CSCI 3901 Assignment 4 solution


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Problem 1
Work with exploring state space and backtracking.
Some games and puzzles like sudoku can be solved with a computer by systematically exploring all
possible solutions, called the state space, until a correct solution is found. They do this by backtracking
to a previous state whenever an incorrect solution is found, and then continuing from that point
by exploring different possible solutions. In this assignment you will write a program to solve a
mathematical puzzle which is closely related to sudoku by backtracking and state space exploration.
You will be solving a puzzle called mathdoku1
(see Figure 1 shows a
sample puzzle. In a mathdoku puzzle, you are given a square n × n grid. Within the grid, each cell is
identified as part of some grouping. Each grouping is a connected set of 1 or more cells and each
grouping is given
1. a mathematical operator like + or /, and
2. an integer which is the result of applying the operator to the cells.
The task is to put the integers 1 to n into the cells of the grid so that:
• No integer appears twice in any row
• No integer appears twice in any column
• Applying the operator to the values in a grouping gives the integer assigned to that grouping.
Figure 2 shows a solution to the puzzle in Figure 1.
The possible operators for a cell are + for addition, − for subtraction, ∗ for multiplication, / for division,
and = to specify that a grouping (of one cell) has a given value. For the − and / operations, the
groupings must have exactly 2 cells, and the larger value always comes first in the computation.
For example, if the operation is / and the values are 2 and 6, the result of that grouping would be
6/2 = 3.
The results of operations on groupings must always be integers, so 4/3 is not a valid assignment.
1These puzzles appear under the trade name of KenKen (


Figure 1: A mathdoku puzzle.
1 4 3 5 2
3 2 5 1 4
5 3 4 2 1
2 5 1 4 3
4 1 2 3 5
Figure 2: The solution to the puzzle in Figure 1.
Your task is to create a class called Mathdoku that accepts a puzzle and ultimately solves it. The class
has at least 5 public methods with the following signatures:
public boolean loadPuzzle(BufferedReader stream) Read a puzzle in from a given stream of
data. Further description on the puzzle input structure appears below. Return true if the puzzle is
read successfully. Return false if some other error happened.
public boolean validate() Determine whether or not the loaded puzzle is valid. Return true if
the puzzle is valid and can be solved, and return false otherwise. Further information on this method
appears below.
public boolean solve() Do whatever you need to do to find a solution to the puzzle. The method
should store the solution in the object so that it can be retrieved later. Return true if you solved
the puzzle and false if you could not solve the puzzle. This method should also keep track of the
number of guesses you make in the process of solving the puzzle, and then store this in the object to
be retrieved later by the choices method below.
public String print() Return the current puzzle state as a String object.
public int choices() Return the number of guesses that your program had to make and later
undo/backtrack while solving the puzzle.
You get to choose how you will represent the puzzle in your program and how you will proceed to solve
the puzzle. The only constraint on your solution is that it should be somewhat efficient. In this case
efficiency means that you explore as few solutions as possible before arriving at a correct one or
discovering that there is no solution to the puzzle.
The loadPuzzle method will accept a description of the puzzle as an input stream. The input stream
will be formatted in three sections as follows:
• Section 1: Consists of an integer n which gives the size of the puzzle (an n × n grid)
• Section 2: Consists of the puzzle square itself. For an n × n puzzle square, the input will have n
lines of input, each being a string of n characters (excluding the end of the line character). For
one line, the n characters are the n cells in the line; each cell is a letter that represents the cell
grouping to which the cell belongs.
• Section 3: Consists of the constraints for each cell grouping in the puzzle. There will be one line
for each cell grouping. That line will have 3 values: the letter representing the grouping, the
operation outcome for the grouping, and the operator for the grouping (one of +, -, *, /, or =).
The values are separated from one another by at least one space.
Example: The puzzle in Figure 1 would be represented as the following input. The constraints are
given alphabetically by the grouping name here, but that’s not a guarantee in all input.
a 4 +
b 2 /
c 75 *
d 2 =
e 2 *
f 4 =
g 5 =
h 60 *
i 1 =
j 8 *
k 1 –
l 1 –
m 8 +
Input validation
In many programs, such as compilers, there are multiple stages of input validation to check more
complex properties of the input. The validate method performs additional input validation to check
whether the input loaded by the loadPuzzle method specifies a valid mathdoku puzzle.
Some conditions you will need to check in your validate method (if you already check some of these
in your loadPuzzle, that is fine) are:
• The cells form an n × n grid
• Every grouping is a connected set of cells — that is, there are no “gaps” between cells in a
• Every grouping has a value and an operator
• Every grouping with the = operator has exactly one cell
• Every grouping with the − or / operator has exactly two cells
• Every grouping with the + or ∗ operator must have at least two cells
The print method produces a String that represents the current state of the puzzle. The output
provides each row of the current puzzle state; listed from top-to-bottom and rows separated by a
carriage return (\n) character. No space is printed between the columns of the rows. If the cell has a
value from 1 to n assigned to it then print that value for the cell. Otherwise, print the grouping letter
for the cell.
The following is the returned string for the puzzle in Figure 2, noting that \n should be seen as just
one character (newline character) in the text below:
• The character for each cell grouping is case sensitive. So, a cell entered as a and another as A
are two different groupings.
• You may use any data structures from the Java Collection Framework.
• You may not use an existing library that already solves this problem.
• If in doubt for testing, I will be running your program on Correct
operation of your program shouldn’t rely on any packages that aren’t available on that system.
• Develop a strategy on how you will solve the puzzle before you start coding your data structure(s)
for the puzzle
• Work incrementally. First write the code to read in a puzzle. Test that. Next, write the code
to print the current state of the puzzle. Test that. Then, write the code to validate the puzzle.
Test that. Last, write your code to solve the puzzle.
• It might be helpful to start by brute-forcing the puzzle — specifically, try every possible number
in each cell and check to see if it’s a solution. You probably won’t be able to solve large puzzles
this way, so start with something small like a 4 × 4 grid. Check for
sample puzzles.
• Once you have a working solution, think about ways in which you can make your solution more
efficient. For example, if a grouping contains only one cell, do you need to try all possible values
in that cell or can you simply infer the correct value for that cell? Note that there is no one
solution to making your code efficient.
• Do not change any of the given class names, method names or method signatures.
• Do not mark any of variables or methods in your class as static.
What to submit
• Your file and any other supporting java files.
– Do not include package statements in your java file(s).
• A separate .pdf file with
– A list of your test cases for the problem.
– An explanation of your solution — specifically, the strategy/algorithm you use to solve the
puzzles, as well as what steps you have taken to provide some degree of efficiency.
Marking scheme (out of 25)
• Documentation, program organization, clarity, modularity, style – 4 marks
• List of test cases for the problem – 3 marks
• Explanation of your solution – 3 marks
• Ability to solve puzzles – 12 marks
• Efficiency of your solution – 3 marks