Write a C program that keeps information about world countries. There could be at most 100 countries. Use C Structures with the following data fields to represent countries. Country name (at 25 characters), Country population, Country area in km squares, Number of soldiers in the army, Neighbor countries (at most 10 neighbors, 0 for island countries)
When your program runs, it should offer the following options (a) Add a country (if user presses corresponding key, in this case: ‘a’), (Type ‘-1’ to finish neighbor input ) (b) Print name of the most powerful country in terms of military strength in vicinity of a given country (among neighbors of neighbors of given country including itself ) (c) Print name of the largest country in terms of land it possesses in vicinity of a given country (among neighbors of neighbors of given country including itself ) (d) Calculates and prints how many people at minimum should be seen if I need to go from a given country to another given country (Assume that if I visit a country, I would see all people of that country). If the target country is inaccessible then print INACCESSIBLE. (e) Exit the program (Presses key ‘e’)
Sample Usage
Make your choice: a Turkiye 79000000 815000 640000 Azerbaycan Bulgaristan Ermenistan Gurcistan Irak Iran Suriye Yunanistan -1 Make your choice: b Turkiye