Everybody MONGO!
1. Work through the problems below; for each, submit only the mongo command
used to solve the problem. Note that installing mongo and the sample data,
described below, are not part of the problem set and you don’t need to submit
the commands you used to install and load.
2. Submit the problem set on Gradescope to complete the assignment.
Install mongodb. Instructions can be found at
manual/installation – you will be installing the Community edition. Using
Homebrew if you are on a Mac is by far the simplest solution.
Install the sample data set. The easiest way is to grab the data with curl and
then use mongimport to load the data into the database (note that these are both
single line commands, which means what the spaces when you copy/paste):
primer-dataset/primer-dataset.json > mongo-samplecollection.json
mongoimport –db test –collection restaurants –drop –file ./
The exercises are in a separate PDF file. For each problem, copy the command that
you used into the PDF form.