CSE30: Lab #9 – Stacks solved


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In this lab, we will explore a new useful data structure: Stacks. Stacks are usually
referred to as a LIFO (Last In First Out) structure, where the last element inserted into
the data structure is the first one to be removed from it. Stacks can be implemented with
any type of container (e.g. arrays, linked lists, etc.). In this lab, you will implement the
Stacks with your implementation of the Linked Lists in Lab#8. In fact, you can think
of Stacks as Linked Lists, with the LIFO constraints: you will implement them using
inheritance, by inheriting from a Linked List class.
Getting started
Create a new directory in your main development directory (probably on Desktop/CSE30)
called Lab_9. Try to use the terminal on your own, without getting help from the TA to
setup the new directories (try to learn/remember the terminal commands).
The g++ syntax to compile classes is slightly different than for a single program comprised
of a main (and potential functions):
g++ class1.h class1.cpp class2.h class2.cpp mainSource.cpp -o executable
 g++ is the compiler (installed on your Linux system) of C++ source files,
 mainSource.cpp is the source file for your main program (main function),
 class1.h is the class declaration for your 1st class,
 class1.cpp is your 1st class definition,
 class2.h is the class declaration for your 2nd class,
 class2.cpp is your 2nd class definition (and so on…),
 -o tells the compiler that you want to give the executable its own name, and
 executable is the name you want to give your program.
As an example, if we have a main source file called Exercise1.cpp, the class declaration
called LinkedList.h, the class definition called LinkedList.cpp, and want to create an
executable called aTestProgram, you would type:
g++ LinkedList.h LinkedList.cpp Exercise1.cpp -o aTestProgram
Assuming that your program compiled successfully (i.e. no errors were found), you can run
your program as you normally would by typing “./aTestProgram” in the terminal/console.
Good coding practices (worth 2 points!)
Writing code that is understandable by humans is as important as being correct for
compilers. Writing good code will help you complete the code, debug it and … get good
grades. It is very important to learn as soon as possible, because bad habits are hard to
get rid of and good habits become effortless. Someone (guess who) reads your code will
be in a better mood if it is easy to understand … leading to better grades! This lab will
include 2 points (10% for code quality):
 Explanations with comments
 Meaningful names
 Indenting of blocks { } and nesting …
 Proper use of spaces, parentheses, etc. to
 Visible, clear logic
 One / simple statements per line
 Anything that keeps your style consistent
(Exercise 1)
In this part of the lab, you will be implementing your own Stack class, comprised of a class
declaration (Stack.h) and class definition (Stack.cpp). You will also create a simple main
program to test your stack class (Exercise1.cpp). This part of the Lab will use int as the
type for elements in the Stack (Linked List nodes). In order to make the Stack
implementation as easy as possible, your stack class will inherit the LinkedList class
so that any functions available inside the LinkedList class can be used by the Stack class.
Take a look at the Inheritance_example_files from lecture to see how to use
inheritance. As you will see when you implement the Stack class, inheriting the LinkedList
class will make this part of the lab very simple. Your Stack class will be comprised of the
following functions, which you need to implement (note that the Stack class does not need
any variables, since those from the inherited LinkedList are all you need):
 Default Constructor (Stack()): does nothing
 Destructor (~Stack()): does nothing
 void push(int value): inserts a new element (value) at the front of the stack, by
calling the appropriate LinkedList function.
 int pop(): removes the first element of the Stack, by calling the appropriate
LinkedList function. It also returns the value of the element that has been popped.
 int& top(): returns a reference to the top element of the Stack.
You also need to create your own main program (Exercise1.cpp) to test the various Stack
 Create a stack of at least 10 elements in your main program and call various member
functions to manipulate the stack (as you have seen in your HW2 problem).
 Call push to insert integer to the stack
 Call top to return to the top of the stack
 Check the size of the stack by calling a function inherited from Linked List.
 Check if the stack is empty by calling a function inherited from Linked List.
 Print the content of the stack by calling a function inherited from Linked List and verify if
the member functions work correctly.
 You do not need to create exceptions, so create a main program that does not call
top or pop when the stack is empty.
 Your Stack implementation should be very simple and short. Most, if not all, functions
can be implemented using a single line of code. Remember that since you are inheriting
the LinkedList class, you can call any functions/variables that were defined inside the
LinkedList class.
(Exercise 2)
In this part of the lab, you will make the following changes to the code developed in
Exercise 1:
 Change your Stack and Linked List classes so that they use char type instead of
int. Name them Stack_char.h/Stack_char.cpp and LinkedList_char.h/
LinkedList_char.cpp to avoid the confusion between the classes created in
Exercise 1.
 Create a main program (Exercise2.cpp) to produce the following output similar
to what was illustrated in the lecture.
 You do not need to produce the table lines, but need to use tabs in between
columns and newlines for each row. Columns do not need to be aligned between
What to hand in
When you are done with this lab assignment, you are ready to submit your work. Make sure
you have included the following before you press Submit:
 Your LinkedList.h, LinkedList.cpp, LinkedList_char.h, LinkedList_char.cpp ,
Stack.h, Stack.cpp, Stack_char.h, Stack_char.cpp, Exercise1.cpp, Exercise2.cpp ,
and a list of Collaborators.
 Documentation (in a text file) of code you used from the internet. You may want to cutand-paste the original code as well.