1. In HW#2 you simulated three different network models (random graph, small world and
preferenHal aIachment). Given a real-world social media data set and an assignment to use
this dataset to decide where to allocate resources for community building, describe (a) how
you would determine which of the above network models to use, and (b) how you might use
the models for your assignment.
2. Given the friendship graph from HW#1, find all (a) k-cliques, (b) k-clubs, (c) k-clans, (d) kplexes. (e) Describe the difference between these communiHes.
3. Given the friendship graph from HW#1, use the Girvan-Newman Algorithm to determine the
hierarchical clustering dendogram based on edge betweenness (see Fig 6.9 for example).
4. Text Ch 6 quesHon 7
5. Text Ch 6 quesHon 9
6. Text Ch 6 quesHon 10
7. Text Ch 6 quesHon 11
8. Text Ch 6 quesHon 12
9. Text Ch 6 quesHon 13