Your task is to develop a simulation
of different scheduling disciplines that allocate a set of processes to available processors.
Using the process generator that you developed in Homework #2 and used in Project #1, generate a set of 64
processes with different memory and cycle (i.e. runtime) requirements.
You may assume that the processes
arrive in the system every 50 cycles (e.g., at times 0, 50,100, 150, 200, …etc.). Also, you can assume that once a
process has started, it will run to completion (i.e., there is no scheduling). However, a process can only start
executing if the required memory is available and can be allocated.
1. Assuming that the combined memory requirement of all 64 processes is less than 20 MB, use the system
calls malloc() and free() to dynamically allocate and de-allocate memory to your processes. Measure the
total system time that is required to simulate the execution of your 64 processes.
2. Develop your own memory management system with corresponding function calls my_malloc() and
my_free() to manage a pre-defined block of memory of size 20MB. The function my_malloc() will try to
find the required chunk of memory within the pre-defined 20MB block and allocate it to an arriving
process. Upon completion, the memory partition is returned to the memory pool via the function
my_free(), to be used by other processes.
Compare the performance of your memory manager to the
performance of malloc() and free(). Note that you memory manager does only call the system’s
malloc() once to request the initial 20MB block, hence you are reducing the number of context switches.
3. Assume that the available memory is less than the sum of requirements of all 64 processes. Modify your
system such that a process can only execute if the required memory can be allocated, otherwise, the
process will have to wait in a special queue for memory to become available.
For a given set of 64
processes, analyze the overall completion of your simulation under the assumption that:
• The system only has 50% of the memory required by the set of 64 processes.
• The system only has 10% of the memory required by the set of 64 processes.
Of course, the required memory per process is always guaranteed to be less than system memory.
Deliverables: Write a 5-page report that highlights your implementation of the memory manager and shows the
results of the performance analysis. You must discuss all the limitations and assumptions. You must submit
well-documented code
Have FUN!!