CS4371 Project 2: Exploitation solved


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A. Project Objectives

Hackers exploit software vulnerability to get into computer systems. In this project, you will
a) Learn the vulnerable code,
b) Learn the method of exploitation,
c) Learn to defend against the vulnerability.

B. Project Tasks

The networking devices are assigned to two groups.
Group B manages Computer A.B and the devices in Network B.
Group C manages Computer A.C and the devices in Network C.
Group D manages Computer A.D and the devices in Network D.
Group E manages Computer A.E and the devices in Network E.
Group F manages Computer A.F and the devices in Network F.
Group G manages Computer A.G and the devices in Network G.

The following project description applies to Group B. The project description for the other
groups is similar to Group B’s, except that their configurations are different.
Feel free to install any software, if needed. But, before install any software, check if it is
already in the computer.

Do all the following tasks as a normal user!!!
Do not assume you know the root password!!!
Read README.first in the project package!!!
Please DO NOT change any settings in Router A, Z, and Switch A, Z.

Task I: Setup the network

1) Check that all devices are wired according to Figure 1 (at the end of this document).
2) Check that the NICs of Computer A.B, B.1, and B.2 are configured according to Figure 1.
3) Login to your user account in Computer B.2 and start the echo service(run the command
“/root/echoserver/tcps” in a terminal and keep the terminal open).

Note that only B.2 has this service to be exploited. The service is not a daemon. You shall restart
the service whenever you reboot the computer or relogin.

4) Make sure the SSH service and the Metasploit2 VM are started in Computer B.2.
5) Configure the Firewall B using Cisco Configuration Professional such that outside
computers can access (a) the echo service (port 30000) and the web service (80) and the
SSH service (port 22) of the internal servers, and (b) the SSH service (port 22) of the
internal workstations.

Task II: Test the services

1) Login to your user account in Computer B.2. Check whether you can read any file in the
directory /root/files.
2) After start the echo service in Computer B.2, find the user ID associated with the service
process. (Note that you shall start the service as a regular user. Do not use the root account to
start the service.)

3) Login to your user account in Computer A.B,
3.1) Connect to the echo service in Computer B.2, and check whether the echo service
running smoothly with various inputs, for example, inputs of fewer than 8 bytes and inputs of
more than 10 bytes.

3.2) Connect to the SSH service in Computer B.2, and check whether you can read any file in
the directory /root/files.
3.3) Browse the Metasploit2 VM in Computer B.2, open the DVWA website, and login with

Task III: Exploit the service

DO NOT change anything in /root of B.2.
Make your own programs and tests in A.B or B.1 before launching exploitation against B.2.

III.A: Exploit the echo service
1) Make an exploiting program to exploit the echo service from Computer A.B.
The provided source code tcps.c and tcph.c are the source code of the echo server for you to find
the vulnerability.

The provided source code tcpc.c and attack.c are for your reference only. You need to make your
own programs based on them.

2) Find the files in /root/files in Computer B.2.

3) Retrieve the files to Computer A.B. (Do not assume the files are text files, although they are
text files. You shall find a method to transfer the files from B.2 to A.B.)

III.B: Exploit the DVWA website.
1) Go to “DVWA Security” on the left pannel, set the Script Security to medium.
2) Go to “SQL Injection” on the left pannel, read the source code by click “view source” at the
3) Inject SQL statements to obtain all user ids, first names and last names. (Hint: use union and
select sql statements)

Task IV: Defend the echo service

Two defense mechanisms have been implemented in Linux. One mechanism randomizes the
address space of stack memory (so called randomization). The other mechanism disables execute
permission in the stack memory (so called exec-shield).

Four shell scripts are provided to enable or disable the two defense mechanisms:
enablerandom.sh, disablerandom.sh, enableexe.sh, and disableexe.sh. When execute the scripts,
you need to provide the root password.

1) Enable the randomization mechanism to test if the exploitation can work. Disable it after the
2) Enable the exec-shield mechanism to test if the exploitation can work. Disable it after the test.

C. Project Report

How to Deliver
A group report is needed to show what you did in the project. Please clearly state your results of
this project. You are expected to submit a report in the following formats:
a) Hard copies only.
b) A cover page with names of your group members with font size 12.
c) Single space and single column.
d) 5-15 pages (not including the cover page).
What to Deliver

Section I (Introduction):
Summarize what you have done in the project and clearly state the responsibility of each group
member, e.g. who did which task, who wrote which part of the report, how your group was
coordinated, etc.

Section II (Task II):
a) Show whether or not you can read the files in /root/files of Computer B.2 with local login and
SSH login.

b) Find and report exactly how many bytes are needed to crash the echo service.
c) Show which user ID is running the echo service in Computer B.2.
d) Show which user ID is running the SSH service in Computer B.2.

Section III (Task III):
a) Show that the echo service can be exploited by the provided shell code.
b) Show the exploiting packet captured in Computer A.B.
c) Report how you retrieve the files from Computer B.2 to Computer A.B. Give steps in details.
d) Show the content of the smallest file in the retrieved files.
e) Show the injected SQL statement.
f) Show the screenshot of the web page that show all user IDs, first names, and last names.

Section IV (Task IV)
a) Discuss the reason that randomization can defeat the attack.
b) Assume only the low 16 bits of the stack address is randomized. What is the probability that
an exploiting packet can compromise the server? Assume an attacker can send 10 exploiting
packets every second. How long can the attacker compromise the server?
c) Discuss the reason that exec-shield can defeat the attack.
d) Discuss if exec-shield prevents stack overflow. If not, what attack can be achieved?
D. Grading Rubrics

If you do not contribute to the project, you get 0.
Group credits (70%)
1) Section I: Introduction (10%)
2) Section II: Task II (15%)
3) Section III: Task III (30%)
4) Section IV: Task IV (15%)

Individual credits (30%)
1) If you did some part of the tasks, you get 15. If you did nothing for the tasks, you get 0.
2) If you wrote some part of the report, you get 15. If you wrote nothing for the report, you get 0.
3) If you only wrote some part of the report, you get 0.