First Steps Your first task is to copy all of the files from the Git repository that you will be modifying/using for homework1. First, make sure you have created a Java Project within your workspace (something like MyCS2223). Be sure to modify the build path so this project will have access to the shared code I provide in the git repository. To do this, select your project and right-click on it to bring up the Properties for the project. Choose the option Java Build Path on the left and click the Projects tab. Now Add… the AlgosD19 project to your build path. Published Version: 8:46 AM March 12 2019 (revised 11:30 AM 3/14/19) Once done, create the package USERID.hw1 inside this project which is where you will complete your work (for the whole term. You likely will have packages for each of the homework assignments). Start by copying the following files into your USERID.hw1 package. algs.hw1.arraysolution.BandedArraySolution USERID.hw1.BandedArraySolution algs.hw1.arraysolution.RowOrderedArraySolution USERID.hw1.RowOrderedArraySolution algs.hw1.arraysolution.SpiralArraySolution USERID.hw1.SpiralArraySolution algs.hw1.q4.Computation USERID.hw1.Computation algs.hw1.Evaluate USERID.hw1.Evaluate algs.hw1.WrittenQuestions.txt USERID.hw1.WrittenQuestions.txt In this way, I can provide sample code for you to easily modify and submit for your assignment. This homework has a total of 104 points. If you do all bonus work (do not attempt until completing the full homework!!) you can earn an additional four points. Note that the amount of work to complete the bonus points is not proportional to the few points that you will achieve. Published Version: 8:46 AM March 12 2019 (revised 11:30 AM 3/14/19) Q1. Stack Experiments (30 pts.) On page 129 of the book there is an implementation of a rudimentary calculator using two stacks for expression evaluation. I have created the Evaluate class which you should copy into your USERID.hw1 package. Note that all input (as described in the book) must have spaces that cleanly separate all operators and values. Note 1.2 has a space before final closing “)”. 1.1.(4 pts.) Run this program on input “( 2 + 3 + 4 )” 1.2.(4 pts.) Run this program on input “( 9 – – 2 )” (there is a space between the minus signs) 1.3.(4 pts.) Run this program on input “- 99” (there is a space between the minus sign and the 9). 1.4.(4 pts.) Run this program on input “( 2 * 3 + 7 / 4 )” 1.5.(4 pts.) Run this program on input “( ( ( 3 * 7 ) + ( 8 * 2 ) ) / 8 )” 1.6.(5 pts.) Modify Evaluate to support two new operations a. Add a new modulo operation “A % B” that computes the remainder when dividing A by B. Note this also works for floating point values, thus “5.5 % 1.5” should equal 1.0 b. Add a new floor operation ceiling which computes the smallest integer greater than or equal to x. This operator is a unary operator (like sqrt for square root). The Math.ceil(double) method will be useful for you. 1.7.(5 pts.) Run your program on input “( ceiling ( 8.625 % 3.5 ) )” and be sure to explain the result of the computation in your WrittenQuestions.txt file. For each of these questions (a) state the observed output; (b) describe the state of the ops stack when the program completes; (c) describe the state of the vals stack when the program completes. Note: If, to an empty stack, you push the value “1”, “2” and then “3”, the state of this stack is represented as [“3”, “2”, “1”] where the top of the stack contains the value “3” on the left, and the bottommost element of the stack, the value “1”, is on the right. An empty stack is represented as []. Write the answers to these questions in the “WrittenQuestions.txt” text file. For question 1.6, modify your copy of the Evaluate class and be sure to include this revised class in your submission. Published Version: 8:46 AM March 12 2019 (revised 11:30 AM 3/14/19) Q2. ArraySearch Programming Exercise (30 pts.) You are given an nxn two dimensional (2D) square array of unique, positive integer values. Each value, a[r][c] in the array, is greater than 0 and smaller than or equal to 𝑛 3 . You can inspect the value of any cell in the array by calling inspect(r, c) where r is the desired row (0 r < n) and c is the desired column (0 c < n). Without knowing any information about the way values are stored in the array, the following locate method will identify the row and column of a desired target value (if it exists in the array) or simply return null if it can’t be found. public int[] locate(int target) { int n = this.length(); for (int r = 0; r < n; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) { if (inspect(r,c) == target) { return new int[] { r, c }; // return (row, col) where found } } } return null; // not found } In the best case, the target value you are looking for is in (row=0, col=0) and so only one array inspection is required. In the worst case, the target value is not in the array and you have to inspect all 𝑛 2 values. If you execute