CS 361: Project 1 Part 3 (Regular Expressions) solved


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1 Project Overview
In this project, you will write a code that constructs an NFA for a given regular expression (RegEx). You will have to parse a RegEx in some way. We suggest you to use
recursive descent parsing see https://matt.might.net/articles/parsing-regex-withrecursive-descent/ for an excellent explanation and some code snippets.
2 Objectives
• Using Java Archive files, i.e., jar files, in your implementation and working with
Javadocs of the classes inside the jar file.
• Continue to practice implementing interfaces: writing RE class that extends REInterface.
• Practicing recursive algorithms to parse a regular expression and build an NFA object.
3 Specification
• You are given one package re, one jar file CS361FA.jar with its Javadocs in CS361FAdocs.zip
and test cases. Below is the directory structure of the provided file:
|– re
| |-REDriver.java
| |-REInterface.java
|– tests
| |– p3tc1.txt
| |– p3tc2.txt
| |– p3tc3.txt
|– CS361FA.jar
|– CS361FAdocs.zip
CS361FA.jar contains binaries, i.e., class files, of NFAs and DFAs. To compile re.REDriver
from the top directory of these files you will have to include the jar file into the Java’s
classpath as follows :
[you@onyx]$ javac -cp “.:./CS361FA.jar” re/REDriver.java
Where “-cp” option tells Java’s Virtual Machine where to look for classes. In our case we say
look from the current directory, i.e., “.” and inside “./CS361FA.jar”, “:” is the separator
of different locations in Unix environment. Similarly, to run re.REDriver use the same
additions to the classpath:
[you@onyx]$ java -cp “.:./CS361FA.jar” re.REDriver ./tests/p3tc1.txt
In order to use this jar file in Eclipse you need to add it as an external jar to your build path.
We also provide you with Javadocs for classes and methods inside the jar file. We encourage
you to explore it and familiarize yourself with the interfaces of the provided classes (basically
what we had in the first two projects).
3.1 Input file
The input file has the following format:
• The first line of a file is a regular expression, which consists of the following seven
characters only: a, b, e, |, (, ) and ∗
The character | represents the union operator, the character ∗
is the start operator,
and e denotes the empty string. The alphabet contains only symbols a and b. (, ) are
used to set the precedence of the operations. Regular expressions are always valid.
• After the first line, the following lines contain some input strings, one per line. Your
program should determine whether each of them is a member of the language described
by the regular expression. An input string contains only a, b and e characters. All
input strings are valid strings over the alphabet.
Here is an example of the input file:
We will give you three test files and the expected outputs, but we encourage you to create
several of your own.
3.2 re.REDriver (provided class, the driver class)
Note: You don’t need to modify the class. You will use it to test your RE implementation.
In re package you are given a class named REDriver that reads the input file, instantiates a
corresponding RE object, obtains an equivalent NFA, then the equivalent DFA and simulates
that DFA instance on each input string. REDriver is adequately documented. Please read
the comments. This class takes the test case as the input and produces the following output:
”yes” if the string in the language and ”no” if the string is not in the language. Refer to
Sample Input/Output section for examples.
3.3 re.RE (class you need to implement)
The class must implement re.REInterface interface and have a constructor that takes a
RegEx string as its only parameter. re.REInterface has only one getNFA() method. It
returns the equivalent NFA for the RegEx used to instantiate RE object. getNFA() is where
the majority of the effort you will have to allocate. This method should parse a RegEx and
build an NFA from the leaves up of the corresponding parse tree.
Note: Read on recursive descent parser https://matt.might.net/articles/parsingregex-with-recursive-descent/.
Your code should not build an explicit parse tree as it is shown in the recursive descent parser
explanations, but instead build an NFA.
For example, instead of
private RegEx factor(){
RegEx base = base();

return base;
your code should be
private NFA factor(){
NFA baseNFA = base();

return baseNFA;
and so on. Also, you should not have inner classes – they are only useful when we create an
explicit parse tree. Please do not copy and paste the code from the link, but rather use it
as guide to write your own recursive decent parser.
You will be using the NFA library provided in CS361FA.jar file. Please read the documentation to understand how NFA class works and how NFAState works. These APIs are a bit
different from the NFA requirements of p1p2.
4 Sample Input/Output
Below is the sample input/output for the first test cases provided to you.
[you@onyx p1p3]$ cat ./tests/p3tc1.txt
[you@onyx p1p3]$ java -cp “.: ./CS361FA.jar” re.REDriver ./tests/p3tc1.txt
[you@onyx p1p3]$ cat ./tests/p3tc2.txt
[you@onyx p1p3]$ java -cp “.: ./CS361FA.jar” re.REDriver ./tests/p3tc2.txt
[you@onyx p1p3]$ cat ./tests/p3tc3.txt
[you@onyx p1p3]$ java -cp “.: ./CS361FA.jar” re.REDriver ./tests/p3tc3txt
5 Grading Rubrics
1. 5 points – the properly commented (Javadocs and inline comments) code and Javadocs generated without errors.
2. 5 points – the properly formatted and detailed README.
3. 3 points – program submitted correctly, compiles and runs on onyx.
4. 10 points – the code quality, i.e., easy to read, proper data structures used and proper variable
5. 5 points – no intermediate parse tree is generated and no inner classes created.
6. 72 points for program running correctly. Programs running longer than 30 second will be
killed) There will be 12 test cases (3 of them are available to you), each with 6 input strings.
If your program gives the correct output for an input string, you get 1 point. Thus, you can
get a maximum of 72 points for all 12 × 6 = 72 inputs strings in 72 test cases.
6 Submitting Project 1 Part 3
If you haven’t done it already, add a Javadoc comment to your program. It should be located
immediately before the class header and after each method
• Have a class javadoc comment before the class.
• Your class comment must include the @author tag at the end of the comment. This will list
you as the author of your software when you create your documentation.
• Use @param and @return tags. Use inline comments to describe how you’ve implemented
methods and to describe all your instance variables.
• Check the correctness of generating documentation for your program with the following
javadoc -author -d doc re/RE.java
This will put the document output in a folder named “doc”. Check to see if it did using the
“ls” command.
• Open the generated documentation page using Firefox or Google Chrome
google-chrome doc/index.html
Include a plain-text file called README that describes your program and how to use it. Expected formatting and content are described in README TEMPLATE. An example is available
You will follow the same process for submitting each project.
1. Open a console and navigate to the project directory containing your source files,
2. Remove all the .class files using the command:
rm *.class
3. In the same directory, execute the submit command :
submit cs361 cs361 p1p3
4. Look for the success message and timestamp. If you don’t see a success message and timestamp, make sure the submit command you used is EXACTLY as shown
Required Source Files
Make sure the names match what is here exactly
• RE.java in re package.
After submitting, you may check your submission using the ”check” command. In the example
submit -check cs361 cs361 p1p3