CSCI 5308 Assignment 1 solution


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5/5 - (4 votes)

• Practice developing effective unit tests
• Practice implementing unit tests with JUnit
• Practice working with TDD
Clone the code on the repository
Problem Statement
You have three main tasks in this assignment:
• Create a set of unit tests using for the provided classes which are already developed
• The correctness of the code using your unit tests and if you find any bug fix it.
• Use TDD to design unit tests and develop the parts of code that are missing, use the
specification on the comments to do this.
You have inherited some buggy and incomplete code for computing shortest path solutions to
the board game Ticket to Ride. The previous developer left the company, so it is your job to
finish the software. Your boss has hired you to write a comprehensive set of tests for part of the
Given a game board of rail segments and a list of routes (pairs of cities), the code is supposed to
compute the total cost of building a network between the given routes, assuming that the
shortest distance for each route is chosen. This can be computed by computing shortest paths
for each route using Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm.
You will be provided with a partial codebase for distance computation, a specification, some
JUnit5 test class, and a list of classes for which you are to create unit tests. Your job is to create
the test suite, identify and fix the bugs (if any) and finish the methods not implemented in the
Note that the code you are provided does not have a main method and does not have the
method implementing Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. These will be provided in a later
assignments. You only need to write unit tests and finish up the classes already started, not
code for the Ticket to Ride problem in this assignment.
1. Read the specification of what the code is supposed to do in
2. Create a set of unit tests using JUnit5 using the provided classes. Remember that each class
needs to have its own test class, with several tests to check the implemented methods.
3. Implement a separate test class for each of the above target classes. Some sample empty
tests and real tests have been provided. For each test class
a. Create as many tests for each method of each class as needed. But remember, each
method must have at least one unit test.
b. Each test should provide an appropriate message if it fails.
c. Use good formatting and documentation in your tests, just like for any source code.
4. All the test classes should compile and be runnable in IntelliJ. If your test classes do not
compile, you will receive 0 on the assignment.
5. Record all detected errors in a file called errors.txt in the docs directory. Each error
should have the following information:
a. Class name
b. Method name
c. Test name that caught the error
d. Message that the test method generated
This information will be used to assess the number of errors found by your tests. An
example is provided.
6. Commit as you go and add a clear message about what you did, e.g., finished creating the
unit test for setCity() method, then commit with the message about this part of your work
before moving to something else.
7. Push back your work to YOUR remote repository, not to the one that you cloned. Everyone
has their own repository to deliver this assignment, e.g.,
8. Remember to check that all your files have been submitted using the web interface to git.
All the code should be committed and pushed back to the remote Git repository.
The following grading scheme will be used:
Task 4/4 3/4 2/4 1/4 0/4
All or nearly all
test cases are
Most test cases
are covered
Some of test
cases are
Few test cases
are covered
No test cases
Nearly all tests
have a purpose.
There are very
few redundant
Most tests have
a purpose. There
are a few
redundant tests.
At least half the
tests have a
purpose. Half
the tests are
Most of the tests
test the same
All the tests test
the same
All or nearly all
errors are
Most of the
errors are
Half the errors
are detected.
Few of the errors
are detected.
None of the
errors are
Code Clarity
Code looks
follows style
guidelines and
has very few
issues. Code is
very readable.
Code looks ok,
but has a few
Mostly follows
style guidelines.
Code is
Code is sloppy
with many
follows style
guidelines and is
a little hard to
Code is very
sloppy and does
not follow style
guidelines. Code
is hard to read.
Code is illegible.
Used a
commit to
every change
Used a separate
commit to
almost all
changes made
Used a separate
commit to half of
the changes
Sometimes used
a separate
commit to the
changes made
Has not used