CSE102 – Computer Programming Homework #7 solution


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In this assignment, you are asked to develop a well-known board game that is named Monopoly.
Monopoly, real-estate board game for two players, in which the player’s goal is to remain financially
solvent while forcing opponents into bankruptcy by buying and developing pieces of property. Each side
of the square board is divided into 6 equal divisions by forming 20 small rectangles representing specific
properties, punishments and taxes. At the start of the game, each player is given a fixed amount of money
to spend while playing; the players then move around the board by throwing a dice. Each player should
obey the rules mentioned below. Any player who lands on an unowned property may buy it, but, if he or
she lands on a property owned by another player, rent money must be paid to the owner of the land. A
player continues to travel around the board until he or she gets bankrupt. Bankruptcy results in
elimination from the game. The last player remaining on the board is the winner.
In the assignment, you need to code several functions to develop the game. The functions must be
obtained to the following rules:
• The game is played by two users. Both users in the game should be controlled by a person. The
players start the game from the start block.
• Each player can roll one dice on his/ her turn and moves according to number that is on the dice.
• If the user arrives to an unowned property, then the user can buy the property if he / she wants
it and she / he can construct some houses before the turn pass over to the other user (up to 3
• The user only can buy a property or construct a house on the property when the user has arrived
to the block of the property. The user can construct a house on each time he / she arrived to
his/her owned property.
• If the user arrives to an owned property, then the user must pay the rent of the property to the
owner of the property. The rent can be changed according to number of the houses constructed
on the property.
• When the user arrived a tax block, then the user must pay the tax fee of the block.
• The punishment blocks hold the arrived user according to punishment count. In an example; if
the punishment says: “Wait 2 turn” then the user cannot roll the dice before the against user roll
the dice three times.
CSE102 – Spring 2019 Homework #7
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• When a user doesn’t have enough money to pay his / her rent or tax then the bank asks him /
her to sell one or more properties which are owned by the user. If the user can’t pay his / her
payment even all the owned properties are sold, then the user lost the game.
• When a user pass through the start block, then the user gains ten thousand dollars on each time.
In this assignment, we strongly expect from you to use structures. For that reason, you need to
declare two structures for blocks and players. The fields of the structures are explained below:
struct player:
• player_type type : Holds type of the player. The player_type must be defined as
enumerated type which consist of noone, cap and car values.
• int current_block_id : Holds player location as block id.
• int owned_block_ids[11] : Holds property block ids that are owned by the user.
• int account : Holds amount of the current money of the player.
• int turn_to_wait : Holds number of turns to wait if the player got a punishment.
• char * name : Holds the name of the player.
struct block:
• int block_id : Holds id of the block.
• char * name : Holds text of the block that is shown on the top of the block.
• int price : If the block is property, holds the price of property. If the block is a tax
block than holds the tax fee and if the block is punishment block, then holds the number of
turns to wait.
• int rent : Holds the default rent of a property (no house).
• int rent_1 : Holds the rent of a property with one house.
• int rent_2 : Holds the rent of a property with two houses.
• int rent_3 : Holds the rent of a property with three houses.
• int house_price : Holds price of building a house on the block.
• int house_count : Holds the number of the houses on the block that are already built.
• struct player owner : Holds the owner of the block.
• block_type type : Holds type of the block. The block_type must be defined as
enumerated type which consist of start, property, tax, punish values.
Part 1. [10pts] Write a function that takes board as an input and initializes the board with the blocks.
The information of the blocks is given in file blocks.xlsx. Do not try to read blocks programmatically, just
read and prepare the board according to data in the Excel file. Remember that, block ids represent the
order of the blocks in the board. The function prototype is:
void init_the_board(struct block board[20])
Part 2. [20pts] Write a function that prints the board as shown below. The blocks consist of three lines.
The first line of the blocks prints text of the block, the second line print’s the price of the block and the
last line prints the users that are on the block.
The function prototype is:
void show_board(struct block board[20],struct player player_one, struct
player player_two)
Part 3. [10pts] Write a function that allows a user to select a property and to see details of its property
deed. The function takes the board as an input and shows all properties to the user on the board. The
user selects one of them and the function shows the details of the deed as shown below:
The function prototype is:
void show_properties(struct block board[20])
Part 4. [15pts] Write a function that takes the block of a property and a user as input and if the user is
available to buy the property, the function allows the user to buy the property. All controls (is the
property unowned, is the user on the block of the property, do the user have enough money to buy this
property etc.) must be done in the function. Remember that if the user buys the property, the function
must ask the user to learn if he / she wants to build one or more house on the property before he / she
lose his / her turn. The prototype of the function is:
void buy_property(struct block* current_block, struct player*
Part 5. [15pts] Write a function that takes the board and a user as input and allows the user to sell the
properties that are owned from the user to the bank. Remember that bank only pays back half of the
price of the property and the houses that are on the property. The user can sell one or more properties
until he / she wants to exit the function or he / she sold all his / her properties. The function prototype
void sell_property(struct block board[20], struct player* current_player)
Part 6. [40pts] Write a function that takes board and users as an input to allow two users to play the
Monopoly game. The function must provide:
• Keep playing until the one of the players get bankrupt. If a player can’t pay his payment even
after selling all his / her properties, then the player can be acknowledged as bankrupt.
• Show a menu to the players when it is their turn, to help them to play the game. The menu is
shown below.
• If the player arrives to an unowned property, the program must ask if he / she wants to buy the
property or not. If he / she buys the property, then the program asks if he / she wants to build
one or more house on the property or not.
• If the player arrives an owned property, then the he / she must pay the rent of the property.
• If a user doesn’t have enough money in his / her account when he / she needs to pay for
something, then the program must request him / her to sell some property.
void gameplay (struct block board[20], struct player player_one, struct
player player_two)
General Rules:
1. Obey and don’t broke the function prototypes that are shown on each part, otherwise, you will
get zero from the related part.
2. The program must be developed on Linux based OS and must be compiled with gcc compiler,
any problem which rises due to using another OS or compiler won’t be tolerated.
3. Note that if any part of your program is not working as expected, then you can get zero from the
related part, even it’s working in some way.
4. Upload your .zip file on to Moodle to deliver your homework. The zip file must consist of one .c
file that contains your solutions. Name format can be found on the top of this homework sheet.
5. You can ask any question about the homework on forum that is stated on the Moodle page of
the course.