, students are required to find the time complexity (in terms of number of iterations) of the algorithm to sort the data.
For example, suppose the randomly generated file has following numbers:
Expected output: A output file by name “Lab3_output.txt”:
12 34 5 2 56 78 32 5 1 45
Bennett University Greater Noida Department of CSE
Subject Lab: Algorithms & Complexity Lab Duration: 10:40-12:35 Lab Code: ECSE202L Max Marks: 10

Insertion sort
2 5 5 12 32 34 45 56 78 Selection sort: 1 2 5 5 12 32 34 45 56 78 Bubble sort: 1 2 5 5 12 32 34 45 56 78
Case /Time complexity Bubble Selection Insertion Best Case 32 40 40 Worst case 32 23 65 Average Case
Bennett University Greater Noida Department of CSE
Subject Lab: Algorithms & Complexity Lab Duration: 10:40-12:35 Lab Code: ECSE202L Max Marks: 10 Q2. In this question, you will get the file from your lab instructor which will be taken as input to read the data. Based on the given input file, you are supposed to sort the data by applying (a) Insertion sort (b) Selection sort (c) Bubble sort Again you have to find the expected running time of all the algorithms to sort the data in: (i) Best case (ii) Average case (iii) Worst case. For example, the given file will hold the data in this form:

Expected Output:
Insertion sort
A D S T W Z Selection sort: A D S T W Z Bubble sort: A D S T W Z
Case /Time complexity Bubble Selection Insertion Best Case 5 6 6 Worst case 6 6 5 Average Case 2 4 3