algs.hw1.arraysolution.UnknownArraySolution, it will create a sample 13×13 array and run a trial to look for all numbers from 1 to 𝑛 3 ; in this case, n=13, so it will call locate on the 2,197 values from 1 to 2,197. As you can see from the program output, it requires a total of 357,907 inspections of the array to locate each value (that is, find its location in the array or determine it is not present). If you modify the main method in UnknownArraySolution to create a 3×3 array, the trial searches for 27 values; create a 5×5 array and it searches for 125 values. Below are the two arrays that are created: As you can see, the smallest number (upper left corner) is n, the largest value is 𝑛 2 ∗ (𝑛 − 1) + 1 and the difference between subsequent numbers is 𝑛 − 1. On a 13×13 array, trial requires 357,097 inspections. I am asking you to write several more efficient locate methods if you know the nxn array has a specific structure. Draw inspiration from BINARY ARRAY SEARCH presented in class for searching for a value within a one-dimensional array of sorted values. Your locate method must call inspect(r,c) every time it checks the value of the cell in row r and column c. This is done to properly count the number of times your code inspects the array. Trying to work around this restriction might cause you to lose points on this question. 0 1 2 0 3 5 7 1 9 11 13 2 15 17 19 0 1 2 3 4 0 5 9 13 17 21 1 25 29 33 37 41 2 45 49 53 57 61 4 65 69 73 77 81 5 85 89 93 97 101 Published Version: 8:46 AM March 12 2019 (revised 11:30 AM 3/14/19) Q2.1 RowOrderedArraySolution A RowOrderedArray is a two-dimensional, square nxn array of unique, positive integers with the following properties: 1. Each row contains ascending values from left to right. 2. Each of the values in row 0 k < (n-1) are smaller than the values in row (k+1) Here is a sample 5×5 RowOrderedArray, with each row colored differently. 1 3 9 11 12 13 23 24 25 29 35 36 37 44 47 48 52 54 55 60 63 72 77 78 79 Your goal is to modify RowOrderedArraySolution to write a more efficient locate method that takes advantage of the structure of a RowOrderedArray. Task 2.1 (10 points): Complete locate method in RowOrderedArraySolution and ensure that on a 13×13 array, the sample trial completes with fewer than 20,000 array inspections. Hint: BINARY ARRAY SEARCH can come to your rescue Q2.1.1 Bonus (+1 bonus point) Only attempt the bonus point after you have completed the first part. Get an extra bonus point if you achieve (or do better than) 16,394 array inspections on the sample 13×13 array. Published Version: 8:46 AM March 12 2019 (revised 11:30 AM 3/14/19) Q2.2 BandedArraySolution A BandedArray is a two-dimensional, square nxn array of unique, positive integers with the following properties: 1. The smallest value is in the upper left cell A[0][0] 2. The largest value is in the upper right cell A[0][n-1] 3. Each of the upper-left k-by-k cells (0 < k < n) is smaller than any of the other n*n – k*k cells 4. There are k “bands” in the array containing values in ascending order, each starting on one of the left-most cells A[r][0], heading right to A[r][r], then heading up to stop at A[0][r]. Here is a sample 5×5 BandedArray, with each band colored a different color. 1 4 9 16 25 2 3 8 15 24 5 6 7 14 23 10 11 12 13 22 17 18 19 20 21 Your goal is to modify BandedArraySolution to write a more efficient locate method that takes advantage of the structure of a BandedArray. Task 2.2 (10 points): Complete locate method in BandedArraySolution and ensure that on a 13×13 array, the sample trial completes with fewer than 20,000 array inspections. Hint: Can BINARY ARRAY SEARCH come to your rescue; this time perhaps think diagonally? Q2.2.1 Bonus (+1 bonus point) Only attempt the bonus point after you have completed the first part. Get an extra bonus point if you achieve (or do better than) 17,253 array inspections on the sample 13×13 array. Published Version: 8:46 AM March 12 2019 (revised 11:30 AM 3/14/19) Q2.3 SpiralArraySolution A SpiralArray is a two-dimensional, square nxn array of unique, positive integers where n is an odd number. The properties of a SpiralArray are as follows: 1. The smallest value is in the innermost cell A[n/2][n/2] 2. The largest value is in the lower right cell A[n–1][n–1] 3. All values appear in ascending order in a counterclockwise spiral from the innermost cell to the lower right cell. Here is a sample 5×5 SpiralArray. 