CS 300 homework 1 solution


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In this homework, we are going to learn about how search engines such as Google do their
searches really fast. These search engines search hundreds of millions web pages to see
if they have the words that you have typed, and they can do this for thousands of users
at a given time. In order to do these searches really fast, search engines such as Google
do a lot of what we call preprocessing of the pages they search; that is, they transform
the contents of a web page (which for the purposes of this homework, we will assume to
consist of only strings) into a structure that can be searched very fast. Here is the basic
• Let us assume we have millions of documents, D1, D2, . . . D19234678, . . ., each consisting of hundreds or thousands of words. We identify each document by its number,
e.g., 1, 2, . . . 19234678, . . . .
• Since almost all the time these documents contain material in a human language,
many words (such as the, or geliyor ) most likely appear in many of the documents
in a given language. Some words such as the or bir appear in perhaps all documents
in a given language, while words such as Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch1 or esneyemeyense2 appear in relatively few documents.
• For each unique word, we construct a linked list of document numbers representing
the set of documents that word appears in. We ignore details such as how many
times a word appears in that document or where in the document it appears in, etc.
1Which is the name of a town in Wales, Great Britain.
2Which happens to be the longest palindromic Turkish word.
Figure 1: Conceptual layout of the sample database
For instance if the word Sabanci appears in documents D2, D4, D6, we associate
the list (2, 4, 6) with the string Sabanci. So, preprocessing involves finding ALL
unique words AND creating a list of ALL documents numbers for the documents
that contain that word somewhere.
• Once we finish preprocessing, we are ready to answer queries. Suppose we want
to find all documents that contain the words Sabanci and University. We first
identify the list of documents containing Sabanci and then identify the list of documents containing University and then intersect these, to get the list of documents
containing both strings, and return the documents corresponding to these results
as the answer. Of course, if you have more keywords, you keep on intersecting the
result of the first intersection with the list for the third keyword, etc.
Here is how we expect you to attack this problem:
• Our main database of strings will be implemented as a list.3 Each object we store
in that list will be a pair of strings and their associated document lists. If in addition, University appears in documents D3, D6, D9, D12, and bilgisayar appears
in documents D6, D9, D17, D21, our database will conceptually look like Figure 1.
• You should see that we use lists for two purposes: we use lists to store the list of
documents associated with each string and we use lists to store the string-document
3As we will see later in the course, this is NOT the fastest method to implement this database.
list pairs. You may want to make sure that that list sorted based on the string values.
It is also important that the list containing the document numbers associated with
a string, is sorted in ascending order of the documents numbers.
• When you are given a query – a series of words – you search the database to locate
the list nodes containing the words, and then retrieve their associated document
lists and then intersect them.
Your task for this homework involves the following:
• You should supplement the basic list class with any additional functionality you feel
you need. For instance, you may add methods for intersecting two lists, reversing a
list, or inserting an element to its right place in a sorted list, etc. You should also
define a class to handle the pairs of strings and lists of integers. Make sure you have
reasonable documentation that lets us figure out what you are doing. You are free
to use any source code we discussed in class.
• Your main program will read the database from a file called docdb.txt. Each line
in this file will be a pair of string and a document number. For instance for the
database above, the input file may look like.
computer 21
Sabanci 4
Sabanci 6
University 6
University 12
computer 17
University 3
computer 9
computer 6
Sabanci 2
University 9
Obviously any permutation of the lines above constitutes a valid database file for
the data above. If some line is mistakenly repeated in the file you should ignore
that line.
• You will then read query strings from the standard input. To simplify matters, each
query will consist of a positive number and that many strings. For instance the
3 Sabanci University computer
asks for all documents numbers containing the strings Sabanci, University and computer.
If the number you read is 0, then the program should terminate without reading
any further strings.
• The output for a query should consists of a line containing the query strings in the
order given in the input, followed the number of documents found and then the
matching document numbers in increasing order. There should be exactly 1 space
between the strings and numbers in the output. For instance, for the query above
the output will be
Sabanci University computer 1 6
indicating that there is only one document – document 6 – that has all the three
If however you have a query like
1 microelectronics
your output will
microelectronics 0
Indicating that there are 0 documents matching.
Your code should be submitted to SUCourse at the deadline given on the first page. You
should follow the following steps:
• name the folder containing your source files as XXXX-NameLastname where XXXX
is your student number. For instance if your student number is 5432 and your name
is Ali Mehmetoˇglu, the folder will be named 5432-AliMehmetoglu. Make sure you
do NOT use any Turkish characters in the folder name. You should remove any
folders containing executables (Debug or Release), since they take up too much
• Compress your folder to a compressed file named
5432-AliMehmetoglu.zip. After you compress, please make sure it uncompresses
• You then submit this compressed file in accordance with the deadlines above.
If the file you submitted is not labeled properly as above, if it does not uncompress, if
the source code does not compile and if it does not work for the input we will use, as
specified, we regretfully will have to give you 0 credit for the homework. So please make
sure all these steps work properly.