CS 4640 Assignment A2: Spatial Filtering solution


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For this problem, handin Matlab .m files for the functions described by the headers below. Note that one of these is a driver which creates inputs for each function and runs the function on those inputs to obtain the output. None of the functions should write to the interpreter, draw, etc. function [mag,ori] = CS4640_edge(im) % CS4640_edge – compute edge magnitudes and orientations % On input: % im (MxN array): input image % On output: % mag (MxN array): edge magnitudes % ori (Mxn array): edge orientations (gradient direction) % Call: % [mag,ori] = CS4640_edge(im); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function H_im = CS4630_Hessian(im) % CS4640_Hessian – compute the eigenvalues of the Hessian at each % pixel % On input: % im (MxN array): graylevel image 1 % On output: % H_im (MxNx2 array): 2-channels with eigenvalues of Hessian % Call: % H = CS4640_Hessian(im); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function imo = CS4640_median(im,s) % CS4640_median – compute median value at each pixel % On input: % im (MxN array): input image % s (int): median window side length (must be odd) % On output: % imo (MxN array): median filtered image % Call: % imo = CS4640_median(im); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function im = CS4640_create_im_gen(f_name,M,N,Q,x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max,… args) % CS4640_create_im_gen – create an image from a function with % arguments % On input: % f_name (string): name of function % M (int): number of rows in image % N (int): number of cols in image % Q (int): number of quantization levels in image % x_min (float): min x value for planar patch % x_max (float): max x value for planar patch % y_min (float): min y value for planar patch % y_max (float): max y value for planar patch 2 % args (1xq vector): arguments for function (in addition to x,y) % On output: % im (MxN array): image % Call: % im = CS4640_creat_im_gen(’CS4640_LoG’,100,100,64,-4,4,-4,4,2); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function imo = CS4640_zc(im) % CS4640_zc – zero crossings % On input: % im (MxN array): input image % On output: % imo (MxN array): zero crossings in image % Call: % imo = CS4640_zc(im); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function h = CS4640_LoG(x,y,sigma2) % CS4640_LoG – Laplacian of Gaussian function % On input: % x (double): x value % y (double): y value % sigma2 (double): variance of Gaussian % On output: % h (double): LoG value % Call: % h = CS4640_create_im_gen(3,2,2); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % 3 function [imo,imzc] = CS4640_LapG(im,s,sigma2) % CS4640_LapG – Laplacian of Gaussian % On input: % im (MxN array): input image % s (int): side length of LoG filter % sigma2 (double): variance of Gaussian filter % On output: % imo (MxN array): LoG image % imzc (MxN arry): zero-crossings % Call: % [imo,imzc] = CS4640_LaG(T1gs,7,3); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function CS4640_A2_driver % CS4640_A2_driver – driver for A2 functions % On input: % N/A % On output: % N/A % Call: % CS4640_A2_driver % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % 4