Part I Provide a mathematical analysis of the percent of solvable 4×4 Wumpus boards for the number of pits 0,1 and 14 (using only actions FORWARD, RIGHT, LEFT); note that the gold and Wumpus should be placed on the board first. The gold, Wumpus and pits can go in any cell, but no two can be in the same cell. Provide an exact analysis (e.g., for 0 pits, all but one boards should be solvable). In addition, calculate a statistical answer as follows: 1. For the number of pits, p, ranging from 0 to 14 (a) Generate some number, N, of boards with p pits randomly distributed (also include the Wumpus and the gold, neither of which can be in a pit cell) (b) Determine if the board is solvable (use Matlab function: CS4300 Wumpus solvable). 1 2. Using the above data, compute the mean percent solvable boards when choosing actions from the set A = {F ORW ARD, RIGHT, LEF T}, as well as the variance and a 95% confidence interval. Part II For the Wumpus board given below, determine the likelhood that the agent described below arrives at the square with the gold. 1. Develop an agent (named CS4300 agent1.m) function that randomly (uniformly) selects actions from FORWARD, RIGHT, LEFT in the Wumpus World. The starting location for each trial should by x = 1, y = 1 and facing right (toward square [2, 1]). 2. Run 2000 trials and determine the mean and variance of the number of steps the agent survives and the percentage of times the agent arrives at square [3, 4]. Also give the 95% confidence intervals for these. The board layout is: +——–+——–+——–+——-+ | | | | | 4 | | Pit | Gold | | | | | | | +——–+——–+——–+——-+ | | | | | 3 | Pit | | | | | | | | | Y +——–+——–+——–+——-+ | | | | | 2 | | | Pit | Pit | | | | | | +——–+——–+——–+——-+ | | | | | 1 | | | | | | | | | | +——–+——–+——–+——-+ 1 2 3 4 X 2 Develop the agent function according to the following header: function action = CS4300_agent1(percept) % CS4300_agent1 – random agent example % It randomly either changes direction or moves forward % On input: % percept (1×5 Boolean vector): percept values % (1): Stench % (2): Pit % (3): Glitters % (4): Bumped % (5): Screamed % On output: % action (int): action selected by agent % FORWARD = 1; % ROTATE_RIGHT = 2; % ROTATE_LEFT = 3; % GRAB = 4; — NOT USED % SHOOT = 5; — NOT USED % CLIMB = 6; — NOT USED % Call: % a = CS4300_agent1([0,1,0,0,0]); % Author: % % UU % Fall 2016 % 3