CSE 241/505 Homework # 7 solution


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Inheritance, Templates, STL 
You will write a class hierarchy for bigrams (2-Gram). A bigram is a specialization of N-Gram which “is a contiguous sequence of N items from a given data sequence”. For the bigram we take N=2. For example if we have a sequence of integers {1 4 6 3 7 1 4 7 2} then the number of {1 4} bigrams is 2, the number of {4 6} bigrams is 1, and the number of {3 4} bigrams is 0. Similarly, if the sequence is {qwe asd fgh sdf sdf} then the number of {qwe asd} bigrams is 0.
The base class will be Bigram which will have only pure abstract functions and nothing else. This class will not have any data members. Class bigram will have the following member functions: • readFile: takes a filename as a string parameter, reads the file, calculates all the bigrams. Throws exceptions if there are problems with opening and reading the file. • numGrams: returns the total number of bigrams calculated so far. For example, if we read an integer sequence file that contains {1 234 346 343 7234 341 434 72 234}, then numGrams() returns 8. • numOfGrams: takes two elements as bigrams and returns the number of that bigram read so far. For example, if we read an integer sequence file that contains {1 4 6 3 7 1 4 7 2}, then numOfGrams(1,4) returns 2. • operator<< prints all the bigrams and their occurences in decreasing occurent order. • maxGrams: returns the bigram that has occurred most frequently. For example, if we read an integer sequence file that contains {1 4 6 3 7 1 4 7 2}, then maxGrams() returns std::pair