CSCI 4176 & 5708 – Lab Assignment 03 solution


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The goal of this assignment is to get you familiar with the basics of the Recycler View. This Assignment depends on on A2! You will use Fragments, Navigation and a way to pass information between fragments. An excellent resource for Kotlin is their docs: This assignment is not meant to be technically challenging but you will have to do some reading on the docs. There is more than one way to solve this assignment. Your solution must be in Kotlin Your code must compile. If it does not compile, you will receive a 0 (zero), and no partial marks will be given. Coding Style: You must have proper names and comments. Please follow the guidelines on Public methods and classes should be documented. Please note that different than Java, Kotling does not encourage the use of @params, @return tags: Git Rules for A3: You are always expected to have a file with your name, banner, and any other information you might like to add (such as references); you can use the one from A1. You should also include a .gitignore. Your submission must include the entire project minus the ignored files/folders The Assignment A3 is about Single Activity applications with fragments, navigation plus a RecyclerView. Your goal is to create an app that can store and display notes using the RecyclerView. Notes have a title and a body. The body can be multi-line, but the title cannot. The first fragment (home/start) contains the recycler view ( and a floating action button to add new notes. Once pressed, the application must switch to the second fragment, where the user can add new notes. See: The second fragment will have a text field with hints indicating where to input the title and the body. You do not have to strictly follow the design above. The fragment also contains a button to save the notes. If the note has an empty title or an empty body, the application should not save the new note; instead, it should return to the first fragment. The user should be able to add as many notes as they want. The FAB button should only be visible on the first fragment. Hint: The CardView class helps a lot in defining the Note View: From A2: There are multiple ways to pass information between fragments: Bundles, Companion Objects, ViewModels, SafeArgs, etc. Please take some time to investigate the different methods and their advantages/disadvantages. Some examples: I’ve completed A3, what’s next? You will be using recycler views a lot because they are versatile (through its adapters). How about you take some time to implement a onClick that shows the note details in a third fragment and allows the user to edit or delete the note?