A binary search tree is a data structure designed for efficient item insertion, deletion,
and retrieval. These 3 operations share an average run time complexity of O(log(n)).
Such time complexities are guaranteed whenever you are working with a balanced
binary search tree. However, if you have a tree that begins leaning heavily to either its
left or right side, then you can expect the performances of the insertion, deletion, and
retrieval operations to degrade. As an example, consider a scenario in which 5 nodes
with key values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are inserted, in the order listed, into an initially empty
binary search tree. The layout of the resulting tree would resemble a linearly linked list.
As you all know, item insertion, deletion, and retrieval operations in a linearly linked
list all carry an undesirable, worst-case time complexity of O(n). Fortunately, years
ago, two mathematicians named Georgy Adelson-Velsky and Evgenii Landis designed
specialized insertion and deletion functions for the binary search tree to ensure that the
data structure always maintains its balance and thus avoids the linear time complexities
plaguing the unbalanced trees.
Your task for this project is to implement the aptly named AVL tree, which requires
both Adelson-Velsky and Evgenii’s specialized insertion and deletion functions. To
determine whether or not your code is working properly, you will write a function
that prints the heights of the binary nodes contained in your AVL tree. You may find
it helpful to compare your results with those obtained from an interactive, AVL tree
visualization demo found at
Along with this handout, we also provided you with starter code for a standard
binary search tree. You need to modify the included insertion function and implement
the AVL deletion and height printing functions. Keep in mind that the associated AVL
algorithms will require you to add helper functions to the AVLTree class and possibly
a few more variables to the BinaryNode struct. With that said, you are free to scrap
the provided code and write everything from scratch.
Input commands are read from the keyboard. Your program must continue to check
for input until the quit command is issued. The accepted input commands are listed
as follows:
i k : Insert node with key value k into AVL tree.
r k : Remove node with key value k from AVL tree.
(When removing a node with two children, look to the
InOrder predecessor in left subtree for the swapping node)
h : Print the height of each node using an inorder traversal.
p : Print the key value of each node using an inorder traversal.
q : Quit the program.
Print the results of the p and h commands on one line using space as a delimiter. If
the tree is empty when issuing the commands p or h, output the message Empty. If
an attempt is made to remove a node not present in the tree, print No node. If an
attempt is made to insert a node with a duplicate key value, print Duplicate without
adding the new node to the tree. Do not worry about verifying the input format.
Sample Test Case
Use input redirection to redirect commands written in a file to the standard input, e.g.
$ ./a.out < input1.dat.
Input 1
i 100
i 200
i 300
Output 1
1 2 1
100 200 300
Turn In
Email your source code to yy471014@ohio.eduwith the subject “CS3610 Project 2”.
If you have multiple files, package them into a zip file.
Total: 100 pts.
• 10/100 – Code style, commenting, general readability.
• 05/100 – Compiles.
• 05/100 – Follows provided input and output format.
• 80/100 – Successful implementation of the AVL tree.