Writ a C++ program that will evaluate an infix expression. The algorithm REQUIRED for this
program will use two stacks, an operator stack and a value stack. Both stacks MUST be
implemented using a dynamic array class (not struct) that you write.
The commands used by this system are listed below and are to come from standard input. Your
program is to prompt the user for input and display error messages for unknown commands. The
code in proj5Base.cpp already does this for you. You are expected to use that code as the base
for your project.
Command Description
q Quit the program.
? List the commands used by this program and a brief description of how
to use each one.
Evaluate the given infix expression and display its result.
The will only use the operators of addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division and the parentheses. It will also only contain unsigned (i.e. positive) integer values. We
obviously could allow for more operators and more types of values, but the purpose of this
assignment is to focus on writing C++ classes and not on complicated arithmetic expressions.
Infix Expression are when the operators of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are
listed IN between the values. Infix Expressions require the use of parentheses to express nonstandard precedence. Examples of Infix Expressions are:
42 + 64
60 + 43 * 18 + 57
(60 + 43) * (18 + 57)
18 – 12 – 3
18 – (12 – 3)
The simplest algorithm to evaluate an Infix Expression includes a translation from an Infix
expression to a Postfix Expression and then evaluating the Postfix Expression. The algorithm
that we will use combines the translation and evaluation into a single algorithm. So the
following short discussion of Postfix expression may be useful in understanding our algorithm.
Note that all of these algorithms requires the use of stacks; hence, the reason for the stack class.
Postfix Expressions are when the operators of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
are list AFTER (i.e. “post”) the values. Postfix Expression never require the use of parentheses
to express non-standard precedence. The fact that postfix expressions do not need parentheses
makes them much easier to evaluate than infix expressions. In fact, most computers first
convert infix expression to a postfix expression and then evaluate that postfix expression.
A postfix expression is evaluated using a stack. When a value is encountered, it is pushed onto
the stack. When an operator is encountered, two values are popped from the stack. Those
CS 211 – Programming Practicum Spring 2019
values are evaluated using the operation implied by the operator. Then the result is pushed back
onto the stack. When the end of a postfix expression is encountered, the value on the top of the
stack is the result of the expression. There should only be one value on the stack when the end
of the postfix expression is encountered.
Examples of Postfix Expressions are:
42 64 +
60 43 18 * + 57 +
60 43 + 18 57 + *
18 12 – 3 –
18 12 3 – –
Both the algorithm to convert an infix expression to a postfix expression and the algorithm to
evaluate a postfix expression require the use of stacks. Note that the conversion algorithm
requires a stack of operators, while the evaluation algorithm requires a stack of values.
For this program, you are to write the following methods for the dynamic array stack class:
void init( ); // initialize the stack for use THIS MAY BE A CONSTRUCTOR
bool isEmpty ( ); // return true if the stack has no members
void push (data); // add the data to the top of stack; grow dynamic array if needed
data top ( ); // return the data value on the top of the stack
void pop ( ); // remove the data value from the top of the stack
void reset ( ); // “clear” the stack to remove any values it contains
For this program, your dynamic array MUST start with 2 positions in the array. When the array
needs to grow, it size MUST grow by 2 additional positions each time (note the array to grow in
size from 2 to 4 to 6 to 8 to 10 to …). Note the init( ) method to set up the stack should really be
a constructor (but could be a normal method). You can also write a “topPop( )” method that
combine both the top and pop operations in a single method. Also, note that since the values
from the infix expressions will all be integer values (we will only do integer division), and since
the operators can all be represented as characters (which is a sub-class of integers), you are more
than welcome to write a single stack class which store integers to be used for both stacks.
The instance/variable containing for each stack MUST be declared as a local variable to some
method (it may be as a local variable to a method other than main( ) ). It may NOT be global.
Each operation performed on the stack MUST be done in its own method. ALL data members of
the stack class MUST use access modifier of private.
CS 211 – Programming Practicum Spring 2019
Algorithm for Infix to Postfix Conversation and Postfix Evaluation
When getting the input for an infix expression, the program proj5Base.cpp breaks everything
down into “tokens”. There are 3 types of tokens we are mostly concerned with: an OPERATOR
token, a VALUE token and the EndOfLine token. The code in the function processExpression()
already checks for these token but you will need to add the code how to interact with the stacks.
First step:
Empty both the OperatorStack and the ValueStack
Second Step:
While (the current token is not the EndOfLine Token)
if ( the current token is a VALUE )
push the value onto the ValueStack
if ( the current token is an OPERATOR )
if ( the current operator is an Open Parenthesis )
push the Open Parenthesis onto the OperatorStack
if ( the current operator is + or – )
while ( the OperatorStack is not Empty &&
the top of the OperatorStack is +, -, * or / )
popAndEval ( )
push the current operator on the OperatorStack
if ( the current operator is * or / )
while ( the OperatorStack is not Empty &&
the top of the OperatorStack is * or / )
popAndEval ( )
push the current operator on the OperatorStack
if ( the current operator is a Closing Parenthesis )
while ( the Operator Stack is not Empty &&
the top of the OperatorStack is not an Open Parenthesis )
popAndEval ( )
if (the OperatorStack is Empty )
print an error message
pop the Open Parenthesis from the OperatorStack
get the next token from the input
Third Step:
Once the EndOfLine token is encountered
while (the OperatorStack is not Empty )
popAndEval ( )
Print out the top of the ValueStack at the result of the expression
Popping the ValueStack should make it empty, print error if not empty
The error statements in the above algorithm should only occur if an invalid infix expression is
given as input. You are not required to check for any other errors in the input.
The above algorithm calls another algorithm called popAndEval ( ) which is shown below. This
algorithm plays a critical role in the overall Evaluation of our expressions.
CS 211 – Programming Practicum Spring 2019
op = top (OperatorStack)
pop (OperatorStack)
v2 = top (ValueStack)
pop (ValueStack)
v1 = top (ValueStack)
pop (ValueStack)
v3 = eval ( v1, op, v2 )
push (ValueStack, v3)
To keep some of the error handling/recovery simple for this project, if you are trying to perform
a top operation on an empty ValueStack, print out an error message and return the value of -999.
If the operator op for eval ( ) is not one of *, /, + or -, print out and error message and return the
value of -999.
Command Line Argument: Debug Mode
Your program is to be able to take one optional command line argument, the -d flag. When this
flag is given, your program is to run in “debug” mode. When in this mode, your program should
display the operators and values as they are encountered in the input. The printf statements for
these are already included in the program proj5Base.cpp, so you just need to make them print
only if the –d flag is given.
When the flag is not given, this debugging information should not be displayed. One simple way
to set up a “debugging” mode is to use a boolean variable which is set to true when debugging
mode is turned on but false otherwise. This variable may be a global variable. Then using a
simple if statement controls whether information should be output or not.
if ( debugMode == TRUE )
printf (” Debugging Information \n”);
Provided Code for the User Inteface
The code given in proj5Base.cpp should properly provide for the user interface for this program
including all command error checking. This program has no code for the stacks. It is your job to
write the methods for the specified operations and make the appropriate calls. Most of the
changes to the existing program need to be made in the processExpression ( ) method.
Note: the instances containing the operator stack and value stack are required to be a local
variable in a function. The function processExpression() is strongly suggested as the function in
which to declared the instances of these stacks.
CS 211 – Programming Practicum Spring 2019
Use of Existing C++ Libraries
You are responsible to write the code for the dynamic array stacks yourself! This is the
primary purpose of this project. Since the C++ Standard Template Libraries already contain a
class called Stack, you should name your class something like MyStack to avoid confusion.
You are not allowed to use any of the classes from the C++ Standard Template Libraries in this
program. These classes include ArrayList, Vector, LinkedList, List, Set, Stack, HashMap, etc.
If you need such a class, you are to write it yourself. These are sometimes called the C++
Standard Container Library. A full listing of the C++ Standard Template Libraries can be found
Your program is to be written using at least two source code files. All of the storage structure
code (the stack code) is to be in one source code file. While the other file (or files if you wish to
have more than two source code files) would contain the remainder of the program. You are to
include a makefile that creates an executable called proj5.
Coding Style
Don’t forget to use good coding style when writing your program. Good coding style makes
your program easier to be read by other people as the compiler ignores these parts/differences in
your code. Elements of good code style include (but may not be limited to):
• Meaningful variable names
• Use of functions/methods
• Proper indentation
• Use of blank lines between code sections
• In-line comments
• Function/method header comments
• File header comments
The Code Review Checklist also hints at other elements of good coding style.
Program Submission
You are to submit the programs for this lab via the Assignments Page in Blackboard.
To help the TA, name the file containing the main( ) method that starts your program with your
net-id and the assignment name, like:
• netidProj5.cpp
Since we are to have multiple source code files, please zip all of your code files together into a
file name with your net-id and the assignment name, like:
CS 211 – Programming Practicum Spring 2019
Comments on the Program and Given Algorithm
The algorithm provided will properly evaluate a properly written infix expression. The
algorithm does SOME error checking, but does not do ALL possible error checking. To perform
all of the possible error checking, the algorithm would need to be much, much larger and more
complex than provided here. So, your program is not expected to give “intelligent answers” for
all possible inputs. Again, your program MUST provide the proper result for any valid
infix expression. If the input given is not a valid infix expression, the algorithm may give you
an error message or it may calculate an output (which may or may not be meaningful).
As was stated above, the purpose of this assignment is to focus on writing and using C++
classes and not on complicated arithmetic expressions or on proper error recovery of invalid
input. Such a program could be written, but that is beyond the scope of what this project is
attempting to accomplish.
Also, since the purpose of this assignment is to focus on WRITING a C++ class, you may NOT
use C++ templates in this program. There are too many sources of a template C++ stack class
available on the web. Using such code only shows that you know how to copy and paste code
from the internet, so you are NOT allow to use C++ templates for this program.