CS2134 HOMEWORK 5∗ solution


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Be sure to include your name at the beginning of each file! Assignment 5 include a programming portion and a written part. The programming portion must compile and consist of a single file ( hw05.cpp). The written portion should consist of a single file (hw05written) in a .pdf format. Be sure to include your name at the beginning of each file! You must hand in the file via NYU Classes.
Programming Part:
1. Rewrite the recursive part of the merge sort algorithm presented in class to work with any container which has random access iterators, and has an overloaded operator< for comparison of items in the container. You will not write your own merge method. Instead you will use the STL merge algorithm. Here is the driver for the mergesort algorithm you will write. template void mergeSort( RandItr start, RandItr end ) { int sz = end – start; // or use auto sz = end-start; typedef typename iterator_traits< RandItr >::value_type Object; //Xcode // typedef iterator_traits< RandItr >::value_type Object; //Other compilers // Don’t worry about this line of code
vector tmp( sz );
mergeSort( tmp.begin(), start, end );
The STL algorithm merge takes five arguments, first1, last1, first2, last2, result. The merge algorithm combines “the elements in the sorted ranges [first1,last1) and [first2,last2), into a new range beginning at result with all its elements sorted.”1
2. Create a functor called meFirst which has a private member variable, me, of type string. Its constructor will take one argument of type string that it uses to initialize its private private member variable, me. The functor’s overloaded operator() takes two arguments of type student and returns a boolean value. It returns true if the first students’ name is less than the second students’ name unless either of the students’ name equals the variable me then that name is always less than the other name. Test your functor using the STL 3 parameter algorithm sort, the student class we discussed in class and some data you create yourself.2
∗10% extra credit will be given if you turn this assignment in on Wednesday March 9 1The quote is from https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/merge/. Don’t forget to copy the elements back into the original container after calling the merge function. The STL merge function does NOT have the same signature as the merge function we discussed in class. You might need to include #include< algorithm > 2This is a biased sort. One item is always first regardless of the other items.
3. 3 Write an algorithm to do the following: given a vector of boolean values (true/false), order the container such that the false values come before the true values. Your algorithm must run in O(n) and use O(1) space. You algorithm may not simply count the number of true or false values and then assign the correct number of false and true values in the vector. You should think of your algorithm as the first step in creating an algorithm that sorts based on true/false values, where the items are not simply true/false values, but large objects that evaluate to true/false by using a functor. Hint: Be inspired by one of the sorting algorithms we discussed in class.
4. (Extra Credit)4 Rather than sorting the numbers in either ascending or descending order, suppose we wanted to sort the an array in a new way. The criteria for this sort is given as: if the index of the i’th element is odd, then that element should be less than it’s neighboring elements. If the index of the i’th element is even, it should be greater than it’s neighboring elements. Your algorithm must run in O(nlogn) time and can use at most O(n) extra space Ex: Consider the array [5,9,8,2,3,4]. After the sort the array should have: [5,2,4,3,9,8] Explanation: 5 is at index 0, so it must be greater than it’s neighbors ( 2 ) 2 is at index 1, so it must be less than it’s neighbors (5 & 4) 4 is at index 2, so it must be greater than it’s neighbors (2 & 3)…. and so on
Note: The solution may not be unique.
3This problem is from Shahzaib, our TA! 4This problem is from Shahzaib, our TA!
Written Part:
1. The C++ STL has many functions and functors. Here is your chance to try some of them. In a program when you use an STL algorithm add #include, and when you use an STL functor add #include. Fill in the correct code where you see a ****
vector A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; vector B = {1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2}; vector C(16);
(a) Sort the first 4 items in vector B sort(B.begin( ), ****); // B now contains 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2 (b) Sort the the vector A in reverse order using the functor greater sort(A.begin( ), ****, ****); //A now contains 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (c) Sort the items in vector B in reverse order sort(B.begin( ), ****, ****);// B now contains 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 (d) Merge A and B into C. Note that C must have enough space to store both A and B. Since both A and B are sorted in reverse order, you need to pass in a functor to compare the items in the containers merge(A.begin( ), ****, B.begin( ), ****, C.begin( ), greater()); // C now contains 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1
2. Is our mergeSort algorithm stable5? 3. What would be printed out by the following code, if the vector a contained {11,10,1,3,2,5}, and the function printVec printed out contents of a? (Don’t worry about the exact format of the output, the point is to show how the contents of the vector is or is not changing)
template void insertionSort( vector & a ) { int j; for( int p = 1; p < a.size( ); p++ ) { Comparable tmp = a[ p ]; for( j = p; j > 0 && tmp < a[ j - 1 ]; j-- ) a[ j ] = a[ j - 1 ]; a[ j ] = tmp; printVec(a); // prints the contents of the vector in order } } 5“Stable sorting algorithms maintain the relative order of records with equal keys (i.e. values). That is, a sorting algorithm is stable if whenever there are two records R and S with the same key and with R appearing before S in the original list, R will appear before S in the sorted list.” from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Stable sorts 3 4. What would be printed out by the following code, if the vector a contained {11,10,1,3,2,5}, and the function printVec printed out contents of a? (Don’t worry about the exact format of the output, the point is to show how the contents of the vector is or is not changing) template void mergeSort( vector & a, vector & tmpArray, int left, int right ) { if( left < right ) { int center = ( left + right ) / 2; mergeSort( a, tmpArray, left, center ); mergeSort( a, tmpArray, center + 1, right ); mymerge( a, tmpArray, left, center + 1, right ); printVec(a); // prints the contents of the vector in order } } 5. What would be printed out by the following code, if the vector a contained {11,10,1,3,2,5}, and the function printVec printed out contents of a? (Don’t worry about the exact format of the output, the point is to show how the contents of the vector is or is not changing) void quickSort( vector & a, int low, int high ) { if (low < high) { int mid = ( low + high )/2; // select pivot to be element in middle position int pivot = a[ mid ]; swap( a[high], a[mid] ); // put pivot in a[high] // Begin partitioning int i, j; for( i = low, j = high - 1; ; ) { while ( a[i ] < pivot ) ++i; while( j > i && pivot < a[j ] ) --j; if( i < j ) swap( a[ i++ ], a[ j-- ] ); else break; } swap( a[ i ], a[ high ] ); // Restore pivot printVec(a); // prints the contents of the vector in order quickSort( a, low, i - 1 ); // Sort small elements quickSort( a, i + 1, high ); // Sort large elements } } 4 6. Show all the function calls organized as a recursion tree where you include the contents of the container a for: (a) mergeSort on input a = {28, 10, 2, 27, 5, 1} (b) quickSort on input a = {28, 10, 2, 27, 5, 1} 7. When all the items in the vector are in ”almost” sorted order (e.g. a contains{2,1,4,3,6,5,...,n/2,n/2− 1,...,n,n−1}, what is the average running time in Big-Oh notation for: (a) insertionSort (b) quickSort 8. For the quickSelect algorithm we discussed in class, if after the partition it turns out that i + 1 = k why does the function not recursively call itself? 9. For the following function: (a) what is printed by the following function call: myRecFunc1(4) (b) what is the running time of myRecFunc1(n) void myRecFunc1(int n) { if (n < 1) return; cout << n << ", "; myRecFunc1(n/2); cout << n << ", "; } 10. For the following function: (a) what is printed by the following function call: myRecFunc2(4) (b) what is the running time of myRecFunc2(n) void myRecFunc2(int n) { if (n < 1) return; cout << n << ", "; myRecFunc2(n/2); cout << n << ", "; myRecFunc2(n/2); }

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