Students will be able to develop code involving fundamental data structures, by implementing a solution
to a problem that requires the use of hash tables and collision resolution using chaining.
Assignment Problem
A symbol table is a data structure used by compilers to store information about identifiers in a program
such as variables, methods, and classes. In this exercise you are asked to implement a symbol table that
will store the identifiers of a Java program and their associated access modifiers (public, private,
protected, default/package-private).
The following aspects are to be observed:
– Element information is a pair (identifier, access), where identifier is the identifier name and
access is the corresponding access modifier. Both identifier and access are strings of characters.
– Elements will be read into your program from a text file with one pair (identifier, access) in each
line. For example,
x private
y public
p1 protected
firstName default
lastName default
taxValue public
– SymbolTable, your main data structure, will be implemented with a hash table that will store the
symbol table elements, i.e. pairs (identifier, access). Hash table size will be 13. The key of an
element is the identifier component.
– Collisions will be resolved using the chaining approach: elements with the same hash value are
stored in a linked list.
– Hash function to be used is the one implemented in class on exercise Prog23_01.
– To implement the linked list, use solution in Prog13_01 (Canvas Home/Week 3) modified to
meet the UML diagram given below.
– Several files accompany this project description:
• a test file assignment 4 input.txt,
• the implementation of the Main class (tests your code using file assignment 4 input.txt),
• the implementation of all toString methods required in the assignment,
• an example of the program output.
– The output of your program is expected to be similar to the output example provided.
The assignment is to be completed individually. The given problem is based on the content studied on
hashing and collision resolution.
You are allowed to use all of the code given in the lectures. In those cases, make sure you properly
credit its source.
The design is described in the UML class diagram:
-final int TABLESIZE = 13
-LinkedList[] table
-int hash(String key)
+void add(ElementType e)
+boolean search(String key)
+String toString()
+String identifier
+String access
+ElementType(String i, String a)
+String toString()
-ElementType info
-Node next
+ElemenType getInfo()
+Node getNext()
+void setInfo(ElementType x)
+void setNext(Node l)
-Node first
+void add(ElementType x)
+void remove(String x)
+boolean isEmpty()
+boolean search(String x)
+String toString()
+static void main(String[] args)
-final int HASHCONSTANT = 37
+void remove(String key)
• A compressed folder, PID Assignment 4 (e.g. 1234567 Assignment 4), containing
– all of the source code of the exercise (the .java files; do not include other files or folders
generated by the IDE)
– the screenshot of the running program. The screenshot will contain the IDE environment with
code (partial view of code is fine) and output window. The output window is expected to be
displayed in its entirety.
Make sure you write your Panther ID as the first line of each source file you submit (given as a
Grading Rubric
The assignment is worth 145 points (out of 1000 total course points). Grade components:
Component Points Description
Submission 5 The student has submitted the project solution using the
requirements for deliverables specified in the Deliverables section.
Organization 5 Code is expected to be neat, organized, and readable.
Content 135
Deliverable Points
SymbolTable class 45 pts
LinkedList class 45 pts
Node class 22 pts
ElementType class 14 pts
Screenshot 9 pts