1. Client Server communication using message queues.
The server and client communicate using two message queues: C2S and S2C. The client
program must accept a valid system call from the user as a string and pass it to the
server using C2S message queue and wait for response on S2C.
Upon receiving the
message, the server will take it and make a system call, the output is sent back to the
client via S2C which is to be displayed on the client side and then wait for the next input.
When the client gets ‘End’ as input the client should send it to the server and terminate.
When the server receives the message, it should also terminate.
You can have these two programs, running on two different terminals at the same time.
And the user always gives input to the client program only.
Your submission: A folder containing the following –
1. client.c
2. server.c
3. Makefile – This will build your client and server. And also contains an explicit clean
2. In this problem, we will use pipes to implement a distributed median finding algorithm.
The parent process spawns 5 identical child processes along with 10 pipes – two for each
parent->child pair (one sends messages from parent->child, the other sends messages
from child->parent).
Each child reads an array of 5 integers. The numbers are read from 5 files (one for each
child process). The files are named as “data_1.txt”, “data_2.txt”, …., “data_5.txt”. This is
done as follows:
Reading Input Data:
The parent allots ids (1, 2, …., 5) to the children and communicates it via the parent-
>child pipe. The child receives the id and gets the input from the corresponding data
The numbers are distinct and lie between 0 and 50 (inclusive). Our task is to find the
median of the 25 random numbers (so, here n is equal to 25).
We employ a distributed version of the Selection Algorithm to do this (refer to the first
hint given at the end of this problem).
The Parent and Children communicate in the form of codes. Codes are simply integers
which are assigned predefined values. In this algorithm we will use five kinds of
commands – each represented by a unique code:
REQUEST (#define REQUEST 100)
PIVOT (#define PIVOT 200)
LARGE (#define LARGE 300)
SMALL (#define SMALL 400)
READY (#define READY 500)
These queries are sent along the respective parent->child or child->parent pipes. If a
parent needs to send the first type of command to a particular child, it simply sends the
integer 100 along their parent->child pipe. Since the child already knows that this
integer corresponds to the command type REQUEST, it then goes on to behave in the
required fashion to fulfill that command (the behavior of each command is explained in
the algorithm).
The detailed algorithm is explained as follows:
a. Child:
i. The child waits upon the parent->child pipe to receive its id i.
ii. It then reads an array of 5 integers from its corresponding file (data_i.txt).
iii. Upon doing so, it sends the code READY along the child->parent pipe.
iv. It then enters a while loop (broken by a user defined signal – which is sent
by the parent to terminate the child process).
v. In each iteration it waits on the parent->child pipe to respond according
to the codes it gets.
vi. If it receives the command REQUEST from parent:
1. If it’s array is empty, write -1 on the child->parent pipe
2. Else chose a random element from its array and write it to the
child->parent pipe
vii. If it receives the command PIVOT from parent:
1. It waits to read another integer (and store it as pivot)
2. It then writes the number of integers greater than pivot on the
child->parent pipe. If it has an empty array, the number would be
viii. If it receives the command SMALL from parent:
1. It deletes the elements smaller than the pivot and updates the
ix. If it receives the command LARGE from parent:
1. It deletes the elements larger than the pivot and updates the
b. Parent:
I. The parent forks five child processes along with their respective pipes. It
goes on to exec the child program in each of the children.
II. It allots ids 1-5 to each of the children and sends the same along the
parent->child pipe.
III. The parent waits on all the child->parent pipes until it receives the code
READY from all child processes. This ensures that the algorithm initiates
only after all child processes have read the input completely.
IV. The parent instantiates k = n/2 (we find the kth smallest element in the
array – to find the median, we require k = n/2).
V. The parent selects a random child and queries it for a random element.
VI. The parent sends the command REQUEST to a random child.
VII. It then reads the response from the child along the corresponding child-
>parent pipe. If the response is -1, it repeats the same again. If not, it
VIII. The first non-negative value forms our pivot element.
IX. The parent subsequently broadcasts this pivot element to all its child
processes. To do the same, it first writes the code PIVOT along each of
the parent->child pipes and subsequently writes the value of the pivot
X. It then reads the response from each child. This represents the number of
elements larger than the pivot in that child.
XI. It sums up the total from all its children, call it m. If m = k, there are n/2
elements larger than pivot in the data set. Thus pivot is the median.
(Make sure you handle even values correctly).
XII. If m > k, it sends the command SMALL to all its children which signifies
that the children should drop all elements smaller than the pivot
element. (Since the median would lie on the right).
XIII. If m < k, it sends the command LARGE to all its children which signifies
that the children should drop all elements larger than the pivot. (Since
the median would lie on the left). It also updates k = k – m. (Think why?)
XIV. It then repeats the REQUEST until it finds the median.
XV. Once the median is found, the parent reports it and sends a user-defined
signal to all its children – and the child processes exit after handling the
All steps must be supplemented by appropriate print statements.
You have to make two files: parent.c and child.c. Ensure that input is taken in the format
specified (will be used for testing the code). Parent can fork and then exec the child
Sample Input
data1.txt: 1 2 3 4 5
data2.txt: 6 7 8 9 10
data3.txt: 11 12 13 14 15
data4.txt: 16 17 18 19 20
data5.txt: 21 22 23 24 25
Sample Output (You can add few more meaningful print statements if you want to)
Child 1 sends READY
Child 5 sends READY
Child 3 sends READY
Child 4 sends READY
Child 2 sends READY
Parent READY
Parent sends REQUEST to Child 3
Child 3 sends 13 to parent
Parent broadcasts pivot 13 to all children
Child 1 receives pivot and replies 0
Child 1 receives pivot and replies 0
Child 1 receives pivot and replies 2
Child 1 receives pivot and replies 5
Child 1 receives pivot and replies 5
Parent: m=0+0+2+5+5=12. 12 = 25/2. Median found!
Parent sends kill signals to all children
Child 1 terminates
Child 2 terminates
Child 3 terminates
Child 4 terminates
Child 5 terminates
Hints and Resources:
• Distributed Selection Algorithm to find median:
• Piping in C: