CS 370: Operating Systems Assignment 1 solved


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Introduction to Linux Kernel Modules

In this project, you will learn how to create a kernel module and load it into the
Linux kernel. You will then modify the kernel module so that it creates an entry
in the /proc file system.

The project can be completed using the Linux virtual
machine that is available with this text. Although you may use any text editor
to write these C programs, you will have to use the terminal application to
compile the programs, and you will have to enter commands on the command
line to manage the modules in the kernel.

As you’ll discover, the advantage of developing kernel modules is that it
is a relatively easy method of interacting with the kernel, thus allowing you
to write programs that directly invoke kernel functions. It is important for you
to keep in mind that you are indeed writing kernel code that directly interacts
with the kernel. That normally means that any errors in the code could crash
the system! However, since you will be using a virtual machine, any failures
will at worst only require rebooting the system.

Programming Projects

I. Kernel Modules Overview
The first part of this project involves following a series of steps for creating and
inserting a module into the Linux kernel.
You can list all kernel modules that are currently loaded by entering the
This command will list the current kernel modules in three columns: name,
size, and where the module is being used.
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
/* This function is called when the module is loaded. */
int simple init(void)
printk(KERN INFO “Loading Kernel Module∖n”);
return 0;
/* This function is called when the module is removed. */
void simple exit(void)
printk(KERN INFO “Removing Kernel Module∖n”);
/* Macros for registering module entry and exit points. */
module init(simple init);
module exit(simple exit);
Figure 2.21 Kernel module simple.c.

The program in Figure 2.21 (named simple.c and available with the
source code for this text) illustrates a very basic kernel module that prints
appropriate messages when it is loaded and unloaded.
The function simple init() is the module entry point, which represents
the function that is invoked when the module is loaded into the kernel. Similarly, the simple exit() function is the module exit point— the function that
is called when the module is removed from the kernel.

Chapter 2 Operating-System Structures

The module entry point function must return an integer value, with 0
representing success and any other value representing failure. The module exit
point function returns void. Neither the module entry point nor the module
exit point is passed any parameters. The two following macros are used for
registering the module entry and exit points with the kernel:
module init(simple init)
module exit(simple exit)

Notice in the figure how the module entry and exit point functions make
calls to the printk() function. printk() is the kernel equivalent of printf(),
but its output is sent to a kernel log buffer whose contents can be read by
the dmesg command. One difference between printf() and printk() is that
printk() allows us to specify a priority flag, whose values are given in the
<linux/printk.h> include file. In this instance, the priority is KERN INFO,
which is defined as an informational message.

The final lines—MODULE LICENSE(), MODULE DESCRIPTION(), and MODULE AUTHOR()—represent details regarding the software license, description
of the module, and author. For our purposes, we do not require this information, but we include it because it is standard practice in developing kernel

This kernel module simple.c is compiled using the Makefile accompanying the source code with this project. To compile the module, enter the
following on the command line:
The compilation produces several files. The file simple.ko represents the
compiled kernel module. The following step illustrates inserting this module
into the Linux kernel.
II. Loading and Removing Kernel Modules
Kernel modules are loaded using the insmod command, which is run as follows:
sudo insmod simple.ko
To check whether the module has loaded, enter the lsmod command and search
for the module simple. Recall that the module entry point is invoked when the
module is inserted into the kernel. To check the contents of this message in the
kernel log buffer, enter the command

You should see the message “Loading Module.”
Removing the kernel module involves invoking the rmmod command
(notice that the .ko suffix is unnecessary):
sudo rmmod simple

Programming Projects

Be sure to check with the dmesg command to ensure the module has been
Because the kernel log buffer can fill up quickly, it often makes sense to
clear the buffer periodically. This can be accomplished as follows:
sudo dmesg -c
Proceed through the steps described above to create the kernel module and
to load and unload the module. Be sure to check the contents of the kernel log
buffer using dmesg to ensure that you have followed the steps properly.

As kernel modules are running within the kernel, it is possible to obtain
values and call functions that are available only in the kernel and not to regular
user applications. For example, the Linux include file <linux/hash.h> defines
several hashing functions for use within the kernel. This file also defines the
constant value GOLDEN RATIO PRIME (which is defined as an unsigned long).

This value can be printed out as follows:
As another example, the include file <linux/gcd.h> defines the following
unsigned long gcd(unsigned long a, unsigned b);
which returns the greatest common divisor of the parameters a and b.

Once you are able to correctly load and unload your module, complete the
following additional steps:
1. Print out the value of GOLDEN RATIO PRIME in the simple init() function.
2. Print out the greatest common divisor of 3,300 and 24 in the simple exit() function.
As compiler errors are not often helpful when performing kernel development,
it is important to compile your program often by running make regularly. Be
sure to load and remove the kernel module and check the kernel log buffer
using dmesg to ensure that your changes to simple.c are working properly.

In Section 1.4.3, we described the role of the timer as well as the timer
interrupt handler. In Linux, the rate at which the timer ticks (the tick rate) is the
value HZ defined in <asm/param.h>. The value of HZ determines the frequency
of the timer interrupt, and its value varies by machine type and architecture.

For example, if the value of HZ is 100, a timer interrupt occurs 100 times per
second, or every 10 milliseconds. Additionally, the kernel keeps track of the
global variable jiffies, which maintains the number of timer interrupts that
have occurred since the system was booted. The jiffies variable is declared
in the file <linux/jiffies.h>.

1. Print out the values of jiffies and HZ in the simple init() function.
2. Print out the value of jiffies in the simple exit() function.

