CSE110 – Principles of Programming Palindrome Checker solution


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1. Problem Description
Desperate to cash in on the phone app market and betting that quirky English phrases will become
the next meme, you decide to build a Palindrome checker. A palindrome, you no doubt
remember, is a phrase that reads the same forwards as backwards (ignoring spaces, capitalization
and punctuation). The following are all examples:
• Racecar
• Amore, Roma
• A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!
• Was it a cat I saw?
• Never odd or even
You are to continually accept a user input string and identify which are a Palindrome. Continue
until the user enters the word “done”.
2. Notes
• Turn in only your source files.
• Do not use a package.
3. Required Main Class
4. Required Input
A series of user entered prospective palindromes, including the final input “done”.
5. Required Output
Your output should look something like the following example. It should include your name.
Palindrome Checker – E. Eckert
Enter phrase: A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!
That is a Palindrome.
Enter phrase: Once upon a time
That is NOT a Palindrome.
Enter phrase: No ‘x’ in Nixon.
That is a Palindrome.
Enter phrase: done