Write a menu driven application that is going to use the hierarchy that you have written for homework 8 and the functions that you have written for homework 9.
You will keep track of the collection of Files in a vector of File pointers (File pointers, since File is an abstract class).
The menu should contain the following options:
- Read from a File (Read descriptions of Files from “files.txt” creating appropriate File object and putting it inside your vector. The file.txt will be provided)
- Create an Image File (Creates a single Image File asking the user for its properties)
- Create a Text File (Creates a single Text File asking the user for its properties)
- Print All Files (You must use functions written for homework 9)
- Print Image Files (You must use functions written for homework 9)
- Print Text Files (You must use functions written for homework 9)
- Quit (Terminate the program)
Here are the contents of the file.txt that you can use for testing purposes.
txtstudents500 txtfiles120 gifpicture1100 x 2008 gifpicture2200 x 30016 txttestfile450
Submit your project to your lab instructor.