Save a screenshot of the dmesg result after inserting and removing simple.ko. Screenshot should be
inserted under Part I (simple.c) in the answer_sheet file.
The result should contain these statements: “Loading Module”, [Value of golden ratio], [Value of HZ],
[Value of jiffies when inserting module], “Removing Module”, [Value of GCD of 3300 and 24],
[Value of jiffies at module removal]
(perform these steps in simple.c file)
(Perform these steps in simple.c file)
Run ‘sudo dmesg -c’ before running ‘dmesg’.

Chapter 2 Operating-System Structures
Before proceeding to the next set of exercises, consider how you can use
the different values of jiffies in simple init() and simple exit() to
determine the number of seconds that have elapsed since the time the kernel
module was loaded and then removed.

III. The /proc File System
The /proc file system is a “pseudo” file system that exists only in kernel memory and is used primarily for querying various kernel and per-process statistics.
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/proc fs.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#define BUFFER SIZE 128
#define PROC NAME “hello”
ssize t proc read(struct file *file, char user *usr buf,
size t count, loff t *pos);
static struct file operations proc ops = {
.owner = THIS MODULE,
.read = proc read,
/* This function is called when the module is loaded. */
int proc init(void)
/* creates the /proc/hello entry */
proc create(PROC NAME, 0666, NULL, &proc ops);
return 0;
/* This function is called when the module is removed. */
void proc exit(void)
/* removes the /proc/hello entry */
remove proc entry(PROC NAME, NULL);
Figure 2.22 The /proc file-system kernel module, Part 1

This exercise involves designing kernel modules that create additional entries
in the /proc file system involving both kernel statistics and information related

Programming Projects

to specific processes. The entire program is included in Figure 2.22 and Figure
We begin by describing how to create a new entry in the /proc file system. The following program example (named hello.c and available with the
source code for this text) creates a /proc entry named /proc/hello. If a user
enters the command
cat /proc/hello
the infamous Hello World message is returned.
/* This function is called each time /proc/hello is read */
ssize t proc read(struct file *file, char user *usr buf,
size t count, loff t *pos)
int rv = 0;
char buffer[BUFFER SIZE];
static int completed = 0;
if (completed) {
completed = 0;
return 0;
completed = 1;
rv = sprintf(buffer, “Hello World∖n”);
/* copies kernel space buffer to user space usr buf */
copy to user(usr buf, buffer, rv);
return rv;
module init(proc init);
module exit(proc exit);
Figure 2.23 The /proc file system kernel module, Part 2
In the module entry point proc init(), we create the new /proc/hello
entry using the proc create() function. This function is passed proc ops,
which contains a reference to a struct file operations. This struct initialP-6
You will need to change the Make file by replacing simple.o with hello.o. Run make again.

Chapter 2 Operating-System Structures
izes the .owner and .read members. The value of .read is the name of the
function proc read() that is to be called whenever /proc/hello is read.
Examining this proc read() function, we see that the string “Hello
World∖n” is written to the variable buffer where buffer exists in kernel memory. Since /proc/hello can be accessed from user space, we must copy the
contents of buffer to user space using the kernel function copy to user().

This function copies the contents of kernel memory buffer to the variable
usr buf, which exists in user space.
Each time the /proc/hello file is read, the proc read() function is called
repeatedly until it returns 0, so there must be logic to ensure that this function returns 0 once it has collected the data (in this case, the string “Hello
World∖n”) that is to go into the corresponding /proc/hello file.
Finally, notice that the /proc/hello file is removed in the module exit
point proc exit() using the function remove proc entry().

IV. Assignment

This assignment will involve designing two kernel modules:
1. Design a kernel module that creates a /proc file named /proc/jiffies
that reports the current value of jiffies when the /proc/jiffies file
is read, such as with the command
cat /proc/jiffies
Be sure to remove /proc/jiffies when the module is removed.

2. Design a kernel module that creates a proc file named /proc/seconds
that reports the number of elapsed seconds since the kernel module was
loaded. This will involve using the value of jiffies as well as the HZ
rate. When a user enters the command
cat /proc/seconds
your kernel module will report the number of seconds that have
elapsed since the kernel module was first loaded. Be sure to remove
/proc/seconds when the module is removed.

1. Task ‘jiffies’ should be done in a new file called jiffies.c. It might be a good idea to take
starting code from the given hello.c file for this task. After you are done with this task, attach a
screenshot of the result under part II (jiffies) of the answer sheet.
A sample command structure for the screenshot would look like: sudo dmesg -c, make,
sudo insmod jiffies.ko, cat /proc/jiffies, sudo rmmod jiffies, dmesg

2. Task ‘seconds’ should be done in a new file called seconds.c. It might be a good idea to take
starting code from the given hello.c file for this task. After you are done with this task, attach a
screenshot of the result under part III (seconds) of the answer sheet.
A sample command structure for the screenshot would look like: sudo dmesg -c, make,
sudo insmod seconds.ko, cat /proc/seconds, cat /proc/seconds, cat /proc/seconds,
sudo rmmod seconds, dmesg

The answer sheet should be renamed as answers_[roll no].pdf. For example, if your roll number is
21100115, then the file should be named ‘answers_21100115.pdf’. This answer sheet should contain a
screenshot from each of the three tasks. Final submission should contain the
following files: simple.c, jiffies.c, seconds.c, answers_[roll no].pdf
Compress the 4 files as zip. Rename the zipped file as “assignment1_[roll no].zip”. Submit only
this zipped file on LMS.