Problem 1 (C5158 only, 1 point). Explain the difference among ciphertext-only attacks, knowplaintext attacks, and chosen-plaintext attacks.
Problem 1 (CS6058 only, 1 point). Describe the details of the security game for Chosen-Plaintext
Attacks (CPA), and formally explain what is CPA-security.
Problem 2 (1 point). Describe what is a function family and what is a keyed function. Explain what
is a Pseudo Random Function.
Problem 3 (1 point). Assume we have a PRG G : {0, 1}
n → {0, 1}
, and given n = 2, we define this
PRG as follows:
x 00 01 10 11
G(x) 1001 0011 1101 0111
If we use GGM method to build a PRF F : {0, 1}
m → {0, 1}
n based on this PRG G, where the input
of this PRF is x1x2x3x4x5 = 01101 and key k = 01, then what is the output of Fk(x1x2x3x4x5) =??.
Problem 4 (1 point). Given a message m = 1001111100 and a key k = 01, if initialization vector
IV = 10 and each block has 2 bits,
– what is the ciphertext of this message if we encrypt it with ECB mode?
– what is the ciphertext of this message if we encrypt it with CBC mode?
The PRF/PRP used in this block cipher is described as below.
x 00 01 10 11
k = 00, Fk(x) 10 00 11 01
k = 01, Fk(x) 00 11 01 10
k = 10, Fk(x) 11 01 10 00
k = 11, Fk(x) 01 10 00 11
Problem 5 (1 point). Given a ciphertext c = (IV, 100111110011) and a key k = 10, if initialization
vector IV = 100 and each block has 3 bits,
– what is the message of this ciphertext if we decrypt it with CBC mode?
– what is the message of this ciphertext if we decrypt it with OFB mode?
The PRF/PRP used in this block cipher is described as below.
x 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
k = 00, Fk(x) 100 010 011 101 111 000 001 110
k = 01, Fk(x) 010 011 101 111 000 001 110 100
k = 10, Fk(x) 101 111 000 001 110 100 010 011
k = 11, Fk(x) 111 101 000 001 100 110 011 010
Problem 6 (1 point). Given a message m = 101110, a key k1 = 10 for encryption and a key k2 = 00
for message authentication, assume each block has 3 bits and a random initialization vector IV = 101,
– compute a ciphertext and its tag using the Encrypt-then-Authenticate approach
– also explain why other approaches, such as Encrypt-and-Authenticate and Authenticate-then-Encrypt,
are not suitable to protect both data privacy and message authentication.
The encryption algorithm uses CBC mode and the Mac generation algorithm also uses CBC mode. When
we compute a tag for a ciphertext, we assume that the initialization vector IV is a part of a ciphertext.
The PRF/PRP used in this block cipher is described as below.
x 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
k = 00, Fk(x) 100 010 011 101 111 000 001 110
k = 01, Fk(x) 010 011 101 111 000 001 110 100
k = 10, Fk(x) 101 111 000 001 110 100 010 011
k = 11, Fk(x) 111 101 000 001 100 110 011 010