This programming assignment is to simulate a simple virtual memory system using the three
page replacement policies studied in class: First-In First-Out (FIFO), Optimal (extra credit),
and Least Recently Used (LRU). Your program reads an input file containing a sequence of page
requests (page numbers) and generates an output that shows how the requested pages are mapped
into physical frames.
The program is called as:
./vm FIFO|LRU|OPTIMAL input.handout
Input File
The input file consists of 3 parts:
• The first (non-comment) line is an integer specifying how many frames to simulate
• The second (non-comment) line is an integer specifying how many pages to simulate
• The rest of the file contains page references that consist of lines of: r/w pagenumber
The input file can also contain the following lines:
• Any line that starts with a pound sign is a comment and should be ignored
• Any line that contains only the command ”debug” should enable debugging
• Any line that contains only the command ”nodebug” should disable debugging
• Any line that contains only the command ”print” should print the defined output format as
shown below
1. Your program must be writted in C, C++, or Python
2. Your program must check the command line arguments and report errors appropriately
3. Your program must carefully check the input file format and report errors appropriately
(any error should terminate the simulation)
4. Your program must work for any specified value for the number of frames and the number
of pages
Required Output
When the program starts, it should print the following output: (this is from ”input,handout”)
Num frames: 4
Num pages: 20
Reclaim algorithm: FIFO
After processing the entire input file (and any time the input file contains a command to ”print”),
you should print output as follows:
0 inuse:1 dirty:0 first use: 13 last use: 13
1 inuse:1 dirty:0 first use: 14 last use: 14
2 inuse:1 dirty:0 first use: 15 last use: 15
3 inuse:1 dirty:0 first use: 12 last use: 12
0 type: Taken ondisk:1 framenum:(unassigned)
1 type: MAPPED ondisk:1 framenum:3
2 type: MAPPED ondisk:1 framenum:0
3 type: MAPPED ondisk:1 framenum:1
4 type: MAPPED ondisk:1 framenum:2
5 type: Taken ondisk:1 framenum:(unassigned)
6 type: Taken ondisk:1 framenum:(unassigned)
7 type: Taken ondisk:1 framenum:(unassigned)
8 type: Taken ondisk:1 framenum:(unassigned)
9 type: Taken ondisk:1 framenum:(unassigned)
10 type:UnMapped ondisk:0 framenum:(unassigned)
11 type:UnMapped ondisk:0 framenum:(unassigned)
12 type:UnMapped ondisk:0 framenum:(unassigned)
13 type:UnMapped ondisk:0 framenum:(unassigned)
14 type:UnMapped ondisk:0 framenum:(unassigned)
15 type:UnMapped ondisk:0 framenum:(unassigned)
16 type:UnMapped ondisk:0 framenum:(unassigned)
17 type:UnMapped ondisk:0 framenum:(unassigned)
18 type:UnMapped ondisk:0 framenum:(unassigned)
19 type:UnMapped ondisk:0 framenum:(unassigned)
Pages referenced: 15
Pages mapped: 10
Page misses: 15
Frames taken: 11
Frames written to disk: 10
Frames recovered from disk: 5
You are required to provide helpful debugging when ”debug” is requested in the input file. When
disabled, the program should output nothing except for the final counters, page table, and frame
1. You should budget you time and priorities carefully. Although the basic program
can be written in a single evening, it may take a couple of days to debug
2. The first thing you should write is the data s tructures for the pagetable and
3. The second thing you should write is the printing routine
4. The third thing you should write is the ”debug” and ”nodebug” input line
5. Add in debugging code as you go
Extra Credit Ideas
For those of you who want to further explore the project, and want to earn at most an additional
20% on the project, I suggest that you try to make the program more fully-functional, perhaps
using the following ideas:
Implement OPTIMAL
The ”OPTIMAL” (or ”MIN” in the textbook) is fun to implement, but a little difficult to
debug. To receive full credit, your implementation needs to be able process the input file
”input.bigrandom” in a few seconds at most.
Implement LFU – Least Frequently Used
LFU is sometimes useful and isn’t difficult to simulate.
Duplicate the charts in the book
The textbook has a graphical representation that can be handy, but is difficult to draw.
Implement it for extra credit and show it after the input file has been completely processed.
Example Input File
(this is from ”input,handout”)
w 0
w 1
w 2
w 3
w 4
w 5
w 6
w 7
w 8
w 9
r 0
r 1
r 2
r 3
r 4