17 16 15 14 13 18 5 4 3 12 19 6 1 2 11 20 7 8 9 10 21 22 23 24 25 Your goal is to modify SpiralArraySolution to write a more efficient locate method that takes advantage of the structure of a SpiralArray. Task 2.3 (10 points): Complete locate method in SpiralArraySolution and ensure that on a 13×13 array, the sample trial completes with fewer than 10,000 array inspections. Hint: Can BINARY ARRAY SEARCH come to your rescue; again thinking diagonally? Q2.3.1 Bonus (+1 bonus point) Only attempt the bonus point after you have completed the first part. Get an extra bonus point if you achieve (or do better than) 7,273 array inspections on the sample 13×13 array. Published Version: 8:46 AM March 12 2019 (revised 11:30 AM 3/14/19) Q3. Counting Computations Exercise (20 pts.) To understand the performance of an algorithm, one must count the number of times that key operations are executed. The UnknownArraySolution program is concerned with how many times you inspect the array using inspect(r, c) while trying to locate numbers from 1 to 𝑛 3 . If you modify the main method of UnknownArraySolution to change the size of the nxn square array under consideration, you will see the following output values: n # Array Inspections 3 207 4 904 5 2825 6 7146 … … 13 357097 Task 3.1 (10 points): Construct a function f(n) that accurately models the number of array inspections required by UnknownArraySolution for an nxn square array. Confirm you have the proper f(n) by validating that it computes f(13) = 357097. For example, f(n) = 𝑛 5 − 4𝑛 2 works for n=3, but doesn’t properly compute the other values in the table. Now review the ImprovedUnknownArraySolution program. This solution first identifies the smallest and largest values in the nxn array (shown in the table below) and uses this information to reduce the number of array inspections. n # Array Inspections min max 3 126 3 19 4 632 4 49 5 2150 5 101 6 5742 6 181 … … … … 13 326846 13 2029 Task 3.2 (10 points): Construct a function g(n) that accurately models the number of array inspections required by ImprovedUnknownArraySolution for an nxn square array. Confirm you have the proper g(n) by validating that it computes g(13) = 326846. As a hint, observe that in the nxn array created by UnknownArraySearch.create(n), its smallest value is n and its largest value is 𝑛 2 ∗ (𝑛 − 1) + 1. Published Version: 8:46 AM March 12 2019 (revised 11:30 AM 3/14/19) Q4. Stack Programming Exercise (20 pts.) In the algs.hw1.q4 package there is a Computation class that you must copy into your USERID.hw1 package and modify to work properly. There are two parts to this question: 4.1 (10 points) Complete the implementation of factorize(n) which returns a stack of integer values, Stack, with the resulting factors on the stack in reverse order (assume that n > 1). Invocation Stack contents on return factorize (2913732) [23, 23, 17, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2] factorize (2913731) [2039, 1429] factorize (2913727) [2913727] When reading the stack representation above, recall that the left-most element is the top of the stack while the right-most element is at the bottom of the stack. 4.2(10 points) Complete the implementation of isSquare(Stack factors) which takes a stack of factors (as produced by factorize) and returns true if the factors (when multiplied together) represents a perfect square. Invocation Is perfect square Actual number was… isSquare ([3,3,2,2,2,2]) true 144 isSquare ([5,3,2,2,2]) false 120 isSquare ([199,199]) true 39601 isSquare ([5,5,3,3,2,2]) true 900 isSquare ([1707,1707]) True 2913849 Once your program is done, be sure to validate that it works on the values in the above table. Published Version: 8:46 AM March 12 2019 (revised 11:30 AM 3/14/19) Bonus Questions In developing this homework, I encountered some nice problems that I decided to make optional and only worth 1 extra point. Please do not attempt these questions until you have completed the rest of the homework. Also, understand that it may take hours to complete these questions… BQ5. FractalArraySolution (+1 bonus point) If you want an even more challenging bonus problem, copy algs.hw1.arraysearch.bonus.FractalArraySolution into your project area and modify it to work. Can you achieve (or do better than) 6,739 array inspections on a sample 14×14 array. Note that the arrays FractalArraySolution must be of a specific size (n = 2, 6, 14, 30, 62, …) Published Version: 8:46 AM March 12 2019 (revised 11:30 AM 3/14/19) Submission Details Each student is to submit a single ZIP file that will contain the implementations. In addition, there is a file “WrittenQuestions.txt” in which you are to complete the short answer problems on the homework. The best way to prepare your ZIP file is to export your entire USERID.hw1 package to a ZIP file using Eclipse. Select your package and then choose menu item “Export…” which will bring up the Export wizard. Expand the General folder and select Archive File then click Next. You will see something like the above. Make sure that the entire “hw1” package is selected and all of the files within it will also be selected. Then click on Browse… to place the exported file on disk and call it or something like that. Then you will submit this single zip file in as your homework1 submission. Addendum If you discover anything materially wrong with these questions, be sure to contact the professor or TA/SAs posting to the discussion forum for HW1 on piazza. When I make changes to the questions, I enter my changes in red colored text as shown here.