CSCI3656: NUMERICAL COMPUTATION Homework 12 solution


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1. Read this website about the The SIR Model fo Spread of Disease – The Differential Equation
Notice the figure at the bottom of the page showing the population trajectories. You’re going to
reproduce that figure.
2. Implement Euler’s method for the SIR system. Find a stepsize h such that a plot of your Euler
trajectories matches the website’s figure. What value did you get for h, and how did you get it?
3. Repeat the previous problem with Runge-Kutta 2.
4. BONUS (20 points): Repeat the previous problem with Runge-Kutta 4.
5. BONUS (50 points): Design and run a convergence study with respect to h for both Runge-Kutta
2 and 4. Choose the range of h’s informed by (i) the values you found in problems 3 and 4 and (ii)
a goal to determine the asymptotic regime for RK2/4 applied to the SIR system. (This is such
a good problem. This is the kind of problem you talk about in a job interview to demonstrate
your deep knowledge of the subject.)