CSci 4061 Project #3: Multithreading solution


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1 Background
In multi-threads programming, threads can perform the same or different roles. In some multithreading
scenarios like producer-consumer, producer and consumer threads have different functionality. In other
multithreading scenarios like many parallel algorithms, threads have almost the same functionality. In this
programming assignment, we want to work on both sides in problem “word length statistics”, which is the
multithreaded version of MapReduce application. You should work in groups as previous projects. Please
adhere to the output formats provided in each section.
Topics covered: POSIX-threading, synchronization, producer-consumer model, file IO.
2 Project Overview
In this programming assignment, we will use multithreading to create a producer thread to read the file
and multiple consumer threads to process the smaller piece data. We will have two forms of synchronization: a shared queue synchronized between producer and consumers, and a global result histogram
synchronized by consumers.
The program contains: a master thread, one producer thread and many consumer threads (shown in Fig.1
below). For program execution flow, the entire program contains 4 parts:
Figure 1: Overview of Assignment 3
1. The master thread initializes the shared queue, result histogram, one producer thread and consumer
2. The producer thread will read the input file, cut the data into smaller pieces and feed into the shared
3. The consumers will read from the shared queue, compute the “word length statistics” for its data
pieces and synchronize the result with a global histogram.
4. After producer and all consumers complete their work, the master thread writes the final result into
the output file.
In the next section, we will go through the implementation details of this project. The implementation
requirements will be provided.
3 Project Implementation and Specifics
In this section, we will see the design details that will help you get started.
3.1 Master Phase
In this stage, the master thread needs to check the input arguments and print error messages if argument
mismatch. Then it should perform the initialization on shared data structure and launch the producer/-
consumers thread. Then the master will wait for all threads to join back and write the final result to one
output file “output/result.txt”. The output format should be: “%d %d\n”, and it will loop through the
global histogram from length of 1 to 20.
Notice: Even though we use the same application, there are several key differences in the input file
and processing flows:
1. Assignment 2 works on different files located in different directories, but this assignment takes
only one file as your input file.
2. You only have one process but multiple threads. Assignment 3 is mainly focused on the usage
of threads and thread-safe data structures.
3. The final result will be written to one output file only rather than multiple files.
3.2 Shared data structure
The core of this multithreading program is a thread-safe shared queue. This shared queue should be
implemented as a linked-list unbounded buffer. The producer inserts the data in the tail of the linked-list
while the consumer extracts the data from the head. Also, it should be implemented in a non-busy-waiting
way (use “mutex lock + conditional variable” or “semaphore”).
3.3 Producer phase
The main functionality of the producer thread is to read the input file and pass the data into the shared
queue (by a package). The file is required to be read by line granularity (one line at a time), thus each
consumer will work on one line at a time. Since there are multiple consumers, if the EOF is reached,
the producer should send notifications to consumers specifying there will be no more data. The producer
terminates after sending those notifications. Note that the package is the information transferred between
producer/consumers via shared queue. It should contain the data for consumers and other information if
The producer phase is similar to the steam phase in Assignment 2. But the producer sends data to a shared
queue instead of pipes.
3.4 Consumer phase
The consumer will repeatedly check the queue for new data, and parse it to perform word length count.
This will repeat until receiving the EOF notification. You can reuse your code from Project 2 to count
word lengths. Before the consumer terminates, it needs to synchronize its count result with a global final
histogram which is shared by all consumers. After all consumers finish their work, the master thread will
generate the output of the global final histogram. Note that the consumer should not write its result to
any output files.
Notice: Words are separated by whitespaces as delimiters.
Example: Thi’s is. a text* 0h gr8
The words in this sentence are {Thi’s, is., a, text*, 0h, gr8}
3.5 Log
The program will also print a log file if the argument option is specified. The path name of the log file
should be “output/log.txt”. The producer and consumers should print their execution information into the
• Print “producer\n” when the producer is launched
• Print “producer: %d\n” for the current line number (starts from 0)
• Print “consumer %d\n” when launched, with the consumer id (0 to number of consumers minus 1)
• Print “consumer %d: %d\n” for the consumer id and the line number it currently works on.
