ECE368 Project#2 solution


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Description This project is to be completed on your own. Similar to Project 1, you will implement Shell sort. The major differences here are that (1) you will implement only insertion sort, and (2) you willusealinked-listtostorethelongintegers,insteadofusinganarrayforstorage. Consequently, your sorting will have to be performed on a linked-list. For this project, you will use the same sequence as in Project 1 for Shell sort. For each k in the sequence, Your Shell sort implementation will have to sort k linked-lists. In other words, each subarray can be implemented as a linked-list. In this project, you will use the following user-defined type to store integers: typedef struct node { long value; struct node *next; } Node; You may use the following user-defined type to store a linked-list of linked-lists (to be exact, a linked-list of pointers to Node): typedef struct list { Node *node; struct list *next; } List; Thisstructureisprobablyusefulforyoutomaintaink linked-lists,wherek isanumberinyour sequence. Functionsyouwillhavetowrite: Allmentionedfunctionsandtheirsupportfunctions,ifany,mustresideintheprogrammodule sorting.c. The first two functions Load File and Save File, are notfor sorting, but are needed to transfer the integers to be sorted to and from files.
Node *Load File(char *Filename) The file contains 1 (long) integers in each line. Note that this input file format is different from project 1. In project 1, the first line of the input file tells you the number of integers in the remainder of the file. In this project, the number of integers is not specified. The function should read all integers in the file into a linked-list and return the linked-list.
int Save File(char *Filename, Node *list) ThefunctionsaveslisttoanexternalfilespecifiedbyFilename. Theoutputfileandtheinput file have the same format. The returned value of this function indicates the number of integers successfully written into the file.
Node *Shell Sort(Node *list) Thisfunction takesin a list of long integersand sort them. To correctlyapply Shellsort, you would have to know the number of elements in the list and find the sequence accordingly. The first node of the sorted list is returned by the function. You have to write another file called sorting main.c that would contain the main function to invoke the functions in sorting.c. You should be able to compile sorting main.c and sorting.c with the following command (with an optimization flag -O3):
gcc -Werror -Wall -Wshadow -O3 sorting.c sorting main.c -o proj2
When the following command is issued,
./proj2 input.txt output.txt theprogramshouldreadin input.txt tostoretheintegerstobesortedintoalinked-list,runShell sort on the linked-list, and print the sorted integers to output.txt. The program should also print to the standard output (i.e., a screen dump), the following information:
I/O time: AAAA Sorting time: BBBB
where AAAA and BBBB, all in %le format, report the statistics you have collected in your program. A few tips about writing your functions: Although this project does not ask you to count the numbers of data comparisons and swaps. It is recommended that you keep them initially so that you can compare your new code against your code from Project 1. Keepinmindthatitiseasytotraverseasinglylinked-listinonlyonedirection. Therefore,you should think about whether you should keep the integers in a sorted linked-list in ascending order or in descending order. Moreover, you have to perform sorting many times. Do you always sort a linked-list in ascending or descending order, or do you want to sometimes sort in ascending order and sometimes in descending order?
Reportyouwillhavetowrite: You should write a (brief) report that contains the following items: • A tabulation of the I/O run-times and sorting run-times obtained from running your code on some sample input files. You should comment on how the I/O run-times and sorting run-times grow as the problem size increases, i.e., the time complexity of your routines. • The space complexity of your program. Do not include the space required by the linked list to store the integers. However, if you have to create a linked list of lists (or a linked list of pointers), you would have to account for the additional space for that linked list of lists (or pointers). • A comparison of the I/O run-times and sorting run-times obtained in this project and in project 1 (for insertion sort only). Explain any significant differences that you observe.
Each report should not be longer than 1 page and should be in PDF, or plain text format (using the textbox in the submission window.) The report will account for 10% of the overall grade of this project.
Grading: Theprojectrequiresthesubmission(electronically)oftheC-codesorting.candsorting main.c and any header files you have created through blackboard. You also have to submit the report through blackboard. The grade depends on the correctness of your program, the efficiency of your program, the clarity of your program documentation and report. It is important that all the files that have been opened are closed and all the memory that have been allocated are freed before the program exits. Bonus points will be given if your code has better performance than those of your classmates. Bonus points will also be given if your code has O(1) space complexity (not counting the linked list of long integers that you read in from a file).
Given: You may use similar input files as in project 1, except that you want to remove the first integer in each file. If you choose to use the exact same input files as in project 1, your program should sort all numbers in the files, including the first number in each of the input files.
Start sorting!