Instructions for Handing In Homework
Write up the solutions for these problems electronically and submit them as a single zip file into the
1. When considering a second order cone constraint, a temptation might be to square it in order
to obhain a classical convex quadratic constraint. This might not always work. Consider the
2×1 + x2 ≥ kxk2
and its squared conterpart:
(2×1 + x2)
2 ≥ kxk
Is the set defined by the first inequality convex? Is the set defined by the second inequality
convex? Draw them both and discuss.
2. We would like to minimize the function f : R
7→ R, with values:
f(x) = max
x1 + x2 − min(min(x1 + 2, x2 + 2×1 − 5), x3 − 6),
(x1 − x3)
2 + 2x
1 − x1
with the constraint kxk∞ < 1. Explain precisely how to formulate the problem as an SOCP in
standard form. Solve using GAMS.
3. The returns on n = 4 assets are described by a Gaussian (normal) random vector r ∈ R
, having
the following expected value rˆ and covariance matrix Σ:
rˆ =
, Σ =
0.0064 0.0008 −0.0011 0
0.0008 0.0025 0 0
−0.0011 0 0.0004 0
0 0 0 0
The last (fourth) asset corresponds to a risk-free investment. An investor wants to design a
portfolio mix with weights x ∈ R
(each weight xi is non-negative , and the sum of the weights
is one) so as to obtain the best expected return rˆ
T x, while guaranteeing that
(a) no single asset weights more that 40%;
(b) the risk-free assests should not weight more that 20%;
(c) no asset should weight less than 5%;
(d) the probability of experiencing a return lower than q = −3% should be no larger that
= 10−4
What is the maximal achievable expected return, under the above constraints?
Problem 0 Page 1