There are some other notes when writing the log:
• The print library functions are usually thread-safe, so you don’t need to use a lock or worry about
messy printing.
• Since the execution order of threads is nondeterministic, you usually will not get a stable log print
• EOF notification should be printed out as line number “-1”.
4 Extra Credit – Bounded buffer
We will provide extra credit (10%) if a bounded buffer shared queue is implemented. The application can
choose the unbounded/bounded buffer by the commandline argument option. Also the bounded buffer
should have a configurable buffer size specified by commandline argument option.
5 Compile and Execute
The current structure of the Template folder should be maintained. If you want to add extra source(.c)
files, add it to src folder and for headers user include. The current Makefile should be sufficient to
execute the code, but if you are adding extra files, modify the Makefile accordingly. For compiling the
code, the following steps should be taken:
Command Line
$ cd Template
$ make
The template code will not error out on compiling.
Once the make is successful, run the mapreduce code with the correct format.
Command Line
$ ./mapreduce #consumers inputFile [option] [#queueSize]
$ ./mapreduce 10 test/F1.txt -bp 20
• The first argument “#consumer” is the number of consumers the program will create.
• The second argument “filename” is the input file name
• The third, optional, argument has only three options: “-p”, “-b”, “-bp”.
– “-p” means printing, the program will generate log in this case.
– “-b” means bounded buffer (extra credit), the program will use it instead of unbounded buffer.
– “-bp” means both bounded buffer and log printing.
• #queue_Size means the queue size if using bounded buffer (extra credits).
6 Expected Output
Please ensure to follow the guidelines listed below:
• Do not alter the folder structure. The structure should look as below before compiling via make:
• The output folder content (auto-created) will be as follows:
• The content of result.txt will be as follows:
• The content of log.txt will be as follows if you enable the log option::
7 Testing
A test folder is added to the template with one test case. You can run the testcase using the following
Command Line
$ make test // run all test cases in the test directory
$ make t1 // run a specific test case
8 Assumptions / Points to Note
The following points should be kept in mind when you design and code:
• The input file sizes can vary, there is no limit.
• Add error handling checks for all the system calls you use.
• You can assume the maximum length of a word to be 20.
• The chunk size to read lines will be at most 1024 bytes.
• Follow the expected output information provided in the previous section.
9 Deliverables
1. An Interim Submission. (Due by 03/31/2021, 11:59 PM)
Interim Submission should just contain a src file main.c that can create threads and wait for termination
of threads.
2. A zip file containing all source code in the template (including include/ and lib/), Makefile and
a README that includes the following details:
• The purpose of your program
• How to compile the program
• What exactly your program does
• Any assumptions outside this document
• Team member names and x500
• Contribution by each member of the team
10 Rubric: Subject to change
• 10% Interim Submission
• 10% Documentation within code, coding, and style: indentations, readability of code, use of defined
constants rather than numbers
• 75% Test cases: correctness, error handling, meeting the specifications
• Please make sure to pay attention to documentation and coding style. A perfectly working program
will not receive full credit if it is undocumented and very difficult to read.
• A sample test case is provide to you upfront. Think about other corner cases that may occur in the
code, for example, an empty input file. Your code should be able to handle such cases. Please make
sure that you read the specifications very carefully. If there is anything that is not clear to you, you
should ask for a clarification.
• We will use the GCC version installed on the CSELabs machines(i.e. 9.3.0) to compile your code.
Make sure your code compiles and run on CSELabs.
• Please make sure that your program works on the CSELabs machines e.g., KH 4-250 ( You will be graded on one of these machines.
Notice: To get full credits, please ensure the submission can compile and run on any CSE Labs
machine located in KH 4-250, and follow the expected output.