Task 1 Ref-based Stack implementation During lectures and labs we have examined the Stack ADT and the principle operations it defines (e.g., push, pop, isEmpty, etc.). An ADT definition itself does not provide an implementation, so in this assignment you will actually implement a Stack using the ref-based nodes approach we have seen earlier for linked lists. One further improvement, however, is that we will also write StackLink StackLinked such that it will be a generic type. That is, when you write code instantiating a StackLink StackLinked, you will also be able to indicate what element type is to be stored in the stack instance. We have provided four Java files: • The definition of the Stack ADT interface (not be modified); • A helper type that will be used to implement StackLink (not to be modified); • Needed for some operations in Stack, i.e., pop and peek (not to be modified); and Page 2 of 4 • The file you will complete for Task 1. Your task is to complete the implementation of StackLink StackLinked using a refbased node approach. Tests 1 through 22 in are given to guide your implementation effort. To simplify reasoning about your implementation these tests use Integer when instantiating a StackLink StackLinked. Note: You are not permitted to use the JCF’s Stack implementations to complete your program. Task 2 Using StackLink StackLinked to implement a postfix-expression evaluator Another topic in lectures about stacks is their use in problem solving. One of these problems involves the evaluation of postfix expressions. In the solution to this problem, a stack is used to store operands and the results of operations, with successful expression evaluation resulting in a single integer on the stack. (Please review the lecture slides for details on how this algorithm works.) In what follows three classes are mentioned (and these are provided to you): • (completed in tasks 2 and 3) • (not to be modified) • (not to be modified) In this task and the next, you will need to implement the methods eval() and infix2postfix(), and we strongly recommend you first implement eval() (i.e., complete task 2 before task 3). You are provided a complete method named tokenize() in PostfixMachine. This method accepts a string as a parameter (e.g., “11 12 3 * +”) and returns a LinkedList that is a sequence of ExpressionToken instances. The sequence in the list for the “11 12 3 * +” is shown below (where the left-most token is at the head of the list): The implementation of eval() has one parameter that is a LinkedList, itself created by some earlier call to tokenize(), and eval() evaluates the expression represented by that incoming list. Code may directly access the kind and value fields in an ExpressionToken. (If a token is not an operand, then the value stored in that token should be ignored as is hinted at in the figure above where the value area is greyedout.) kind=OPERAND value=11 kind=OPERAND value=12 kind=OPERAND value=3 kind=MULTIPLY value=0 kind=ADD value=0 Page 3 of 4 Note tokenize() does not check for expression validity. It is possible that poorlyformed postfix expressions may be constructed (e.g., “31 29 + -” where there are too few operands; “3 7 8 -“ where there are too many operands; “210 67 ^” where an unrecognized operator is given; and “123 0 45 * /” where a division-by-zero occurs). Your goal for task 2 is to complete the implementation of the eval() method in the class Note all of the methods in this class are marked static, and also there is no main() method in the class. We can use methods in this class by naming the class and then using dot notation just as if we called a method on some object. (See the code in testPostfixEvaluatorBasic() within for examples of this syntax.) Tests 23 to 29 check behavior on well-formed postfix expressions. Read the “Purpose” and “Example” comments before the body of eval() for more information on the errors to be detected by your implementation and how your code must behave. Tests 30 through 33 check for this error-detection behavior. Note: You must use your StackLink StackLinked implementation to store operands and operation results. However, you are free to decide what is to be stored in the stack (an Integer? an ExpressionToken of kind=OPERAND? etc.) Task 3 Infix to postfix conversion Your last task is to apply the use of your StackLinked and a List to convert an infix expression into postfix. This code must be located in the infix2postfix() method within The method has one parameter which is a LinkedList of ExpressionToken representing the infix expression, and returns a LinkedList of ExpressionToken representing the resulting postfix translation. The algorithm for this conversion has been covered in lectures, and so assembling the details from the slides into suitable loops, selection statements and variables may seem a bit confusing at first. However, the Purpose and Examples comments with infix2postfix have been given in such a way as to hint towards an implementation strategy. As in Task 2, the tokenize() method does not check input strings for validity, and therefore your implementation should check for errors. (Error checking here is much simpler than when processing a postfix expression.) Again, please read the comments placed just before infix2postfix for error-detection details. Tests 34 through 38 check for correctness of infix2postfix operation. Tests 39 to 43 combine this conversion with evaluation (i.e., going from a infix expression all the way to completed postfix evaluation.) Note: You must use your implementation of StackLinked to store expression tokens. You must use the JCF’s LinkedList class when building up the postfix expression. Working with the built-in LinkedList is actually quite straightforward. For example, Page 4 of 4 here is some code that iterates through the ExpressionToken instances returned from some call to tokenize(): LinkedList aList = PostfixExpression.tokenize(“2 + 2”); for (ExpressionToken et : someList) { System.out.println(et); } which has the same effect as this expressed using the old-school for-loop. LinkedList aList = PostfixExpression.tokenize(“2 + 2”); for (int i = 0; i < someList.size(); i++) { et = aList.get(i); System.out.println(et); } File to submit: • StackLink StackLinked •, i.e., completed implementations for eval() and infix2postfix() Grading scheme Requirement Marks Submitted files compile without errors or warnings 2 Code passes the first set of test cases (1 to 22) 4 Code passes the second set of test cases (23 to 29) 4 Code passes the third set of test cases (30 to 33) 3 Code passes the fourth set of test cases (34 to 38) 4 Code passes the fifth set of test cases (39 to 43) 1 Code uses follows the posted coding conventions on commenting. 2 Total 20 Note: Code submitted must be written using techniques in keeping with the goals and stated restrictions of the assignment. Therefore passing a test is not automatically a guarantee of getting marks for a test (i.e., your solution must not be written such that it hardcodes results for specific tests in yet would be unable to work with similar tests when different data is used). In order to obtain a passing grade for the assignment, you must satisfy at least the first three requirements by passing all of their test cases.