CS 6643 – Computer Vision Project 1 solution


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A) Programming Questions
The purpose of this project is to get familiar with the coding environment for the rest of the course,
reading/writing images, displaying images, and making graphs. You will implement histogram equalization.
Hint for implementation: You can assume an intensity range [0-255] and hardcode the size of the histogram
to be 256. You can make sure you have an image of type uint8 with min 0 and max 255 with the python code:
# Convert the image to type uint8 and scale intensity values to the range 0-255
# *Note* numpy min/max flatten the 2D array, so you obtain the min/max of the entire image
im_uint8 = ((im – np.min(im)) * (1/(np.max(im) – np.min(im)) * 255)).astype(‘uint8’)
CS 6643 – Computer Vision, Spring 2021 James Fishbaugh
Project 1
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A1) Histogram Equalization
Implement histogram equalization and apply to image crowd.png, which you will find uploaded on
NYUClasses. You may use the programming environment of your choice. However, we recommended Matlab,
Python, and C++, as these are languages we can best support. You are encouraged to use libraries/built in
functions to read/and write images and display figures and graphs, but the rest of the implementation must
be your own. That specifically includes creating an image histogram (probability density function), computing
the corresponding cumulative distribution function (CDF), and the creation of a new contrast adjusted image.
CS 6643 – Computer Vision, Spring 2021 James Fishbaugh
Project 1
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Implement the following functions:
def create_pdf(im_in):
# Create normalized intensity histogram from an input image
return pdf
def create_cdf(pdf):
# Create the cumulative distribution function from an input pdf
return cdf
def histogram_equalization(im_in):
pdf = create_pdf(im_in) # Your previously implemented function
cdf = create_cdf(pdf) # Your previously implemented function
# Create a histogram equalized image using your computed cdf
return equalized_im
Write up a report including the following:
• Include a brief introduction and description of how histogram equalization works.
• Show crowd.png before and after histogram equalization, and the corresponding histograms (PDFs).
• Discuss how the image and histogram have changed, and connect it back to your description in 1).
• Show the cumulative distribution function before and after histogram equalization on the same figure.
Describe what you see. Explain the shape of each CDF and relate it back to image contrast and
intensity histogram shape.
• Reapply the histogram equalization procedure on the corrected image. Show and discuss the results.
• Apply histogram equalization to another low contrast image (greyscale). Show and discuss the results.
• Histogram equalization is a global solution, modifying contrast with respect to the CDF of the entire
image. Imagine you split the image into smaller regions (e.g. patches of 50×50 pixels) and apply
histogram equalization to each local patch independently. In your own words, describe advantages
and disadvantages of this strategy. There are no right or wrong answers here, the idea is to think
critically about the method and answer honestly in your own words.
• Include all code as an appendix, i.e. copy and paste all your code at the end of your report.