CPSC 313: Computer Hardware and Operating Systems Assignment #1 solution


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1 Objectives
This assignment is to be done alone.
After completing this assignment, you should be able to
• read programs written using the x86-64 ISA, and explain what each instruction does,
• identify the correspondences between assembly and C code fragments,
• translate programs written in C or x86-64 assembly language into Y86 assembly language.
2 Introduction
In CPSC 213, you learned how a C compiler translates constructs into assembly language
using SM213, a fictional ISA developed specifically for that course. The goals of this lab are
to allow you to refresh your understanding of assembly language, deepen your knowledge of
the IA32/x86-64 instruction set architectures (which you may have touched upon in CPSC
213, but without going into any depth), and help you become more familiar with the Y86
subset of the IA32 ISA that we will be using in class for the first part of the course, and
the next several assignments.
Code for this assignment is provided in code.zip available in Piazza as part of the
posting announcing this assignment.
3 Understanding x86-64 Assembly language
The procedure below, stored in file heapsort.c, implements the heapsort algorithm. Use
the command gcc -O2 -S heapsort.c (do not forget any of the arguments) to get the gcc
compiler to produce assembly code for this procedure. You must use a machine running a
64-bit linux distribution, such as remote.ugrad.cs.ubc.ca, or any one of the machines in
room ICCS 005.
void heapsort(int last) {
int i;
if (last < 0) return;
for (i = last; i >= 0; i–) {
heap[i] = extract_max(i);
Now, comment every line in the assembly code to explain what it does. Be sure to indicate
the correspondence between C and Assembly code, i.e., which assembly instructions implement which lines of the C program. Ignore the setup and the tear-down code, that is, only
comment the lines after
and before
and ignore all assembler directives such as .cfi def cfa offset or .p2align.
A word of caution if you are using your own machine. Different compiler/OS combinations can result in different code being produced by the compiler. Even a slight change
between compiler versions can result in different code. As a result, for consistency and ease
of marking, the output being commented, and hence marked, must match the output as
produced by the compilers on the department’s undergraduate Linux machines.
4 Setting up the simulator
Instructions for installing the simulator form part of the information posted with the announcement of this assignment. Pay particular attention to the instructions at the end of
the handout that describe how to run the reference simulators from the command line.
5 Writing Y86 Assembly language programs
In the next several assignments, you will write Y86 assembly language programs to test some
modifications that you will be asked to make to the simulator. As a warm-up exercise for
these assignments, rewrite the code from the file heapsort.c into Y86 assembly language.
Start from the file heapsort.s you worked with in Section 3, and translate it more or less
line by line. If you prefer, you can write the Y86 program from scratch.
In either case your function must assume that the value of last is provided in register
%eax. Similarly, when you call heapify array and extract max, you should pass the
argument through register %eax, and the value returned by function extract max will be
in %eax when it returns. Your function is allowed to modify registers %eax, %ecx, %edx and
%ebx only. All other registers must have the same value when the function returns that
they did when it was called (you can of course use these registers as long as you save them
at the beginning of the function, and restore them to the old values at the end).
Do not forget that the x
th element of array heap is at address address(heap) + 4x, not
at address address(heap) + x. Your code must be well-commented. Source code for the
contents of file heapsort-main.c in file heapsort-student.s have been provided. Test
your solution by inserting your code for heapsort at the location indicated by
in file heapsort-student.s, and then running it through the simulator (use the reference
simlator SimpleMachine313Seq.jar) to verify that it sorts the array heap correctly.
6 Deliverables
You should use the handin program to submit your assignment. Create a subdirectory
∼/cs313 in your home directory, and then create the directory ∼/cs313/a1. You should
place the following files (and no others) in your a1 directory:
1. Your commented heapsort.s file.
2. A copy of the file heapsort-student.s that includes your Y86 implementation of the
heapsort function (with comments!).
3. A text file a1-info.txt1
that contains your name, your student number, and how
long it took you to do the assignment. Only report the time you actually spent, not
the time between when you started and finished. So “3 days” is not an acceptable
answer unless you actually worked on the assignment for 72 hours.
That is, the structure of the directory you submit should be the following:
poirot> ls a1
a1-info.txt heapsort.s heapsort-student.s
Once the three files listed above are in a directory called cs313/a1, run the command
handin cs313 a1. You can submit your assignment as often as you like up until 3 days
after the due date. Handin will warn you if you handing in an assignment after the due
date. Such assignments will be marked as late and penalized as indicated at the start of
this assignment description.
The marking scheme will be broken down roughly as follows: 10 marks for commenting the heapsort.s file generated by the gcc compiler, 14 marks for the Y86 version of
the heapsort function, and 1 mark for telling me how long you spent to complete the
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