• Use a hashing function
• Store data in a chained hash table
• Search for data in a hash table
The background idea is the same as Homework 2. This time you will implement a
hash table using separate chaining with linked lists.
What your program needs to do
Use the text files from HW 7, NOT HW 2
– HW7-HungerGames_edit.txt
– HW7-stopWords.txt
Your class will be able to calculate the following information on any text file:
• The top n words (excluding stop words; n is also a command-line argument)
and the number of times each word was found
• The total number of unique words (excluding stop words) in the file
• The total number of words (excluding stop words) in the file
Your program takes four command-line arguments: the number of most common
words to print out, the name of the text file to process, the stop word list file, and the
size of your hash table.
Running your program using:
./a.out 10 HW7-HungerGames_edit.txt HW7-stopWords.txt 53
would return the 10 most common words in the file HW7-HungerGames_edit.txt,
use a hash table of size 53, and should produce the following results:
682 – is
492 – peeta
479 – its
431 – im
427 – can
414 – says
379 – him
368 – when
367 – no
356 – are
Number of collisions: 7628
Unique non-stop words: 7681
Total non-stop words: 59045
Program Specifications
The following are requirements for your program:
• Your Hash Table must be implemented in a class based on the provided
• You must implement a driver program that utilizes your HashTable class.
This driver program will contain your main function.
• When executing your driver program:
o read in the number of most common words to process from the first
command-line argument.
o Read in the name of the text file to process from the second commandline
o Read stopwords from the file specified by the third command-line
o Create a hash table of size specified by the fourth command-line
• Write a member function named getStopwords that takes the name of the
stopwords file, fills the data member vector vecIgnoreWords with the
stopwords, and returns void. Read in the file for a list of the top 50 most
common words to ignore (e.g., Table 1).
o The file will have one word per line, and always have exactly 50 words
in the file. We will test with files having different words in it!
o Your function will update the vector with a list of the words from the
o You can use your getStopWords function from Homework 2 as a
starting point!
• Implement a hashing function in member function getHash that will
minimize collisions. There are many ways to do this, but for this assignment,
we will use a hashing function known as DJB2. Pseudocode for this function is
as follows:
int hash(string word)
int hash = 5381;
for each character c in word:
hash = hash*33 + c
hash = hash % hashTableSize
if(hash < 0) hash+=hashTableSize
return hash;
A detailed explanation of why this hash function is suitable for hashing
strings can be found on the web. It is easy to see, however, why an overly simple
hash function, such as summing up the ASCII values of the characters in a string,
may not minimize collisions. A simple sum of ASCII values would result in a
collision between all words made up of the same characters (cat and act, for
example). The DJB2 hash avoids this by applying the multiplication step as it
iterates through the characters in the string. However, due to repeated
multiplication, it is possible that the hash value will undergo integer overflow.
That is the reason for the check to see if the hash value is less than 0. Feel free to
experiment with different hash functions and hash table sizes and see what
happens to the number of collisions, but use the DJB2 hash for your submission.
• Store the unique words found in the file that are not in the stopword list in a
hash table.
o Check if the word is a stopword first, and if it is, then ignore that word.
o Use the hashing function to determine where in the hash table the
word should be stored.
o Search the linked list at that location in the hash table array for the
§ If the list does not exist yet, dynamically allocate a new struct,
make this new struct the head of the linked list, and add 1 to
the number of unique words.
§ If the word is present in the list, add one to the count.
§ If the word is not present,
• dynamically allocate a new struct and add it to the list
• Add one to the number of unique words
• If there was already something in this spot in the hash
table, add 1 to the number of collisions.
o This method of using linked lists to deal with collisions is called
Separate Chaining with Linked Lists.
o Hint: in your main function, after you have read in a word from the
text file, this can be easily accomplished by using the isStopWord,
isInTable, incrementCount, and addWord member functions
described below.
• Before your program ends, be sure to free all dynamically allocated memory
via the class destructor.
• Implement a member function isStopWord that takes a string as an
argument and returns true if the string is a stopword, or returns false
• Implement a member function isInTable that takes a string as an argument
and returns true if the string is already stored in the hash table, or returns
false otherwise.
• Implement a member function incrementCount that increments the count of
a word already stored in the hash table by 1.
• Write a member function named addWord that creates a new wordItem
struct and adds it to the hash table at the appropriate location.
• Write a member function named searchTable that takes a string as an
argument and returns a pointer to the wordItem struct that stores the string,
or NULL if the string is not currently stored in the hash table.
• Implement getter methods for numCollisions and numUniqueWords.
• Output the top n most frequent words, number of collisions, number of
unique non-stop words, and total non-stop words
o Write a member function named printTopN that takes the value of N
as an argument and determines the top N words in the array. Hint:
Declare an array of pointers of size n (static declaration), and use the
insertIntoSortedArray algorithm from Assignment 1 to fill this array
with words with the largest counts.
o Then print out the top N words using the specified output.
o Print other output as specified elsewhere in this write-up (number of
collisions, number of unique non-stop words, and total number of
non-stop words.)
• Format your output the following way (and reference the example above).
o When you output the top n words in the file, the output needs to be in
order, with the most frequent word printed first. The format for the
output needs to be:
Count - Word
Number of collisions: