CSci 2041 Lab 14: Purely Functional Data Structures II solution


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For today’s lab, you will complete Exercise 3.5 from Okasaki’s book:

> **Exercise 3.5** Define findMin directly rather than via a call to
> “removeMinTree“.

Your will define this new function as “findMinDirect“ in your
“Hwk_08/“ file.

## Getting started 🐔

Perform the “getting started” step from Hwk_08. (If you have already done this
for Hwk_08, you are all set.)

## Be productive 🤳

Open your “Hwk_08/“ file. In your “BinomialHeapSig“
signature, add your new function:

findMinDirect: t -> elem

The function has the same type as “findMin“. That is, it takes a binomial
heap as input and outputs an element.

## Be direct 🎯

Now, implement “findMinDirect“ in your “BinomialHeap“ functor, defined as
follows: Given a binomial heap, output the minimum value element in the heap.

Your function must not call “removeMinTree“ or “findMin“.

## Be confident 💩

Test your work by using the “putting it all together” step from Lab_13, and
adding the following line at the bottom of your file:

let m3 = BHI.findMinDirect h6

Notice that “m3“ should evaluate the same as “m2“ (namely, 20).

## Compiling your code 🎪

Add this line at the top of your “Hwk_08/“ file:

open Ordered

Then, run the following commands in order:

ocamlbuild ordered.byte

ocamlbuild binomialheap.byte

You should see no errors.

*Note: If you want to test your work again in the OCaml toplevel, you must
comment or remove the “open Ordered“ line. But add it back in before pushing
your work to your repository.*

## Turning in your work 🎰

Push your updated “Hwk_08/“ file to your repository before the
due date.

Do not push “ordered.byte“ or “binomialheap.byte“. These are binary
executable files, and our main goal is to ensure that your code compiles
successfully. (You can even try running the command ./binomialheap.byte which
will appear to do nothing.)

If you accidentally committed and pushed these files, please do the following
from your “Hwk_08“ directory in your repository:

git rm ordered.byte

git rm binomialheap.byte

Commit this change and pull and push as usual, before the due date.

Thank you and many apologies for any confusion. 🙇