In this assignment you will 1. train a probabilistic context-free grammar (PCFG) from a treebank (need binarization); 2. build a simple CKY parser (which handles unary rules), and report its parsing accuracy on test data. Download corpora: train.trees training data, one tree per line test.txt test data, one sentence per line test.trees gold-standard trees for the test data (for evaluation) scripts: Tree class and reading tool evaluation script 1 Learning a grammar (50 pts) The file train.trees contains a sequence of trees, one per line, each in the following format: (TOP (S (NP (DT the) (NN boy)) (VP (VB saw) (NP (DT a) (NN girl))))) (TOP (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VB need) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB arrive) (ADVP (RB early)) (NP (NN today)))))))) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP (WDT what) (NN time)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (PRP it))))) N.B. provides tools for you to read in these trees from file (building a Tree object from a string). TOP S VP NP NN girl DT a VB saw NP NN boy DT the TOP S VP S VP VP NP NN today ADVP RB early VB arrive TO to VB need NP PRP I TOP SBARQ SQ NP PRP it VBZ is WHNP NN time WDT what Note that these examples are interesting because they demonstrate • unary rules on preterminals (POS tags) like NP -> PRP and NP -> NN; 1 • unary rules on nonterminals (constituents) like S -> VP and TOP -> S; • ternary rules like VP -> VB ADVP NP (so that you need binarization). • NP can have (at least) three roles: subject (the boy), object (a girl), and temporal-adverbial (today). The Penn Treebank does annotate these roles (e.g., NP-SBJ, NP-TMP), but for simplicity reasons we removed them for you. • a sentence can be a declarative sentence (S) or a wh-question (SBARQ), among others. Your job is to learn a probabilistic context-free grammar (PCFG) from these trees. Q1.a Preprocessing: replace all one-count words (those occurring only once, case-sensitive) with : cat train.trees | python > train.trees.unk 2> train.dict where train.trees.unk is the resulting trees with symbols, and train.dict is a file of words which appear more than once (one word per line). Explain why we do this. Q1.b Binarization: we binarize a non-branching tree (recursively) in the following way: A B C D ⇒ A A’ C D B e.g. VP VB NP PP ADVP ⇒ VP VP’ VP’ PP ADVP NP VB cat train.trees.unk | python > train.trees.unk.bin What are the properties of this binarization scheme? Why we would use such a scheme? (What are the alternatives, and why we don’t use them?) Is this binarized CFG in Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)? Q1.c Learn a PCFG from trees: cat train.trees.unk.bin | python > grammar.pcfg.bin The output grammar.pcfg.bin should have the following format: TOP TOP -> S # 1.0000 S -> NP VP # 0.8123 S -> VP # 0.1404 VP -> VB NP # 0.3769 VB -> saw # 0.2517 … where the first line (TOP) denotes the start symbol of the grammar, and the number after # in each rule is its probability, with four digits accuracy. We group rules into three categories: binary rules (A -> B C), unary rules (A -> B), and lexical rules (A -> w). How many rules are there in each group? 2 2 CKY Parser (70 pts) Now write a CKY parser that takes a PCFG and a test file as input, and outputs, for each sentence in the test file, the best parse tree in the grammar. For example, if the input file is the boy saw a girl I need to arrive early today the output (according to some PCFG) could be: (TOP (S (NP (DT the) (NN boy)) (VP (VB saw) (NP (DT a) (NN girl))))) (TOP (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VB need) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB arrive) (ADVP (RB early)) (NP (NN today)))))))) Q2.a Design a toy grammar toy.pcfg and its binarized version toy.pcfg.bin such that the above two trees are indeed the best parses for the two input sentences, respectively. How many strings do these two grammars generate? Q2.b Write a CKY parser. Your code should have the following input-output protocol: cat toy.txt | python toy.pcfg.bin > toy.parsed Verify that you get the desired output in toy.parsed. Note that your output trees should be debinarized (see examples above). Q2.c Now that you passed the toy testcase, apply your CKY parser to the real test set: cat test.txt | python grammar.pcfg.bin > test.parsed Your program should handle (any levels of) unary rules correctly, even if there are unary cycles. How many sentences failed to parse? Your CKY code should simply output a line NONE for these cases (so that the number of lines in test.parsed should be equal to that of test.txt). What are main reasons of parsing failures? Q2.d Now modify your parser so that it first replaces words that appear once or less in the training data: cat test.txt | python grammar.pcfg.bin train.dict > Note that: • train.dict should be treated as an optional argument: your CKY code should work in either case! (and please submit only one version of • your output tree, however, should use the original words rather than the symbol. Like binarization, it should be treated as internal representation only. Now how many sentences fail to parse? Q2.e Evaluate your parsing accuracy by python test.parsed test.trees python test.trees Report the labeled precisions, recalls and F-1 scores of the two parsing results. Do their differences make sense? 3